So it’s been another week and it’s still rainy.... we did get like two days of sunshine but at the same time the fog was pretty gnarly soo it wasn’t to different haha! It’s been an awesome week tho it’s starting to get darker and darker but still no snow yet. I’m ready for the snow so it’ll stop raining ❄️
The week was pretty plain Jane. Even on Monday it was raining super hard so we just kicked it with the district at the church and played games. It was actually a lot of fun.
The rest of the week was good. We had some really good lessons and am working on the potentials we have and preparing them for baptism. The work here is so good. Our ward Mission leader is insane and is so good at his calling. Yesterday in church we were talking about a potential and I was like when would be a good time that we could visit her? And he was like “no.. I will visit here and will let you know”. He knows how to fellowship and make friends. This guy is amazing.
Soo big news this week we got our transfers calls. The power Duo Hunter&Gentry is over haha seriously going to miss that guy. We had a blast and probably the quickest 3 months of my mission. Elder Hunter is going to Anchorage to serve in the Klatt ward and I am of coarse staying and my new Companion is Elder Kapeliela. He is a way good missionary and a super nice guy. He is awesome he was in my first district when I first came out on my mission. He’s a stud so I’m super stoked for this next transfer. It’s going to be a lot of fun.
So yesterday we had a sweet lesson over Skype. There is a girl named Alice in Petersburg which is an island in south East Alaska and we have missionaries going there next week but in the mean time Elder Hunter and I have been teaching here. Super cool to have a lesson with the technology and you can still feel the spirit super strong. Teaching that lesson I realized how well Elder Hunter and I teach together so I’m going to miss that.
Also one of the big highlights from this week was the primary program on Sunday. So awesome to see the kids sing and do their parts. There was this little Tongan girl who sang I feel my saviors love and man it was sweet. Also the family that we just baptized Allie and her kids. They were all involved and while her kids were up there doing their thing it was so nice to see Allie and watch her watching her kids she was so happy and emotional. Families are forever it was an awesome experience.
As far as the subject line goes there is a kid out here that is preparing to go on his mission and he gave his farewell talk and then later they had a party and oh man was it a party. I love the Tongan culture. So much food it was insane. Then they make what is called oti (o-tie) it’s like a fruit drink that still has chunks in it soo yummy. Then there was salmon and shrimp and king crab. Oh my goodness these crabs are huge I have pictures just so you can see. Pretty sure I’ll never be able to eat sea food again unless I’m in Alaska because I have eaten the best in the world. So good. Lots of Tongan food as well so you know I over indulged haha I’m getting super fat since being here In this ward.
Well that’s all I have this week. I’m excited for the upcoming transfer and all the new memories. I hope that you all have a good week. Love you
Love always
Elder Kayden M. Gentry
Alaska Anchorage Mission