Outside Magazine is running a pretty interesting poll today on their Outside Blog, asking us to help pick the Top 10 Adventurers since 1900. The magazine itself has already made their selections, and they'll appear in the April issue which hits newsstands on March 13th, but they're giving us a chance to weigh in on the topic as well.
The actual online poll can be found by clicking here. We're asked to select our own ten adventurers from a list of 30+ names, or write in our own candidates. The list includes explorers, climbers, mountaineers, and a host of others from a variety of areas.
The list is fairly distinguished, although it's a bit too heavy with more recent names if you ask me. Not that some of those candidates shouldn't be on the list, but perhaps an expansion to include more names should be necessary. I also wonder why someone like Robert Falcon Scott doesn't make the cut, nor Percy Harrison Fawcett, while some of the others were included. Why have Amelia Earhart for instance, but no Charles Lindbergh? The blank text box helps to rectify some of these issues, but we can only write in a single choice.
As for Outside's on selections, their top ten looks like this:
10. Loic Jean-Albert
9. Robyn Davidson
8. Greg Noll
7. Doug Ammons
6. Yvon Chouinard
5. Lynn Hill
4. Thor Heyerdahl
3. Beryl Markham
2. Reinhold Messner
1. Roald Amundsen
Overall, not a bad list, and it's hard to argue with most of them. Who would you add, both to the top ten and the options on the poll?