Anarchic update news all over the world - 19.10.2017

Today's Topics:


1.  Indonezia, Federasi Mahasiswa Libertarian Salatiga: National
      Congress calls [machine translation] (

2.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL September - Venezuela: "
      Boligarchy " chavist against pro-Washington oligarchy (fr, it,
      pt) [machine translation] (

3.  US, black rose fed - Rochester: RESISTING AN ATTACK ON

4.  France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Hunting at HRD (fr, it,
      pt) [machine translation] (

5.  US, black rose fed - Rochester: FASCISM IN TRUMP'S AMERICA

6.  Poland, rozbrat: Curia evicts - WSL statement Wielkopolskie
      Association of Tenants [machine translation] (

7.  Greece, Anarchist Collectives Circle of Fire, Omikron APO:
      Demonstration of state and capitalist crime in the Saronic Gulf
      (gr) [machine translation] (


Message: 1

the passionate desire to restore the damaged and unjust social order, and how disappointed 
it is to see people compromise with the situation, we are now witnessing a significant 
rise of young intellectuals in college that began to embrace the idea of libertarian 
socialism. It arises from the results of repeated reflections on the failure of the 
authoritarian and unethical orthodox leftist revolutionary project. ---- Many of us are 
cornered, aloof, feel little and walk in no direction, but with little hope, conducting 
individualized organizational arrangements as long as they do not violate our principles: 
freedom, equality, interdependence, cooperation, mutual support, and solidarity. The 
revolution was created spontaneously, but the revolution was unlikely to succeed in 
sporadic ways. The revolution will also not be tomorrow, but this is not an excuse to 
mobilize the revolutionary forces in the student sector. Therefore, it is time to stop the 
movement with a disorganized tendency among anarchist students in Indonesia.

The criticisms of Plekhanov, Lenin, Trotsky and other orthodox comrades against us may be 
true. The disorganized nationalist tendency among libertarian socialists has brought a 
more tragic disappointment to experiments to create better social change. The Paris 
Commune of 1871, the 1936 Spanish Revolution, the 1968 Paris Riot, and the libertarian 
socialist failures in India by Mahatma Gandhi, in Cuba by Che Guevara and Jose Rizal & 
Isabelo de los Reyes in the Philippines, proof that we can not close the ears of the 
criticism. The success of the 2014 Rojava Revolution in Syria, gives us a lesson in the 
methods we have used so far to create direct self-governing democracy and common ownership 
of the means of production:
Come on, agitate and organize yourself, form a libertarian student federation in your 
city! Unite in the barricades of workers and peasants!


Message: 2

While the reactionary right is threatening, the caste to power seems to hold only through 
institutional fraud and repression. The melting of its popular base sign disillusionment 
vis-à-vis the nickname "  socialism of the XXI th  century." ---- While the United 
Socialist Party of Venezuela (PSUV) is clinging to presidential power behind the heir of 
Hugo Chavez, Nicolás Maduro, the right-wing opposition, led by the Mesa de Unidad 
Democratica's (MUD, "  Platform for democratic unit  "), has been, since December 2015, a 
majority in the National Assembly. To short-circuit the latter, the PSUV first tried to 
replace it with the Supreme Court - unsuccessfully - and then elected a Constituent 
Assembly according to a method of voting, guaranteeing a large majority. These successive 
blows of force excited the demonstrations against the PSUV, violently repressed by the police.

Abroad, after four months of crisis, it is difficult to get out of a binary vision of the 
situation. Some condemned a "  dictatorship that sustained a serious humanitarian crisis, 
when there was a democratic opposition victim of red terror  ," others supported the " 
legitimate government, the defender of the people, the guarantor of socialism and the 
revolution, victim of a plot hatched by the United States  . " What is it ?

Since the launch of the "  Bolivarian Revolution  " [1]in 1999, US pressures on Venezuela 
are multiple. If Donald Trump threatens to intervene militarily today, Obama already 
declared in March 2015 that Venezuela was an "  unusual and extraordinary threat to the 
national security of the United States  ". The long list of coups and reactionary 
movements spurred by the United States, which considers Latin America as their preserve, 
shows the reality of the threat. The demand for a socialist model - even rhetorical - on 
this sub-continent insupposed the White House.

62 billion Chinese investments

But, more than this pseudo "   socialism   ", it is undoubtedly the association of Caracas 
with competing imperialisms that excites the wrath of Washington.

Rich in oil, Venezuela, to reduce its dependence on the US neighbor, has gradually formed 
political-trade alliances with other powers, including China, Russia and Iran. In recent 
years, Chinese capitalism has invested more than 62 billion in the country [2]. As the 
Chinese government newspaper Global Times recently pointed out, Washington wants to take 
full control of its backyard, as Beijing wants a "  fluid and close cooperation  " with 
Venezuela, whatever the government [3].

Far from being part of any "  socialist  " or "  Bolivarian  " program, these investments 
aim to exploit the country's natural resources, to the joint benefit of the Chavist 
oligarchy - "  Bolibourgois  " - and foreign multinationals. These are welcomed with open 
arms in "  special economic zones  " derogating from tax and labor law, [4]but allowing 
megacontracts of exploitation such as those of the exceptional oil-producing zone of the 
Orinoco. In one of the most corrupt countries in the world [5], these arrangements with 
the multinationals leave us pensive.

82% of the poor

In seventeen years of power, the Chavista regime has never been able to diversify the 
Venezuelan economy and emancipate it from its dependence on oil, which accounts for 95  % 
of its exports. By ending oil revenues, the fall in prices since 2014 has also put an end 
to its redistribution - unduly described as "  socialism  ". Most of the "  social 
missions  " that had secured the popular base of Chavism in the 2000s were abolished by 
the State.

As a result, the poverty rate has soared from 48  % in 2014 to 82  % in 2016, with annual 
inflation of more than 700  % according to the National Institute of Statistics [6]. Food, 
currency, medicines, gasoline ... the population buys daily on the black market. To stem 
it, the government created the local supply and production committees (Clap), in favor of 
beneficiaries of social programs ... with a strong suspicion of clientelism.

The suffering of women

As often when the social situation worsens, women pay the heaviest cost. The violence they 
face is increasing: in 2016, it is estimated at 169 the number of femicides, ignored by 
both the government and the opposition, and unpunished in 96  % of cases [7]. Venezuela 
also recorded a sad record: 25  % of pregnant Venezuelans have less than 15 years [8], and 
the UN reported in 2013 that teenage girls accounted for 66  % of maternal mortality [9]. 
Only solution proposed by the government: a television campaign in favor of sexual 
abstinence! No discussion about the right to sex education, contraceptive methods and even 
less to abortion, still illegal after fifteen years of "  revolutionary process  " ... 
Clandestine abortions would kill a woman every ten days.

Rivals who share many values

The opposition of the right will not bring any solution to the social distress, on the 

Even early 2016, a government decree Maduro created a vast "  economic zone of national 
development  ," confident mining 112 000 km2 of territory to dozens of multinationals 
trampling the "  sovereignty of the basement  ," registered in the 2012 Constitution. 
Usually very hostile to the policy of the PSUV, the MUD approved this decree, completely 
in line with its "   program of national unity government 2013-2019  ".

As such, the confiscation of the lands of the original peoples, the exploitation of 
workers and the destruction of natural resources can be values equitably shared by the two 
blocs that are fighting for state power.

One believes the MUD on parole when she is the bard of entrepreneurial "  liberties  " ; 
much less when it claims public freedoms. Some of its components were in power when, in 
February 1989, a program of liberal shock measures was launched under the aegis of the 
International Monetary Fund. The population protested against the breakdown of public 
services and social budgets ; the repression caused between 300 and 3,000 deaths according 
to the sources.

Similarly, after their ephemeral coup d'état against Chavez in April 2002, the coup 
leaders immediately suppressed the popular protest, in close collaboration with the 
employers. The patron of the Fedecamaras - the Venezuelan Medef - had proclaimed himself 
the head of the government, and was immediately dubbed by Washington and Madrid.

The people therefore have nothing to expect from the MUD, which incarnates only an 
oligarchic alternative pro-Washington to the present "  boligarchy  ". But he also has 
nothing to expect from an authoritarian government at bay, some fractions of which 
envisage the departure of Maduro as a solution to prolong the survival of the regime.

The only way out of this regime crisis would be the rise of a popular counter-power, 
structured by autonomous social and trade union organizations. Difficult to imagine after 
seventeen years of state supervision over social movements, but it is to be hoped that 
current events will move the lines in this direction.

Abobora (AL 31, Comminges link)

[1] Invention of Hugo Chavez referring to Simón Bolívar (1783-1830), "  bolivarism  " is a 
leftist nationalism, aiming to constitute a national capitalism, independent of the 
American interests.

[2] "  Venezuela has microcosm of Latin American conundrum  " Global Times, 1 st  August 2017.

[3] Ibid.

[4] Thomas Posado, "  The Venezuelan popular classes caught in the trap  ",, August 8, 2017.

[5] In 2016, the NGO Transpaency International ranked Venezuela 158 th on a list of 168 

[6] III e Forum Living conditions of the Venezuelan population, Simon Bolivar University, 
April 22, 2015, on

[7], 25 November 2016.

[8] Statement on Facebook by Nelmary Diaz, Director of the Planificacion familiar, August 
5, 2016.

[9], May 20, 2013.


Message: 3

It was a chilly Thursday evening around 10pm when the reports started circulating on 
social media that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) had kidnapped a family of 
undocumented people in Geneseo, right on the campus. Students confronted ICE, capturing 
the encounter on video, and news reached networks of organizers and activists in 
Rochester. Intel was vague, but an emergency rally was called at the Border Patrol Station 
in Irondequoit. ---- A crowd quickly gathered, then grew. As the protesters grew in 
number, the police presence became stronger. A large group of students drove in from 
Geneseo, and immediately got to work raising money for the families. A lone red and black 
flag flapped in the cold wind as chants of "Cops and borders, we don't need em! What we 
want is total freedom!" rose from the mob.

Hardly any actual Border Patrol officers were to be seen, but plenty of Irondequoit, 
County, and State piggies were on hand. As the crowd became too large to contain in front 
of the station, they cordoned off the station from the sidewalk with crime scene tape - to 
which, of course, the protesters responded that it was clearly ICE and the police who were 
the criminals here.

Regular reports were made on the status of our brothers and sisters inside the station. It 
was made very clear that we weren't leaving, and that we demanded their immediate release.

It was announced, to loud cheers, that most of the arrestees were being turned over to the 
Pastor of their church, who had been waiting with a large van. People power and a line in 
the sand had directly freed these people from state persecution in the Trump era. When we 
fight, we win!

The mood quickly became more serious when it came to light that they were going to move 
the remaining arrestee to the detention center in Buffalo, quite literally ripping a 
mother from her child. A team scrambled, pledging to blockade the Border Patrol vehicles 
from leaving. A tense hour passed, with people on the action team watching the cops' every 
move from the sidewalk. Protesters started up anti-police chants, as there was no denying 
that the Irondequoit Police, County Sheriff's department, and State Troopers were now 
facilitating the breaking up of a family, right in front of us.

A false alarm demonstrated the speed and discipline of the action team, who had not been 
able to plan in advance much at all. A large SUV with dark tinted windows attempted to 
leave the driveway of the station, and within seconds a blockade was thrown up across the 
driveway, protesters locking arms and sitting in front of the police line. It was a Border 
Patrol guard (or something), trying to leave and go home after work. The protesters 
controlled the situation, and the police were forced to let one of them look inside the 
vehicle before they would let it pass.

More extremely tense time passed. Numbers at the protest started to dwindle, as it became 
the early morning, and it was very cold. Border Patrol made their move, and the blockade 
sprang back into place. The police spokesman tried to communicate that everyone would be 
arrested - or something. Nobody could hear him over the determined, loud chanting from 
blockaders and supporters: "Let them go!"

The police could have easily arrested the folks on the line, and carried out their 
disgusting task. Instead, they took the most cowardly route possible, using a decoy 
vehicle and then fleeing through an adjacent parking lot, tearing mother from child. The 
pigs started to laugh and mock the blockaders. Some heartbroken protesters clashed with 
police, the crime scene tape was torn down, and two arrests were made.

In the end, it was a net win, and all of the undocumented arrestees were soon released. 
The fact that the community could immediately mobilize a crowd of 200 people to defend 
their neighbors from "Homeland Security," and then successfully demand the release of 
detainees should be instructive for those who want to resist the Trump agenda. No amount 
of letter writing, voting, petitions, or phone calls will ever be as powerful as a little 
courage and some direct action.


Message: 4

The HR of the CAC 40 companies invited the Minister of Labor Muriel Pénicaud, October 12, 
to come to their decrypt and comment on the reform of the Labor Code, the Pré Catelan, a 
three-star restaurant of the 15 th arrondissement of Paris. Intellectuals, artists and 
trade unionists propose to invite themselves en masse "  not to suffer the future they 
prepare for us  ". ---- When the HRDs of the CAC 40 companies gueulet together, it is 
evidently at Pré Catelan, in full XVI th arrondissement, in the heart of the Bois de 
Boulogne. When they celebrate one of their own, it is obviously Muriel Pénicaud, the " HRD 
of the company France  " - as they say - that which overthrows the table of all 
conservatism with its petrifying Labor Act 2.

So, on October 12th, in the morning, hardly the ordinances of the new Labor law passed, 
the HRDs of the big French companies - the very ones who intend to make us increasingly 
harder for crumbs always more microscopic - in this three-star restaurant to celebrate 
what they consider beforehand as their definitive victory over the poor, far from the 
annoying looks that are enough to spoil the little ovens. How not to think of inviting 
themselves en masse on that day, and to make them party too? Is it reasonable to let the 
HR managers of Engie, Bouygues, Michelin, Société Générale, Carrefour, Air France, Canal 
+, MacDonald, La Française des Jeux, La Poste, Renault, Orange, Carrefour, the next blows 
they intend to take, when we know that it is in numbers of suicides, burnout, depression, 
resignation or just misery and misery that is generally measured the success of innovative 
HR strategies ? There is something especially detestable in every HR department, and it 
begins with pretending to care about humans when its only concern is actually about their 
submission and their performance. Exploitation does not like to be called by name. Very 
early in the 1930s,  "Rather than"  Scientific Organization of Labor  ", which felt too 
much of the schlague. Half a century later, they were transformed into "  directors of 
human resources  " - the kind of gardeners of the entrepreneurial jungle whose only 
concern would be to help us realize our potential, to free ourselves, to seize 
opportunities, to sustainable development of our human capital. Those who rob you of your 
life also demand that you thank them, if only with a forced smile. Old mafia principle. 
All power is set on a denied abuse. The raut of October 12 at Pré Catelan in the presence 
of Muriel Pénicaud is not only a gesture of mad arrogance, even provocation; it also has 
something new. For, since Macron took over the state apparatus, the business world no 
longer hides its political ambitions. The presentation of the event testifies to it 
enough: the new political situation "  which is causing the institutions to shift and has 
upset the established order, invites us to look at the enterprise. There are many 
parallels between the management of an organization and the government of a country. 
Between a collaborator and a citizen. Observers considered that the "start-up Macron" had 
been able to marvelously play the collective card, betting on creativity, adaptability and 
meaning.  "With Macron, the corporate world wants its historic revenge. He thinks his time 
has come and plans to complete his counter-revolution.

The tiny and pathetic class of "managers" has always been confined in France to a social 
and human contempt of every moment. His ridiculous idiom never ceased to provoke popular 
hilarity. His lamentable forms of life have for more than thirty years been an 
inexhaustible source of comedy sketches. But this laugh, often, has remained across the 
throat in front of the human damage. For a few months now, this class has imagined that it 
is at last holding the levers of power, which it finally has the right to cite. She who 
can reign only on the condition that she remain shut up in her few desolate and bourgeois 
districts, she who can not believe that she possesses a superior humanity on the ground 
that she has done higher education than by shutting herself in her -so gilded, exposed, 
and exposed "politically". It is taken from madness of grandeur. Because one of her own 
has become president, she imagines that the country belongs to her. Because Macron is in 
power, she believes she has become hegemonic. Macron and his world have for them only a 
ridiculous fraction of the population whom no one respects. The problem, in France, is not 
only the % who hold the capital, it is rather the 15  % who obey them unconditionally. The 
central political problem is that all these "managers" and aspiring "managers" who, not 
content with managing their own lives, intend to manage that of others. The revolution 
advocated by Macron, of which he was careful not to define nature, is none other than the 
old "  managerial revolution  ." In her dementia, she would like to send back all the life 
forms she considers outdated: workers and peasants, artists at the RSA and officials not 
interested in entrepreneurship, hungry unemployed and young politicians, retired too 
inactive and sinners on Sunday , immigrants without social capital and researchers without 
a commercial outlet. Their new world of "  agility  " liberated enterprise  ","  augmented 
collaborator  ","  collective intelligence  "and"  breaking innovation  ", we are 
overwhelmingly unwilling. Everybody, basically, hates the company. Let us organize 
ourselves so as not to suffer the future they are preparing for us. Let us organize to 
celebrate, on October 12, at the HRD and at Pénicaud.

Signatories: Ludivine Bantigny, historian ; Jacqueline Balsan, President of the MNCP ; 
Jérôme Baschet, historian ; Eric Beynel, spokesperson for Solidaires ; Philippe Borrel, 
director ; Annick Coupé, trade unionist and alterglobalist ; Sylvain Creuzevault, director 
; Alain Damasio, writer ; Alessi dell'Umbria, writer and filmmaker ; Laurence De Cock, 
historian, educational activist ; Bernard Friot, economist ; Gérard Delteil, writer ; 
Sylvain George, director, writer, director, ; Noël Godin, entarteur, writer and 
encyclopedist ; Eddy Guilain, CGT activist ; Manu Haze, peasant trade unionist; Jean-Yves 
Lesage, CGT of the Book ; Daniele Linhart, sociologist ; Philippe Marlière, politician ; 
Xavier Mathieu, Comedian ex Conti ; Gérard Mordillat, writer and filmmaker ; Ugo Palheta, 
sociologist ; Élisabeth Perceval and Nicolas Klotz, filmmakers ; Théo Roumier, unionist 
Solidaires, Cahiers de réflexions Les Utopiques ; Yves Simon, unionized SNJ-CGT.


Message: 5

"‘Fascism' has become a kind of a scare word. But many of the aspects of fascism are not 
far below the surface.... So, fascist-type structures without the crematoria, which is not 
a core, necessary part of fascism. It could happen." - Noam Chomsky ---- The 2016 election 
and subsequent political tire-fire has gotten people talking about fascism. Is Trump a 
fascist? Is the GOP turning into the Nazis? Just how afraid should we be? ---- The word 
fascism has become a generic term for far-right politics, authoritarianism, genocide, and 
for evil in general. Sometimes it's hard to pin down exactly what fascism is because it's 
not a coherent ideology. There are several common themes, such as nationalism, 
authoritarianism, propaganda, war, patriarchy, racism, and theocracy. Truth doesn't matter 
to them. Might makes right.

That's what fascism does, not what fascism is. Fascism is a social process caused by deep 
capitalist crisis. It's no coincidence that classical fascism followed in the wake of the 
Great Depression, and that within 10 years of the 2008 Recession we see a new 
proto-fascist wave washing over Europe and the US.

French anarchist Daniel Guerin wrote in 1938 that "Fascism is, to be sure, a defensive 
reaction of the[capitalists], but a defense against the disintegration of its own system 
far more than against any[working-class]offensive.... The crisis of the capitalist system 
itself is what shook capitalism to its foundations by drying up the sources of profit."

When the capitalist economy is failing, people whose class position is threatened must 
turn either to the right or to the left. While anarchists and socialists fight to solve 
the crisis by abolishing capitalism, the fascists propose to solve the crisis by using 
nationalism and violence to buy themselves back into a better deal with the capitalists. 
Once in power, fascism is an extreme form of capitalist dictatorship built on an alliance 
between right-wing elites and a right-wing of the population.

The question isn't just "How fascist is Trump?" The question is, "How fascist is America?"

The Trump Coalition

The Trump Regime is made up of a proto-fascist coalition between several different 
political forces, each onboard for their own reasons. Each one represents something deeply 
wrong with our society.

At the top of the list has to be Wall Street and Corporate America. The list of vile shit 
stains from Goldman Sachs in Trump's administration is even longer than Obama's. These 
people want bank deregulation, and the power to evict homeowners. They want wages as low 
as possible. They deny climate change. They support this government in order to grow their 
profits and defend their wealth. They're the capitalists, and they want to keep exploiting us.

Second is the Political Opportunists. Republican politicians, Fox News and other corporate 
news media, lobbyists, consultants. They're in this for re-election, campaign fundraising, 
or career advancement. They want air time, ratings, book deals, and money. They want to 
preserve the GOP in the face of demographic shifts. They're the ones mainly responsible 
for serving the corporate masters.

The most violent faction is Law Enforcement. Cops, prosecutors, judges, guards, wardens, 
ICE, Border Patrol, FBI, and "Law & Order" politicians are a key base of support for 
Trump. They want to expand mass incarceration, escalate raids and deportations, and avoid 
police reform. These guys hold it down for institutional racism. They're the descendants 
of the slave patrols, built to protect whiteness and property.

We can't forget about the Military-Industrial Complex. Fascism requires war for a few 
reasons. The promises fascists make to their working class dupes are always empty. War 
propaganda keeps up the illusion of national unity. Production of military arms, supplies, 
and equipment are profitable and can pass for a "jobs program." Trump's switch from 
babbling about getting along with other countries to letting the Pentagon do whatever they 
want should come as no surprise.

Easily the craziest sect is the Christian Right. They're a vast network of well-funded 
cults that want to outlaw abortion, torture queer and trans children, discredit science, 
instigate a holy war against Islam, and generally replace the Constitution with the Book 
of Leviticus.

Our next contestant was the Election Day surprise. Class-Insecure Whites and Right-wing 
Unions. "Class-Insecure" means people who see themselves as slipping backwards down the 
economic ladder. Some of these people turned to Trump, and they're nearly all white. To 
understand this critical piece of the Trump puzzle, we have to go back in time. Ever since 
both parties started dismantling the New Deal, fascism has been coming to a theater near us.

 From 1940s until the 80s, the "white working class" in the US had an ok thing going. The 
capitalists had made a New Deal with them: lots of government jobs, labor rights, and 
social welfare programs in exchange for not going communist, supporting wars, keeping 
unions segregated, and following the law when going on strike.

For decades their unions were big, their wages were rising, their kids went to good public 
schools and got better jobs. It couldn't have lasted. As soon as the labor movement, the 
black freedom movement, anti-war students, and communists were no longer a threat; big 
business started taking their country back.

They busted the unions, chipped away at the public sector, cut budgets, shipped jobs 
elsewhere, and kept wages low for 40 years. As a result, huge sections of the so-called 
"middle class" are feeling more and more working class. And they are not happy about it.

In a country as deeply racist as ours, this otherwise-legitimate economic resentment gets 
mixed in with the politics of white supremacy. The more these people's discontent is 
channeled into racism, the closer we are to a society capable of classical fascist atrocities.

There are also some labor unions that haven't changed very much since segregation, 
holdouts of the white-only unions. Concentrated in law enforcement unions and the building 
trades, they grow by playing nice with the big boys in management and politics. They want 
to protect their little white guilds. Their national leaders are happy to collaborate with 
big business and politicians in hopes of protectionist trade policies and jobs building 
oil pipelines. They cannot imagine a new world, so they cling like hell to the old one.

Last but not least, are the Open Fascists. The Alt-Right, Neo-Nazis, Klansmen, 
Traditionalists, Proud Boys, Minutemen, and various scary militias. These are the ones who 
did the Nazi salute while shouting "Hail Trump!" They are beyond all redemption but 
defeat. They want to take advantage of Trump's presidency to recruit new members to their 
organizations and carve out room for themselves in mainstream politics. It's always ok to 
punch them.

French Marxist Jean-Paul Sartre wrote that the fascist "has chosen hate because hate is a 
faith; at the outset he has chosen to[devalue]words and reasons.... They know that their 
remarks are frivolous, open to challenge.... They delight in acting in bad faith, since 
they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert."

  Darkest Before the Dawn

One critical difference between classical fascists and the Trump Regime is that, so far, 
Trump hasn't significantly interfered in the economy. Traditionally, fascist regimes must 
convince the capitalists to allow some state interference in the economy in order to 
stabilize the system and deliver on the promises made to their base. Besides killing the 
Trans-Pacific Partnership, Trump has done nothing significant to deliver on his economic 
promises. On the contrary, the regime is doubling down on deregulation, just like their 
corporate masters want. This will accelerate the crisis of capitalism, not fix it.

The most terrifying thing about fascism in America isn't that it might be around the 
corner, but that it may already be in the rearview mirror. Many aspects of fascism - a 
police state, propaganda, corporate rule, mass prisons, economic desperation, vicious 
racism, religious zealotry, and a war industry - are all already here. Most have been for 
a very long time. Hitler even studied native american genocide as a model for the holocaust.

The United States is the most powerful empire in world history. It was built on native 
genocide, african slavery, and plundering Latin America. Now it's armed with predator 
drones and the ability to spy on anyone, to say nothing of nuclear weapons. The fascists 
cannot be allowed to win, especially here.

To defeat fascism, we need defense and offense. Defense against fascism means shutting 
down their events, crashing their websites, exposing their members, and outnumbering them 
at every turn. Offensively, we've got to pull the rug out from under them with some real 
class struggle. We have to start solving basic social and economic problems by organizing 
strong unions in our industries and building democracy in our neighborhoods. It's up to us.

"Find out just what any people will quietly submit to, and you have found out the exact 
amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue 
till they are resisted with either words or blows, or with both. The limits of tyrants are 
prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." - Frederick Douglass


Message: 6

Wielkopolska Association of Tenants has been informed several times about the problems of 
people living in the premises belonging to the Catholic Church. Residents and residents of 
ecclesiastical properties are also experiencing difficulties with accidents (such as 
illness, loss of employment), as well as reasons for rent increases or excessive demands 
for tenancy - consequently they face the threat of eviction. Representatives of the 
Catholic Church act in these cases often in an absolute manner, guided by more free-market 
principles than by moral ones. The fact that many of these issues have not "come out" is 
primarily due to the fact that evictions and displacement have affected deeply religious 
people who do not want to be damned in the name of the Church, or fearing - in case of 
revealing their image in the media - reaction of the surroundings, mainly priests and 
families. This does not change the fact that the Catholic Church has become one of the 
most serious players in the real estate market, whose actions are dictated by financial 
considerations, often at odds with the interests of tenants, or, more broadly, the lowest 
social groups. We can not confuse the official doctrine of the Church, which often falls 
apart from real practices. or, more broadly, the lowest social groups. We can not confuse 
the official doctrine of the Church, which often falls apart from real practices. or, more 
broadly, the lowest social groups. We can not confuse the official doctrine of the Church, 
which often falls apart from real practices.

With such a case we are dealing with a family from Zielona Street, living in a place 
belonging to the Church. Debt was caused by temporary loss of work and low earnings and 
illness of a new born child. It became the basis for the Church's eviction against the 
principal tenant, which in turn created the risk that two children with a mother would 
soon be able to leave without a roof over their heads. The church decided to remove the 
family with full knowledge of its composition and social situation. At the same time, he 
rejected the proposal to enter into a settlement and pay off any debt, which - nota bene - 
after a closer legal analysis is disputed. The condition for concluding the lease 
agreement was the payment by the family of a fee of several thousand zlotys. Such fees are 
not provided for by the law on the protection of tenants' rights ... and in view of this, 
the tenants wish to include this amount in their settlements (as is the case with the 
deposit). In response to this, Church representatives demanded even more money for 
"inconsiderate use of the premises", which is nothing but an attempt to exert pressure and 
intimidate the family.

At the same time, responsible persons on the Church's side did not have the scruple to 
maintain before the City Hall that the tenant was not indebted at the time he applied for 
the so-called. Housing allowance (condition for granting it is a lack of debt). It 
affected the church account. Thus, the two standards were applied to the tenant, depending 
on what the Church expected to obtain financial benefits. to include this amount in the 
settlement (as is the case with the deposit). In response to this, Church representatives 
demanded even more money for "inconsiderate use of the premises", which is nothing but an 
attempt to exert pressure and intimidate the family. At the same time, responsible persons 
on the Church's side did not have the scruple to maintain before the City Hall that the 
tenant was not indebted at the time he applied for the so-called. Housing allowance 
(condition for granting it is a lack of debt). It affected the church account. Thus, the 
two standards were applied to the tenant, depending on what the Church expected to obtain 
financial benefits. to include this amount in the settlement (as is the case with the 
deposit). In response to this, Church representatives demanded even more money for 
"inconsiderate use of the premises", which is nothing but an attempt to exert pressure and 
intimidate the family. At the same time, responsible persons on the Church's side did not 
have the scruple to maintain before the City Hall that the tenant was not indebted at the 
time he applied for the so-called. Housing allowance (condition for granting it is a lack 
of debt). It affected the church account.

Thus, the two standards were applied to the tenant, depending on what the Church expected 
to obtain financial benefits. They demanded even more money for "inconsiderate use of the 
premises", which is nothing but an attempt to exert pressure and intimidate the family. At 
the same time, responsible persons on the Church's side did not have the scruple to 
maintain before the City Hall that the tenant was not indebted at the time he applied for 
the so-called. Housing allowance (condition for granting it is a lack of debt). It 
affected the church account. Thus, the two standards were applied to the tenant, depending 
on what the Church expected to obtain financial benefits. They demanded even more money 
for "inconsiderate use of the premises", which is nothing but an attempt to exert pressure 
and intimidate the family. At the same time, responsible persons on the Church's side did 
not have the scruple to maintain before the City Hall that the tenant was not indebted at 
the time he applied for the so-called. Housing allowance (condition for granting it is a 
lack of debt). It affected the church account. Thus, the two standards were applied to the 
tenant, depending on what the Church expected to obtain financial benefits. Housing 
allowance (condition for granting it is a lack of debt). It affected the church account. 
Thus, the two standards were applied to the tenant, depending on what the Church expected 
to obtain financial benefits. Housing allowance (condition for granting it is a lack of 
debt). It affected the church account. Thus, the two standards were applied to the tenant, 
depending on what the Church expected to obtain financial benefits.

It is no surprise to us that the conduct of the Church in this matter is in principle 
contradictory to the principles advocated by it. With such situations we had to deal with 
both local government, trade unions, housing cooperatives, companies or private 
individuals - they felt they were absolved every time, referring not to the decalogue, but 
to the free market principles - to take advantage of the property without looking at 
social consequences. However, we are not in the pursuit of moral motives. We expect the 
Catholic Church - not for ethical reasons, and because it benefits from a privileged legal 
and legal position in our society - that it will function differently than a company that 
translates "profit over people".

The actions of the Church of the Church of Poznan, therefore, are aroused by our resolute 
opposition and we demand from the responsible ecclesiastical authorities a position not 
only in relation to the described case of the family from ul. Green, but also to the wider 
role that the Church plays in the real estate market, in the context of respecting the 
rights and interests of tenants.

Neighborhood picket: Saturday (14.10.17) 12:30 Curia Metropolitana ul.Ostrów Tumski 2


Message: 7

The immeasurable environmental and social disaster of 10 September 2017 in the Saronic 
Gulf caused by the sinking of Agia Zona II tanker east of Psyttalia and the dispersion of 
thousands of tons of mazut at sea ---- IT IS A STATE AND CAPITALISTIC CRIME ---- which has 
come as an inevitable result of the uncontrolled pollution and pollution of shipping and 
oil companies at sea and the coasts of Piraeus and western Attica, tragically revealing 
the aggressive and destructive nature of the political and economic system on the natural 
AND CAPITAL LOAD THE GREEN ---- Through a giant enterprise to sell public natural 
resources and land to private capital, carried out by the Greek state under the tutelage 
of the EU. and the IMF. and the modernization of the legal framework in order to remove 
any institutional commitments to the exploitation of the world of labor, commercialization 
and looting of the natural environment, alongside the state propaganda promoting the 
ideology of development as a matter of national interest, attempts to transform the whole 
of the country into a Special Economic Zone for wild exploitation and control of natural 
resources and society.


Against this treaty, an overall social awakening is required, the overcoming of 
commission, mediation and inertia, the rise of social and class struggles, the formation 
of broad, self-organized, counter-institutional resistance fronts, and the creation of 
dikes at every point in the state and capitalist aggression. Against the nightmarish 
present and future imposed by a political and economic system on sepsis, the only way out 
is the struggle for a world of equality, solidarity, freedom and respect for the natural 




Anarchist Collectives Circle of Fire, Omikron 72 | members of APO


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