Summit on the Summit Takes Shape

Remember the celebrity Kilimanjaro climb I mentioned a couple of months back? The one that will see musician Kenna, joined by a group of friends that includes Jessica Biel, Lupe Fiasco, and Isabel Lucas, amongst others, making the climb to raise awareness of the growing need for clean water across the entire planet? Well, it seems that the team, and their sponsors, have kicked off a major effort to get the word out about their cause, as they prepare to head to Tanzania in January, to take on the tallest mountain in Africa.

That effort begins with a newly revamped website that provides all kinds of great information, including bios on each of the climbers, info on their gear, which is actually a showcase for some of their sponsors products, and further insights into what they are trying to accomplish. The new site is super slick, and offers fun to play around with, and includes a virtual climb to the summit, in which you can choose to sponsor a foot of the climb, allowing the team to meet it's goal and deliver safe drinking water to their selected charities, which include the Children's Safe Drinking Water Program, UNHCR, and PlayPumps International.

While this is indeed a very serious project with a serious cause, that doesn't mean that the team isn't having fun. Check out their first two "training" videos below to see how they are preparing for their big climb.

I was especially impressed with the information they have on the mountain itself, which includes 3D rendered flybys of Kili, information on the various routes to the summit, weather conditions, and a lot more. Scrolling through the information sure brought back memories of my trip to the area. I'm sure they'll both give you a couple of laughs. Their training methods are, shall we say, a bit unconventional. :)

Expect to hear a lot more about this expedition in the weeks leading up to their January 7th start.

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