Daily Reflections
Tuesday, 5thSeptember 2017,
Twenty Second Week in Ordinary Time
Memorial of St. Teresa of Kolkota.
1 Thes 5: 1-6, 9-11;
Ps 27: 1, 4, 13-14;
Lk 4: 31-37
Jesus, who was able to make a “deep impression” on the peoplewhen he taught. And they ascribed it to the authoritywith which he spoke. But Jesus was neither a high priest, nora Pharisee, nor a scribe. These were the people who wererecognized as having authority to explain the Scriptures. The people themselves questioned:“What is it in his words?” His words bore conviction due to his relation with the Father. Jesus’ words carried the authority and conviction.
The same authority is offered to all of us, to every Christian. We are called to witness and to evangelize.The joy of the Gospel that we preach or speak about makes sense to others only when wehaveJesus’ conviction in our lives. Our wordstouch hearts only when they spring from this joy. St Paul, usingthe metaphor of being asleep and awake, urges us to realize thatwe are children of the light, destined for the glory of heaven,and therefore we must live like it. We must not be lukewarmChristians, lazy and sleepy, but awake, alive with joy, filled withthe Word, burning with the fire of love for Christ and his Gospel.This fire is the authority that Jesus manifested when he preachedthe word, and cast out demons. This is what Jesus wants of us too.
Today, we celebrate the feast of St. Teresa of Kolkota. This saint was filled with the love and conviction of Christ. She spoke by her actions, feeding the hungry, giving drink to the thirsty, taking care of the sick and suffering and giving dignity to the dying. She was a witness of love, in a society where love was abandoned. And she continues to bring light to the darkness experienced by those who are lost, exploited and abandoned. Let us learn from today’s liturgy to be children of light.
Prayer: Thank You Jesus, for your love, mercy and compassion. You have blessed us to be sharers of your authority and conviction, to be light in a world clouded by darkness. Strengthen me to be always close to you and be a child of light. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.
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