Outside Magazine's Editor's Choice For 2010!

Outside Magazine has published their Editor's Choice Awards for 2010, listing 51 great "items" that have caught the attention of the Outside staff in the past year. I say "items" in quotations because this is a very eclectic mix of everything from gear to people to activities and a whole lot more.

The wide ranging list of things to earn a spot on the list is part of what makes it so fun. For instance, one of the editor's choices is Nepal (yes, the whole country!) which comes in at #47. They love it because it is a trekkers paradise filled with unique experiences and cultural wonders, not to mention some of the most spectacular scenery on the planet. Other wonderful things to earn a spot on the list include "Empty Trailheads" (#41 - and we can all appreciate this one!), utilitarian bikes (#22), and Rob Machado's Hair, which reaches as high as #15 on the countdown. These examples give you an idea of the fun that they had while making the list, while still reminding us of a lot of really cool stuff that is just plain awesome.

The Outside staff didn't stop with just their list of good stuff though. They also came up with a list of ten items that weren't on the editor's choice. Those items include $100 lift tickets, zip-off pants, and the one I agree with the most, an empty passport.

Both of these lists are meant to be equal parts serious and tongue in cheek, but with a good all around message. Perfect reading for a Monday in February. Enjoy!

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