[machine translation]
The world's first nuclear Fair will be held from October 14 to 16 at Le Bourget (93),
along with the law will be debated on the energy transition... which is already heavily
loaded with the nuclear industry. ---- The French nuclear industry is pleased to host the
first global meeting of pure business in the sector. Will become biennial, this "nuclear
Bourget" wants an international business fair with over 400 exhibitors. D?magos,
organizers tout the commercial benefits and image SME sector and the prospect of 110,000
jobs generated by the "development of global nuclear from France." This figure is bogus
because with three EPR under construction or planned (Flamanville and two in Finland and
China), Areva would not exceed 15,000 creations, and more. But we must justify the support
of successive governments to the industry. Besides, it's almost the French government is
behind the show: the Nuclear Policy Council (which sit Energy Ministers, Foreign Trade,
Foreign Affairs, etc...) created in 2011 strategic nuclear systems committee (CNSF chaired
Proglio, CEO of EDF), which then has driven the Exporters Association of Nuclear
Industrial, whose primary mission... was to mount the show. And besides, it's what you pay
for! The organizational budget is secret, but it seems that government funds have
contributed to this.
A die on the offensive
Taking living in the same place as the 21st United Nations Conference on Climate Change
(COP21) in December 2015, and at the same time that the discussion of the law on the
energy transition, as the French nucleocrats looking to (re) gain market share market than
to put nuclear energy as an alternative to gas emitting greenhouse inculding fossil fuels,
perpetuating the myth of a carbon-free nuclear energy. The problem is that they have
already changed the provisions of the law. The "energy mix" of the Minister of Ecology
claims clamp the French nuclear generation, but we can reduce the share of nuclear energy
to 50% by 2025 while maintaining the production level through this horizon too distant
from 2050 to halve the total energy consumed. Another example, the living room boasts
French expertise in safety, "internationally recognized" and exportable. A shame since the
nuclear lobby has managed to undermine the obligation of control by the Nuclear Safety
Authority (ASN) of decommissioning arrested, getting a code change to the environment,
where the operator will dismantle " as soon as possible ", but according to procedures to
be defined by subsequent decree. And guess what bill is this unraveling? Again in that
Segolene Royal. Stubborn and arrogant, the nuclear lobby is not content to work behind the
scenes, it persists and signs with a global showcase. To answer these two offensives, a
demonstration will be held in Paris on October 11 at the initiative of the network out of
nuclear power.
Fanny (commission ecology)