News From The Vacated Factory (2)

Remember Eli, the boy with a severe case of hematoma on his left ear? He was one of our first rescues from the vacated factory.

Eli at the empty factory with his left ear looking terribly swollen

Managed to catch him and take him to the vet

Eli has been warded at the vet for the past 10 days. He had an operation to drain the blood from his ear and was also sterilized. The hematoma in his ear was caused by a prolonged ear infection left untreated. Although the blood has been drained out and his ear is better and stitched up, his ear infection is still apparent.

A very sore ear caused by too much scratching 

Eli after his ear surgery and sterilization

Over the course of the past 2 weeks, we have sent in many dogs from the vacated factory, all for various reasons; sterilization, tick fever treatment, hematoma, maggot wound injuries and at one point of time, we had 7 dogs warded at the vet, all for various medical attention. Needless to say, our bills are starting to pile up again.

Still looking handsome despite his ear bandage

Eli is not ready to be released back to the vacated factory as his ear infection still requires daily cleaning and medication. However, we need to have him discharged from the vet as we have more sick dogs needing medical attention but we can afford so many in at one time.

Cute looking Eli

Eli is about a year old, vaccinated, sterilized and microchipped. He is very handsome and a very sweet boy; he reminds us of Oliver. We need someone to step up and foster him for 7 to 10 days before we can release back to the vacant factory. He is gentle and mild-mannered, he allows you to clean his ears without any protest. What a pleasant street dog.

Stitches on his inner ear from his hematoma surgery

If you can foster Eli for 7 to 10 days and do the following :
  • give Eli 2 walks a day (he will only pee on grass)
  • feed 2 meals a day
  • clean his ear and feed him his antibiotics twice a day
So handsome, reminds us of Baby Oliver

Please email us Your initiative will allow us to help more dogs from the vacant factory. Thank you.

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