Cat vs a magazine

The silly human of mine, had a stupid idea of reading a magazine on the sofa after work. Obviously she didn't remember that her time after work is reserved for ME! So I had to remind her. I had to use most of my tricks, but finally she got the point. Anyways, here we go. Young kitten readers, consider this as a lesson:
1. Place yourself on the humans hand so that she can't turn the pages of the magazine.


2. Walk over her lap and the magazine several times, back and forth.

3. Take your time to find a very comfortable position to lay on her lap and on top of the magazine.

4. Make sure to block her view to the magazine as much as you can. At this point it really helps if you are a bit on the heavy side.

5. SCORE! Out with the magazine, in with the cat!! Works everytime!

6. A happy cat means a happy human. Win-win. Except for the magazine, but magazines don't have feelings. Cats do.

I hope you had a lovely Thursday!

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