Let it Snow ❄️ Week #83 11.20.17

Family and Friends!

So it’s been another good week here in Juneau and it’s getting colder and colder... the temperature has mostly been down in the teens and it’s getting lower and lower each day. Super cold haha but last year the coldest I saw was -26 so I’m not ready for that. So far it has been just snowing buckets and doesn’t seem to quit. We have probably gotten close to 2 feet of snow this last week.

This week has been really good though. We did a service putting together thanksgiving bags for families that need it at a helping Hands facility here in Juneau. It was a lot of fun. I love getting out and doing service we also helped out at the local food drive. We just sat there and handed out cards with the information on it haha kinda lame but we actually talked with quite a few people. It was good exposure, plus we were on the radio soo that was cool 😎 

We have two baptisms coming up this next week the the other Elders in our ward have mainly been working with but were going to miss it because My companion and I are going to Wrangell to hopefully teach some people. Our mission President has us call all the branch Presidents in the small islands throughout southeast Alaska and if there is work we go down there and visit and based on how it goes if there is work we talk with our mission President and decide if it’s worth it to send missionaries there. So we are leaving this Tuesday and we will get back next Monday.So that will be a cool experience. 

Umm as far as teaching goes we are working with this lady named Tamara Howard she is awesome. Her grandma is a member and we were able to give her a tour of the chapel and then we taught her about the Book of Mormon and she said that she would read and pray about it. We are super excited. It might be a slow teaching process but we are excited for her! 

Anyway that’s about all I got for this week! Hope you all have a good Thanksgiving and eat lots of food. Love you all

Elder Kayden M. Gentry

Alaska Anchorage Mission 

This is a pic of my current Companion and myself way back when I was in Wasilla. We were in the same district haha and now we are comps pretty cool.

Ps sorry I didn’t take any other photos this week!

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