Contents ---- Editorial: "Socialist": how far will they go? ---- Full-Lights: Against the
Occupation: Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions ---- Palestine: Against Apartheid, fighting
back, boycott! ---- LDJ and antisemites: the street is not the fascists ---- Palestine:
Kill, destroy and pulverize Gaza --- Struggles ---- Hotels: Class Struggle in palaces ----
Concrete Solidarity: The canteen is not dead ---- Assizes of the National Coordination
against the extreme right: Renewing the fight fascism ---- Agriculture: A thousand cows in
a factory farm ---- Testimonials: For a general refusal the DNA FILING ---- Unionism ----
Social Conference: Boycott CGT: entering a new period? ---- Union Anti-fascism: The FN is
trying to train on a railway siding ---- Act of March 5, 2014: Blind "social democracy":
democracy or social ---- Ecology ---- Interview activists of the FdCA: "The Val di Susa is
an important laboratory for many struggles"
Turkey: AKP colossus with feet of clay
Morocco: When power left to die a hunger striker
Third Fair of self-management: Crossroads of struggles
1864: The first Workers International was born in London
Interview with Matthew Leonard on the First International
Economic test: "The Great Devaluation"
BD History: "The absence of the South"
Marine Story "Brothers of the coast, Statement of defense Somali pirates hunted by all
the world powers
Memory of resistance: "A life of Adolpho Kaminsky. forger"
Editorial: How far will they go?
This was however not fault saying: austerity policies have never been lower unemployment!
Yet, good little soldier employers, Holland feels to do his duty by meeting all the
requirements of his master ... and then hope that it is not clear by what magic, nice
bosses agree to hire the poor unemployed.
Even the socialists no longer believe it is sufficient to separate the recalcitrant and
replay his advantage: Valls, the right man. If nothing works, so dig through. Some
socialists like Montebourg, Hamon or Filippetti prefer to leave the ship, hoping to escape
the sinking.
At the time of this writing, we still do not know what will the government Valls II, but
we imagine it will be difficult to do even more to the right without going to a pale copy
of the duo-Sarkozy Hortefeux. It is true that Valls has spent much of the summer to play
conciliator between Jews and Muslims. Apparently tolerance and universal harmony is stuff
And then it brings the massacre in Palestine a religious war beast that suspects
immigrants have had the nerve to bring home. Certainly, these "socialist" really intend to
sink, leaving it to a field of ruins where the far right will settle.
Libertarian Alternative 1 September 2014
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» (en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #242 - Contents + Editorial: "Socialist": how far will they go? (fr, pt)
(en) France, Alternative Libertaire AL #242 - Contents + Editorial: "Socialist": how far will they go? (fr, pt)
[machine translation]