Edited by Azizi Powell
There are A LOT of comments about the fictional character "Johnny" in discussion threads for a number of Nigerian Afropop (Afrobeats) singer Yemi Alade's videos.
This pancocojams post documents some of the comments that refer to the character Johnny who was introduced in Yemi Alade's 2013 Nigerian Afropop song entitled "Johnny".
My position is that Yemi Alade's "Johnny" is now or could soon be considered an iconic bad boy, womanizer, playa character separate from the Yemi Alade's songs -in other words, Johnny is an African Don Juan.
The content of this post is presented for socio-cultural and entertainment purposes
All copyrights remain with their owners.
Thanks to Yemi Alade for her musical legacy and for her creation of the iconic character "Johnny". Thanks also to all those who are quoted in this post and thanks to the publishers of these videos on YouTube.
Click https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yemi_Alade for information about Yemi Alade.
The selected comments that are quoted in this pancocojams' post are from YouTube discussion threads for four Yemi Alade videos which are given in order of their publication date on YouTube: 1) "Johnny"- official YouTube video published on March 3, 2014; 2) "Tangerine" - official video published on July 8, 2014; 3) "Tumbum", published November 9, 2016 and 4) "Marry Me", official video published on February 28, 2017.
Additional "Johnny" comments are found in those discussion threads and in some other discussion threads for Yemi Alade videos, including "Ferrari" (published in Mar 25, 2016). In the "Ferrari" discussion thread a number of the commenters considered the Yemi character (as opposed to the real life singer) to be materialistic as she wants her love interest (who isn't the actor who portrays "Johnny") to buy her an expensive Ferrari car. One commenter jokingly wrote that the reason why Johnny left Yemi was because he couldn't even afford a Corolla (an inexpensive car), let alone a Ferrari. While some commenters wrote that they don't blame Johnny for leaving her, other commenters expressed the opinion that there's nothing ethically wrong with Yemi Alade's "Ferrari" song because it's very natural for Nigerian woman to expect to receive money and nice gifts from the person they are romantically committed to.
Johnny is a young, handsome Black man. When we are first introduced to Johnny, he is living in a Nigerian village. Johnny has led at least four woman from that village to believe that she was his only girlfriend. These young attractive Black women are Yemi (portrayed by Yemi Alade), Uche (who he has gotten pregnant), Nene (who he has just given an engagement ring to), and Cynthia. And there is one other un-named Black woman who Johnny is shown talking and flirting with. The four named women have just recently learned about each other and they have enlisted the reality television series "We Don cCtch Em!" to help them catch and confront Johnny about his cheating. The premise for the (fictional) tv show "We Don Catch 'Em" is that the host helps a person who believes their lover is cheating catch him (or her) and televise that confrontation.
Most of the women commenters describe Johnny as bad (meaning no good), unfaithful, sinful, no good, and a problem (i.e. original Gobe")**. Mostly women commenters also describe Johnny as dangerous and powerful. In the song "Johnny", he is also described as a world traveler and a liar (..."Oh Johnny oh Johnny, I'm looking for my Johnny... ... He says he is in Canada, or Tokyo, and then Morocco, He is a Pinocchio = (A LIAR)...). Although I didn't come across any comments using these words, I would also describe Johnny as charming and deceitful.
A number of commenters writing in 2017 on the discussion thread for the "Johnny" video used the negative referent "f&&kboy" (fully spelled) to describe Johnny. Here's one definition of that term from urban dictionary.com:
Asshole boy who is into strictly sexual relationships; he will lead a girl on and let her down…. Boys like this will pretend to genuinely care about the girl but always fail to prove the supposed affection.
Boys like this are egotistical assholes who can not be trusted and are hard to get rid of because they say all the right things to get the girl back.
Tiffany: "He found me on instagram and commented "hmu." He's hot, should I go for it?"
Stephanie: "No, he's such a f&&kboy. Sleeps around and will screw you over."
by mediocremind February 16, 2015
-end of quote-
This words was fully spelled out in that visitor submitted definition and on other definitions on that page. Because this is a family centered blog, I've chosen not to fully spell out that word.
In contrast to the women commenters, it appears to me that a number of male commenters eemed to take pride in Johnny's sexual activities, writing that "Johnny is the man", "He's the real deal", He's a playa"* and other complimentary statements. These commenters appeared to be patting Johnny on the back because he was so sexually active. That said, in one 2017 sub-thread from the official "Johnny" video which is included below, some commenters joked about Johnny needing to go to a clinic for tests- presumably because he contracted a sexually transmitted disease. However, that sub-thread was written in a joking manner. Yet, some male commenters refuted the comments posted by several women and at least one male that all men or all Nigerian men were like Johnny. But, rather than shy away from any identification with Johnny, on several discussion threads, some (presumably male) commenters who are either named "Johnny" or who used that screen name on that discussion thread joked that people could stop looking for Johnny because he's here posting right now on that discussion thread. Those comments usually received a lot of likes and "lol"s.
In the "Marry Me" video, Johnny appears to at least be trying to be good. He has a job in the city. And Yemi's there also and he is being faithful to Yemi- or is he?
As comments from the discussion thread for Yemi Alade's dong "Tumbum" demonstrate, even when the video features another romantic interest and not Johnny, a number of commenters (mostly) humorously refer to the womanizer (a playa, a bad boy) Johnny. They also refer to the events that were dramatized in the 2013 "Johnny" song and video.
Regardless of whether people have an unfavorable or favorable opinion about Johnny, it's clear that everyone commenting in these discussion threads knows that "Johnny" is actually not a real person, but a character who is portrayed by an actor*. And even though most of these comments are humorous, I believe that they can still offer insight about contemporary attitudes about love and relationships in African cultures.
* "Playa" is an African American Vernacular English originated referent. Here's a definition for "playa"from urban dictionary.com
A male who uses women for sex or other favors usually by charming the girl till they fall in love with them. A lot of guys do this in order to be a "playa" cuz in our modern society it is ... "cool" and "hip" to be labeled as a "playa". A female version of this would be slut.
also see dumbass.
by sxehoodlum February 23, 2004"
**Here's a link to an article about the Nigerian actor who portrays Johnny in Yemi Alade's videos:
http://www.informationng.com/2017/04/7-things-know-charming-actor-alex-ekubo.html "7 Things You Should Know About Charming Actor, Alex Ekubo"
***Several commenters shared that "gobe" is a Yoruba word as is "wahala". Here's a comment from the discussion thread for the official video for Yemi Alade's "Johnny":
JoStylin (2016
"..."This one na gobe, original gobe, see me see wahala eeeehhhh''..LOL.... Translate:This one is a problem, original problem....See the trouble I am in'' :-)
Click the Yemi Alade tag below for previous pancocojams posts about this Nigerian Afropop superstar.
These comments are given in relative chronological order by year within their respective compilations, except for responses. Numbers are assigned within each compilation for referencing purposes only.
Except for a very few words, I haven't included any definitions (that are found online) for Nigerian Pidgin English or traditional Nigerian words or phrases.
Discussion thread #1:
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_XkTKoDI18
Yemi Alade - Johnny
total views (as of November 8, 2017 at 1:32 PM EST)- 79,453,162 views
1. Judgement Day
"Johnny is the man"
2. Farah Joseph
"1 year ago
I guess my ex was a f**k boy then his name was literally Johnny lol
That word is written that way in that comment.
3.Oluwatobi Solabu
"Calm down not all guys are like that bby girl"
4. Golden Goddess
"+Tesfa Tedla Isn't this every African man though..?"
5. jaymoe81
"+Vanessa Caesar There are a good African/African American /Black men out there.......a better statement should be most African you have been with or the one your girls have been with are "fk boy" "
6. Christian Rizzotto
"Johnny f&&king up the village population"
7. Ay sha Yaz
"I swear😂😂 Johnny is out of control 😭"
8. Raven Rivera
"😂😂😂Maybe Jonny thought world ending!!"
9. the ladyboss
"Christian Rizzotto well said! poor girls😏"
10. Christian Rizzotto
"+the ladyboss poor Yemi"
11. Deiarha Martin
"Johnny Gon catch sum😂😂😂"
12. The World Tv
"+Kenia Johny nice"
13. Nic Sat
"you looking for Jonny? He is at the clinic getting some test done. Run while you can!"
14. Eyenga Ngoan Itòn
"Christian Rizzotto 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂"
15. Emmanuella Niamke (2017)
"Christian Rizzotto I beg leave Johnny he wanna to make his own village"
"I beg" is probably the Nigerian Pidgin word "abeg" meaning "please". "Leave Johnny" probably means "leave Johnny alone".
16. Faijuz hakim Hakim
"Kamila M. Johnny is doing a good job.. the girls need to get neelled..and if johnny can fool 4 women.. this women's didn't get a man that s active ..so day fine Johnny and Johnny is not playing he s do doing the good job ..hahahaahaa Johnny👌👌"
17. Kamila M.
"+Judgement Day nah he is still a f&&kboy*😂😂"
18. Faijuz hakim Hakim
"Hahahaaa yes .so should we all be🍹🍹"
19. Blossom
"dead serious tho"
20. Queen Courtney
"Kamila M. A whole douchebag!"
21. Irvin
"Lvl 99 playa"
22. Jengta
"he is the real deal loool"
23. letsCOOKwithELLE
"I love this song 😍 but chaiii... Johnny bad boy 😂🤣"
24. Mathematical Genius
"letsCOOKwithELLE, ikr! Bad boy! 😁"
25. Aron beaux
"but why you girls love them"
26. Destiny Jones
"Where in the hell is Johnny 2017?"
27. Tewelde Sereke
"Jhonny is here with me in eritrea🇪🇷"
28. Lizette Yerima
"Johnny is surely paying child support somewhere 😂😂😂"
29. vidviewa
"In my opinion most Naija guys are Johnny Boys...Mine is D ORIGINAL GOBE lol x"
30. justin mburli
"Johnny good player"
31. Asmaâ Ri
"i saw your Jhonny in Casablanca Morocco lol .. big up from Morocco"
32. Johnny
"Sh&t* time to hide..."
*That word was spelled that way in this comment.
33. Ayebare Alexander
"Johnny 😁 😁 😄 😂 😂 No where to run bro .😁 😃 😃 😃 😃"
34. Jai Gee
"Johnny LLS Yep! Time for you to hide, but Yemi (and all the other ladies) will track you down, and jump you. LoL"
35. Ivy Makumi
"Johnny you can run but you can't hide 😂😂😂😂"
36. Funmilayo Chinagolum Vivian
"We don catch am!!!"
37. ST.Chantel Simbi
"Bruh ur surrounded 😂😂"
38. Danielle Darden
"Johnny run they after u😂😂😂😂😂"
"When is the next episode of "We don catch am!" ? I have someone I need to bust."
"We Don Catch Em" is the name of the [fictional] reality show that helped the women catch and confront Johnny. When Johnny was caught he was talking to another women. Johnny ran away, and his "girlfriends" and the television host and crew chased after him. When they caught up with him, Johnny denied that he even knew Yemi and the other three women. When they heard that, the women proceeded to beat him up.
40. Mohammed Mohammed
"Johnny just like any other man in this world 🌎"
41. Adonnis Williams
"Sadly, beautiful women all over the world waste their time trippin over a corny, ugly, goof ball mf like this "johnny"."
42. Deborah V
"Mohammed Mohammed true"
43. Geedafuul Ali
"+Nafiso Muhidin legend said they are still looking for johnny"
44. tee tbands
"Smh Johnny"
45. Bernice Boahemaa
"My boyfriend is called Johnny 😂😂😂😂....where is he now🤔🤔🤔"
46. Eddy
"Hereeeeees Jonny!!"
Discussion thread #2
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ESAp4boNpck
Yemi Alade- Tangerine
total views (as of November 8, 2017 at 7:58 PM EST) - 5,887,367 views
1. rajecks
"Girl, I thought you left Johnny??"
"yemi.. did u take johny back? lol"
3. amaka ke
"lol.....this na b4 the jonny wahala na. You no see say dem rewind am"
"na" = Nigerian Pidgin English word meaning "is".
4. IdaraO'Bonne
"+amaka ke It wasn't a rewind, it was fast-forward. I'd find it hard to believe that they moved into the village after living in the big city."
5. Mel Jama
"she better not still be with Johnny! lol"
6. Jewels Brown
"Nooo! Don't go back to that Johnny guy! He's having Uchi's baby! 😂😂😂😂"
7. Rae talkss
"Which kind jazz Johnny dey use? This guy has game loool"
8. moses john
"So this video is about before Johnny be came a bad boy, I love. .but I also want see, or know what happened next after Johnny become a bad boy, did you took him back or not. ..it's very interesting, in fact it's like a movie. ."
9. AbOu KiDe
"i recognized the man it's Johnny this time his not with 4 womans it's good lol"
10. Ataralionne
"I see Johnny's back. I hope he got his act together lol"
11. lookatrose
12. Nana yaa Larbi
"Yemi, so u still dey follow Jonny?? He go leave u follow Cynthia again Oo 😂😂😂😂"
13. ahtrebor724
"Hold up she's still with Johnny!! I thought she dumped him lol"
14. Ge MIIO
"Isn't that Johnny???? Nooooooooo don't take him back! looooooooool."
15. nicolz lami
"so after looking for johnny; fighting over johnny in the village you ran with him to the city Yemi...girl you baaad oh!...."
16. Nnadoo
"So after everything Johnny did,u still kissed him?You have a good heart."
17. Natatsha Holmes
"Question...Johnny again??..haha, whatever it is he's done, Johny's sins following him everywhereOooo"
18. Mrs_KP
"lol I think this all happened before she figured out that Johnny was a player guys."
19. Reilly O'Neill
"Lol nope, she went back to Johnny because that's what girls do. Lol"
20. Alyya London
"So Johnny finally decided to stay faithful eh? haha"
21. Sydney Nichole
"Girl you cannot take Johnny back. Remember he gave Uche bele and he wan marry Nene... xD"
22. Anie Ub
"This Johnny guy is realy powerful"
Discussion Thread #3
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mr6DKUylvCk
Yemi Alade - Tumbum (Official Video)
total views (as of November 8, 2017 at 8:03 PM EST) - 13,100,036 views
1. Chidi Nma
"This one na 'Johnny' Part 2. Watch out for Part 3! Grab ya copy now!!!"
2. Dennis Kyalo Wambua
"Hahahaa..those ancient Naija movies...Grab your copy NOOWWWW!!!"
3. Didier Folly
"Another Johnny?😹"
4. B. Benita
"He is Johnny's brother 😂😂"
5. nassa makuyana
"soo true Johnny come get your bro lol"
6.. Patricia Rasmussen
"Can u say twin 😂😂👌🏽"
7. KizzyVEVO
"Yemi at first, Johnny played you wayo. Now, this man is using you to do tumbum tumbum but me I'm here for you and ready to be faithful. Abeg Holla at me quick before I fall in love with someone else 😂😂😉"
Commenters explained that "tumbum" means "this and that". It's an Igbo children's game like "Eenie Meenie Minie Mo" where you have to choose between two equal options.
8. Lungile Mhlongo
"Saint Kizito lol tell her! The clock is ticking oo"
9. Geenasociah gibson
"I'm looking for my Johnny"
10. G-Wanderer
"she jus keep pickin up a set ah johnnies!! lololol"
11. Ana Leah
"Maybe you should reconsider the way you choose your man. You started with Johnny and now this Tumbum Man. The struggle is real! LMAO"
12. Ingo fotoFRICA
"Don't do it!! Don't mix your EGUSI and OGBONO soups...or you will learn the hard way...just like Johnny."😂
This comment refers to a line from the song "Johnny". In the context of the song, it means don't playing around with two women at the same time.
13. Macdonald Nwachukwu
"its a nice hit. Up u Yemi. But why u forget JOHNY 4 dis one?"
14. cutezeeHD87
"have u found johnny yet ?"
15. TheJellymonty
"Poor Yemi seems to always end up with two timing jerks!"
16. mizzpoetrics
"Damn, another Johnny!"
17. kitty28683
"Me pregunto si este es el primo de Johnny, igual de perro."
Google translate from Spanish to English:
I wonder if this is Johnny's cousin, just like a dog.
18. Marguerite Ngueudji
"Poor Yemi, she keeps getting played by these guys out there."
19. Bobby sokkatua
"Yemi Alade i'm your man,i swear to not do you like Johnny and this one wey dey use you do tumbum."
20. Jojo Craig
"Johnny is there can't decide between ogbono and egusi (Mixing both together) now this one can't decide between jollof and beans. ahahah"
Discussion Thread #4
From https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u8HlKw24208
Yemi Alade "Marry Me"
total views (as of November 8, 2017 at 8:00 PM EST) - 1,909,044
"JOHNNY AGAIN? Johnny pls marry this girl make she rest already na. Nawahooo! Which kind Wahala be this self???"
2. chinedu Ezenwoke nwaogwugwu
"VICTOR OCHI .....lol... no be small thing oo.... na beg she dey beg now.... Jonny do something abeg"
3. Chiamaka Udochukwu
"VICTOR OCHI as in eh! pls he shd marry her now"
4. Cheka Baryoh
"VICTOR OCHI he must"
5. Inothando Malele
"VICTOR OCHI lol hahaaaa u got me dying there"
6. Marie Bello
"Johnny haf feature in like 3-4 songs now.. D guy have do her strong tin"
7. Sirri B
"THE VICTOR na really serious matter ohh.. 😂"
8. Nissrine El Bakkali
"It seems she can't get over Johnny 😂😂"
9. Daisy Edeh
"Nissrine El Bakkali ... lmaooo.😁😂 u are so right!"
10. zaliya z
"Nissrine El Bakkali My dear , it's true ooo😂😂😂😂"
11. Jacky Heartbeat
"Nissrine El Bakkali hahahahaha right Jonny again 😀😀😀😀😀😀😁😁😁😁"
12. Eva Nyambura
"Isn't this Johnny?"
"Eva Nyambura Eva Nyambura yes ooo. Johnny come home gradually. Lol! He is now a good responsible boy about to make the Ultimate "decision" hehehehhe!"
14. Emeline Emeline
"LMBO! omg, Victor. you made me spit out my drink
too funny :D"
"Emeline Emeline lol! He even got a Job! I love this music bcos I use to be a welder/steel construction Engineer too. "
16. Emeline Emeline
"Nne, Johnny better find the most expensive ring after all he has put you through! LOL jk
great music as always!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Yemi is simply the best"
"Nne" = Yoruba word for "mother" ("mama") . In this comment, this word refer to Yemi Alade. In large part because of her 2016 album name "Mama Africa", a number of commenters call her that.
17. zaliya z
"Johnny, you again ??😂😂😂😂"
18. temmie holly
"Johnny walahi u go regret if u no marry yemi oo Lol.😀"
19. Anna Via
1 month ago
Can you blame her😂 he's hot
20. Nana Akua
"I see Johnny got his act together and stopped mixing ogbono with egusi soup, I guess beautiful Yemi's soup was better 😂😂😂"
21. Ayo Bade
"Johnny got a job in city, hoping to marry her such happy ending."
22. Precious Nwabugo
"Sis don't do it, Johnny will definitely not marry you. You are gold, he's not worth it 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽😂"
23. Tima's World
"Johnny must have that good D... this girl wont leave Johnny alone 😂"
"haha, this Jonny too, he no sabi leave Yemi alone sef"
25. Sinqo_ M
"Finally 👀🙌🏾Jonny left Cynthia for Yemi💑💍😂"
26. Funmilayo Chinagolum Vivian
"I don't trust him...he was tryna leave at the end but she had to hol' him down....he wanted to go and meet Cynthia."
27. stainless L
"😳 Johnny again= proofs that women like bad boys"
28. Ikem Val
"Johnny 2.0 (from village champion to Mechanical Engineer) Lol..."
29. ball playing centre back
"So she went back to try to marry Johnny.. you see,ladies go back to your man even if he cheats on you"
30. Funmilayo Chinagolum Vivian
"ROTFLOL Really?!!!"
31. Clara Rue
"Johnny is handsome tho"
32. mariellaforty
"Na wa o. Yemi has come back for Johnny, again. Johnny tried to leave at the end and she was like "Ebee ka I na-aga" 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
"Na wa o" = Nigerian Pidgin English = "It's surprising" or "I'm surprised"
Google translate ""Ebee ka I na-aga" from Igbo to English - "Where are you going"
33. Likec Likec
"Do u hear that Johnny? Marry her."
34. timothy dadzie
"So what b Jonny name for this video,
This guy is player, i believe is his nature"
35. Hachter Angelica
"She seems to still love Johnny
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» "Johnny" Comments From Four Yemi Alade Afropop YouTube Video Discussion Threads