Video: First Ascent of Cerro Autana Teaser

Cerro Autana is is a remote table mountain located in the jungles of Venezuela. It features a 1400 meter (4593 ft) rock face that until recently had never been scaled. Brit Leo Houlding made the journey to take on the mountain and later this summer we'll all get treated to a documentary of that adventure. Below you'll find a teaser for that film which will be coming our way via Posing Productions.

The film, when it is finally released, will be called Autana - First Ascent in the Lost World. Judging from what is shown here, the climb was only part of what the team had to deal with. It looks like there were plenty of big bugs and other critters, not to mention a generally hostile environment, for them to wade through before they even touched the rock.

Considering this is a part of the world that I would really like to visit, I can't wait to see what more they show in the final film.

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