[machine translation]
is not the first time that happens. This is not the first time that the unionized
workplace interweaves her struggle with basic social reality that in the territories, by
years, are supportive network and embankment of the conflict against the capitalist
devastation of life and the environment. ---- But this November 14 falls in the sixth year
of a crisis that is not just financial, economic and employment only. We are in the sixth
year of a crisis that points directly to undermine the foundations of freedom for workers
to organize themselves and unite in the workplace, to take to the streets to express their
opposition to the destruction of jobs and income. This is an attack not contingent, but
that points to be defined as a system: a system in which there is no other than the
interests of capitalism, there is no trade union organisation representing workers
autonomous interests than companies. There is no hope for a more just society and greater
solidarity. Even the simple dignity of the worker, sentenced instead to a State of endless
poverty. In work and in life.
At the same time in the territories, this crisis points to the ghettoization of social
opposition to their criminalization whenever you dare get crosswise with respect to
unnecessary large projects, or claim social income, right to housing and resources, or
build democracy from below against the decomposition of representative democracy.
And in the crisis which imposes his authority as system and normal becomes commonplace and
normal prosecution, legitimate State violence, about Afghanistan any arbitrariness in uniform.
Jobs Act, law of stability, good school, you cannot resist thinking of counting only on
the coalizzatrice capacity of FIOM or the willpower of the basic Trade Union, converging
by chance or necessity, in pose as levee and as opposition.
To stop the transformation of workers by random anonymous in dignity and service
providers, to avoid that the TFR to be snatched for the second time, it falls the
perpetual frost on public sector contracts, that retirees suffer the outrage of
impoverishment for law, to curb the wings to Good Government School which would make the
Italian school the worst ever seen in the last 60 years, the world of work organized in
factories, in factories and offices and the world of insecurity and social conflict
organized in cities, suburbs, in the territories, are right here-in-one, the forms of
cooperation and solidarity are required.
You need forms of convergence and resistance, to rebuild unity of struggle and
experimentation anti-capitalist, investing in the capacity of the organization from the
bottom up, in the diffusion and sedimentation of consciousness to be autonomous and
interests class differed from those of capitalism and the State.
To recover the territory and its resources, to take the factories and the land, there must
be a social conflict widespread and systematic, and lattice constant, able to express
growing radicalit from below, geared towards reappropriation and self-management of common
resources, and environmental, cultural and economic, that pose as exogenous element of
democratic and libertarian rupture of anti-capitalist sign NET, in the territories and in
the country.
Libertarian alternative/Fdca November 2014