Wiggle - Day 660

This morning we went on a little exploration!

You might remember that last week we walked up to Black Dog Halt and that in previous walks, we've been down to the river in town. After last week's walk I realised that if we had of carried on, we would have ended up by the river, so as today has been such a nice, warm and bright day, I decided that we would do the entire route.

We started off from home and walked down through the town. Wiggle and Sofy don't really go into the town centre but they were both very good and walked nicely.

After about 20 minutes, we were down by the river:

The town centre in the background:

Looking back towards the main road:

The bridge above the canal:

Plaque on the bridge:

We walked on and in no time at all, Wiggle was a VERY happy boy!

Wiggle and Sofy had lots of fun, in and out of the water:

Sofy waits for the ball:

And gets it!

Wiggle's turn:

Wiggle, pretending that he doesn't know where the ball is....

More play, with a little dog who preferred to paddle:

Splish, splash in the sunshine:

We walked on along the path, while Wiggle still wanted to play ball:

I have no idea what Sofy was looking at that was so interesting!

Wiggle still had his ball while Sofy was doing her own thing:

Home is over the hill! Last week we'd been at this same point & it was just starting to rain:

And this path was just all mud....

Spring flowers:

Wiggle, back at 'his' halt!

I had thought the walk would take us a couple of hours but in fact it was only an hour and a half. We all enjoyed it though, especially as the weather was so nice.

This afternoon I spent some time tidying in the garden, so Sir H came outside to sunbathe and keep me company:

Wiggle decided to join us while Sofy was inside, fast asleep on the sofa!

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