Join the transnational project...Fwd: [freedomnotfrontex] CALL FOR SUPPORT: PROTEST MARCH TO BRUSSELS

dear all,
last weekend in Amsterdam another preparation meeting took place for 
the caravan/march from strasbourg to brussels in May/June and the 
dates have been confirmed again as pointed out in the call of support 
- the march will start between 18th and 20th of May in strassbourg, 
the exact date has yet to be fixed, but it will not be a weekend and 
although we try to mobilise as good as possible we cannnot exspect a 
huge beginning...;
- not all groups have enough time/capacities or give priority to the 
whole march, but it is also possible to join temporarily during the 
weeks to and of course mainly in the week of action in brussels;
- on the tour of the march we will have some bordercrossings and also 
the symbolic city of Schengen, which might be important points to try 
to mobilize more people;
- it was confirmed again, that the march should arrive in brussels at 
21st of June and a week of action is under preparation now until and 
against the summit of internal ministers of EU on 26th and 27th of 

the initiative for this march to brussels was started by a coalition 
of selforganised refugees and migrants and sans-papiers from various 
countries also in order to create a point of convergence for the new 
wave of multiple struggles against the eu-borderregime within last 
two years.
below a lot of important topics are mentioned to join and support the 
ambitious project and it would be most important that more groups and 
initiatives from different countries discuss, in which way they can 
participate and contribute.

in amsterdam we collected a list of activities during next weeks and 
months, which should be used as a catalyst for a wider mobilisation 
for the march to brussels:
- in germany a big conference will take place from 21st to 23rd of 
february (noborder last forever) and we will try to use also as a 
springboard for the mobilisation to the march to brussels;
- in italy on the 1st of March a wider mobilisation of migrants 
demonstrations and strikes is planned and should be used as well as 
catalyst for the march to brussels. in the same day lampedusa in 
hamburg will organse another demonstration...;
- in amsterdam and also in paris demonstrations and other activities 
will take place around 21st and 22nd of March and these mobilisations 
will be used as well to promote the march to brussels;
- and the decentralized action week from 15th to 25th of May against 
the regime of crisis and against austerity policy (carried by 
blockupy coalition and other networks) is another important moment in 
many cities all over europe to promote and to mobilise for the march 
to brussels...

finally: probably at the end of March (exact date has to be 
confirmed) the next preparation meeting will take place in brussels. 
it would be nice, if more groups join the process of preparation and 
mobilisation. find one contact-adress at the end of the following 

 (soon also in french!)

 Interconnected Refugee & Migrant Movements -
 Protest March against Fortress Europe!
 From Strasbourg to Brussels, May and June 2014

 The European council and the European ministers of foreign affairs 
 make racist and prohibitive policies against refugees and migrants on a very high level. In reaction to the recent admitted mass drowning in the Mediterranean, they only concluded to arm the forces that control and aggressively prevent people’s movement, such as frontex. They will 
hold their next summit at the 26th and 27th of June in Brussels.
Different groups of refugee and Migrant movements in Europe plan a 
 protest march from Strasbourg to Brussels. This will begin shortly before the European parliament elections at the end of May. The marching  refugee and supporting activists will walk about 450 km within one month. In an action week before the council’s summit, we will raise our protest against the policies of fortress Europe!
 A group of people active in and supportive of the Refugee Movement 
from Oranienplatz have started to mobilize for the march and prepare the
action. We would be happy about many different kinds of support:
* share contacts with us:
* to (international) refugee movements, help to make huge network 
* to people living in lager in Germany, for info events
* to people/groups who could helporganize sleeping places along the 
* we also need more contacts to trustworthy journalists and your 
* support in raising media attention, accompany the protests with own     media
 legal support/anti-repression/anti-trauma
 * organize decentralised actions, let’s have global action times!
 * contribute to the local actions
 * think about actions especially to support the massive border 
  (France, Germany, Luxembourg, Belgium)
 * organize transport for refugees in your region to take part in the
   march/action week/single actions
 * lend materials: busses/car trailers, big tents, kitchen 
   equipment, sound
   systems, generator, media equipment, tools…
 * medical support & child care
 * produce mobilization material (movie, web propaganda, stickers, 
> banners,
> poster, songs…)
> * spread flyers, posters, call; link our blogs
> ( and
> * we need a huge amount of money to finance 6 weeks of food for some
> hundred people! we also need money for tickets/public transport, 
> gasoline,
> transport cars, renting/buying material, mobilization, anti- 
> repression:
> please support us by donating, applying at foundations, organising 
> soli
> parties etc!!!
> * take part in the Protest March! Starting around the 20th of May in
> Strasbourg
> * take part in the Action Week in Brussels 20th June – 27th June
> For any questions or ideas, proposals or information you can reach 
> us via
> email: freedomnotfrontex[at]riseup[.]net or meet us almost every 
> Sunday at
> 3 pm at Cafe Kotti in Berlin/Kreuzberg, just ask at the counter for 
> us.
> Thanks a lot and see you on the street!!!

Hagen Kopp
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