Elearning and global competency #flatclass #globaled 02/22/2012

  • Earth hour is 8:30 pm, Saturday March 31st. They are asking everyone to turn their lights off for an hour in celebration of this day. 

    tags: education flatclass events

  • This program has over 4,000 schools participating to help students who cannot go to school, attend as part of celebrating the Olympics. This is part of the global campaign for education. That is a lot of schools to be participating and is something you'll want to look into.

    tags: education flatclass globaled

  • An article I wrote for the Atlantic about Social media in the classroom including the four most important things we should integrate into our practice so we can help this generation learn. Global audience, digital citizenship. This is all part of it.

    tags: education flatclass

  • Daniel Donahoo from the UK shares his views on safety and the Internet. I think we err on the side of being a bit extreme in many cases. Students, often, err on the side of cluelessness. I think wisdom is somewhere in the middle between blue lipped, panic stricken parents, and relaxed, photo snapping Facebookers.
    "Our obsession with online safety for children is excessive. It is driven by group-think and fear, generated by media and interested parties who often ignore any rigorous evidence-based approach to the issues, or even bother to explore a simple risk analysis. Back in 2007 I wrote a book called Idolising Children, wherein I argued that we have an unhealthy obsession with children and youth culture. An obsession that sees adults trying to preserve an idea of childhood and youth that doesn't actually exist while simultaneous trying to act out their own youthful fantasies and cling to idealised concepts of youth. It is all about lotions, potions and younger looking skin. It is about what we as adults want childhood to be -- innocent and stress free. Rather than recognising it for what it is -- the process of learning, of taking risks and making mistakes on the way to becoming a capable and confident adult.

    tags: education safety digiteen flatclass

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.

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