Ashes of Pringles inventor interred in a can

"Dr. Fredric J. Baur was so proud of having designed the container for Pringles potato crisps that he asked his family to bury him in one. His children honored his request. Part of his remains was buried in a Pringles can - along with a regular urn containing the rest - in his grave at Arlington Memorial Gardens in Springfield Township."

This reached the mainstream media, so I won't dwell on it, although I do applaud the whimsical nature of his request. What surprised me was when I looked further into this, found the Wiki page, and saw the incredible variety of flavors - different sets for the U.S., the Aussies, Japan, Europe, and so on. And the existence of "limited edition" flavors. Makes sense of course, but who knew?

I also peeked at eBay to see the prices people will pay for Pringles memorabilia or unusual flavors. It's a strange world we live in...

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