The Winds of War, The Sands of Time, v2.0 -- A Commentary

Transportation coordination of Soldiers is a significant task of the Army logistician. The Army’s new approach to enterprise logistics is one that will make our forces more effective in the present wars and also ready them for future conflicts. Here, Soldiers from the Army’s 1st Brigade 10th Mountain Div, board a C-17 Globemaster III at Kirkuk Regional Air Base, Iraq, Nov. 4, 2008. (Photo by U.S. Air Force SrA Randi Flaugh, 506th Air Expeditionary Group Public Affairs.)

From the Futurist:

This is a version 2.0 of a legendary article written here back on March 19, 2006, noticed and linked by Hugh Hewitt, which led to The Futurist getting on the blogosphere map for the first time. Less than four years have elapsed since the original publication, but the landscape of global warfare has changed substantially over this time, warranting an update to the article.

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My Comment: One man's opinion on what future wars and conflicts may look like.

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