World Hum Interviews Mark Jenkins

Travel website World Hum has posted an interview with Mark Jenkins who you may recall wrote The Hardway column for Outside Magazine for eight years along with a number of books as well. He's recently been named a National Geographic contributing writer as he puts another bullet point on his resume.

Mark has most recently written A Man's Life: Dispatches from Dangerous Places, which details his adventures traveling to remote locations. It's described as a mix of history, culture, philosophy, and adrenaline.

In the interview, the intrepid author discusses how many countries he's visited, his favorites places over all, favorite stories from the road, and a lot more. Mark is an interesting guy who has done a lot of things, then gets paid to write about them. It's clear that he has a passion for travel and adventure, and that comes through in his writing and this interview.

I'm going to see if I can request a copy of his book for review. I'd love to read it and post some thoughts. I've always enjoyed his "Hardway" columns and this sounds like an interesting read. Of course, I'm just a tad bit jealous that he gets payed to do what I'd like to do for a living, but I'll try not to hold that against him in my review. ;)

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