What Is That Doing Here?!

I've mentioned many times that one of my favorite places to take Jedi is the Jacksonville Arboretum and Gardens. I love being surrounded by trees, listening to the wind, running streams and singing frogs. We can walk the trails for hours and not see another person. This is my happy place. In fact, I'm hesitant to talk about it because I'm afraid others will find it and infringe upon our solitude -- so let's keep it between us, OK? Anyway, last time we were at the Arboretum Jedi and I found this in the middle of the woods:


I think it's suppose to be some sort of art. Apparently I don't "get" art. Nonetheless I had Jedi hop inside so I could take a picture. Be happy the picture's in sepia. In real life this wayward bed frame is painted bright aqua and puce (that's a purple-brown color as hideous as it sounds). See what I mean? ==>

It's Sepia Saturday! Hop around and see what others have to say. And let me know if this thing in the woods makes any sense to you, OK? -- K