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» Anarchic update news all over the world 6.08.2017
Anarchic update news all over the world 6.08.2017
Today's Topics:
1. France, Alternative Libertaire AL sp�cial de juillet-aout:
history, Reportage from beyond the grave: "The funeral of
Kropotkin" (1921) (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
2. Registration is open for the 6th edition of the S�o Paulo
Anarchist and Punk Film Festival o By A.N.A. (ca, pt)
POSSIBLE? (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
4. [France] CIRA Marseille grows By ANA (fr, pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
5. Czech, afed: Serinkuv dub -- On Sunday, July 30, 2017, an
oak was set in the village of Spelkov in memory of the black
partisan Josef Serinka. [machine translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
6. black rose fed: "Guerrillas of Desire" and the Revolutionary
Potential of Everyday Struggle By Michael Reagan, Truthout
7. [Greece] Worker at supermarket chain Karypidis commits
suicide after 15 months without receiving By ANA (pt) [machine
translation] (a-infos-en@ainfos.ca)
Message: 1
They are all there: Bolsheviks, Mensheviks, Socialist-Revolutionaries and, of course,
anarchists ... partisan of the regime or persecuted by it, no one could miss this twilight
event in more ways than one: the funeral of the old revolutionary Kropotkin in February
1921. This exceptional document was well worth a new commented translation. ---- Do not
miss the special record 1917 in Alternative Libertarian of July-August 2017, available in
good kiosks . ---- The Funeral of Kropotkin, 1921 (FR) from Alternative libertarian on
Vimeo . ---- On February 8, 1921, the old revolutionary, the great scientist and principal
theorist of anarchism, Pierre Kropotkin, died at the age of 78 in Dmitrov, near Moscow. On
February 10, the coffin is transported by train to the capital, where the body is
exhibited for two days at the House of Unions. The funeral takes place on February 13, in
the presence of 20,000 people.
The All-Russian Department of Cinema and Photography (VFKO) made a complete report on the
No libertarian tendency could afford to be politically absent. But other currents also
wanted to be represented, whether the Socialist-Revolutionaries, the Mensheviks or the
On these exceptional images one can clearly decrypt some banners.
We can thus see: - the banners of libertarian organizations satellized by the regime, such
as the All-Russian Federation of Communist Anarchists and the All-Russian Section of
Anarchist-Universalists ;
- that of an oppositional libertarian organization: the Ukrainian anarchist Confederation
Nabat (which, in fact, was already disbanded on that date) ;
- the Union of Maximalist SRs, an extreme left-wing group ;
- a group of repatriated anarchists from the United States, the majority of whom have
joined the regime.
We find the same diversity among the anarchists identified on the screen - some of whom
were relatives of Kropotkin. There are:
- militants who cooperate with the Soviet regime: German Sandomirski, Alexander
Atabekian, German Askarov, Vladimir Barmach, Alexei Borovoi, Nikolai Lebedev, Alexandre
- others who, at that date, are breaking up, like Alexander Berkman and Emma Goldman ;
- opponents persecuted by the regime, such as Efim Yartchouk, Grigori Maximov, Nikolai
Pavlov and Markous (from the All-Russian Confederation of Anarcho-Syndicalists), but also
Lev Tchernyi and Aaron Baron (from Nabat) ;
- Independent figures such as Georgi Gogeliia and Piro ;
- others, on which we have no information: Anosov, Petrovski, T. Schapiro.
A few weeks after these funerals, the Petrograd strikes and the famous Kronstadt revolt
will break out. The communist power will then decide to eradicate any space of free
expression. The pro-regime anarchist organizations will pay the price, and will be
dismantled before the end of the year. Kropotkin's funeral was therefore the last
opportunity for them to demonstrate publicly.
One of the animators of the anarchist confederation Nabat, Aaron Baron, is released for
the duration of the funeral.
In the special file
of Alternative libertarian
February-March 1917: After the Tsarists, drive the capitalists
Minority but galvanized, the anarchists advocate expropriation all the way
A tract of the Communist Anarchist Federation of Petrograd (March 1917)
April-May: the irrepressible rise to the social explosion
The first libertarian wave (1905-1908)
Anarcho-syndicalists in factory committees
June-July: insurrection not enough
The fiasco of the days of July
August-September: the counter-revolution digs its own tomb
The Other Components of Russian Socialism in 1917
October red (and black): the assault in the unknown
A Ukrainian revolutionary: Maroussia emerges from oblivion
November 1917-April 1918: from pluralism to the confiscated revolution. Four cleavage points:
People's Power vs. State Power
Socialization against nationalization
Popular militia against hierarchical army
On requisitions and expropriations
Epilogue 1918-1921: resistance and eradication
Message: 2
We are now in the sixth year of our Anarchist and Punk Film Festival, in S�o Paulo -
Brazil, and one more time we�re inviting you to send movies to screening during 2nd and
3rd december, 2017. Do you have an DIY audiovisual project? Do you made a film related to
punk and/or anarchism in its several expressions? Are you thinking in audiovisual as an
important tool to our struggles? To take part of our Festival and share your production,
is just submit your film in the form available in:
Message: 3
An interview with Cole, a member of the Black Rose Anarchist Federation from Boston,
giving his first hand account of the G20 Hamburg protests. He recently authored the piece
"What Made Large Scale Resistance Possible at the G20 in Hamburg?" In this interview Cole
gives a brief introduction to Black Rose, goes into detail on what made these protests
possible, tactics used and the what these protests might mean for future organizing.
---- Also on the topic of the G20 Hamburg we recommend the interview with historian and
Black Rose/Rosa Negra member Mark Bray appearing on the Final Straw podcast. #G20 #G20HAM17
Message: 4
I appeal to solidarity to enable CIRA to stock all of its current and unfinished files.
---- The International Center for Research on Anarchism is 52 years old. ---- It was
created in 1965 by Ren� Bianco (1941-2005) helped by some companions. He is part of the
International Federation of Centers for Studies and Documentation (FICEDL). ---- During
all those years, the CIRA collected, classified and filed everything that has relation
with the anarchism. The funds are now made up of several thousand books, brochures,
newspapers, personal files of militants, posters, pamphlets, academic papers, postcards,
films, numerical documents ... ---- The documents are written in several languages, mainly
in French, Spanish, Italian and English. ---- CIRA promotes monthly events, organizes and
participates in the libertarian book halls. He publishes a newsletter, a monthly
information booklet, an annual bibliography. The place is very frequented on the days of
Since its inception, CIRA has had to relocate several times. Not having your own place
means real dangers to the conservation of the archives.
Thanks to the financial collections that were fed for years between our adherents and
supporters and supplemented by subscriptions, we were able, in June 2011, to acquire a
place of our own.
The ground floor building of 100m�, located in the center of Marseille, was quickly filled
and today, despite the many additions of shelves, waiting boxes, newspaper boxes occupying
all the space, makes it difficult enough to continue the work of archiving and welcoming
the public .
The search for an attachment to stockpile a part of the periodicals and all the donations
in progress and to come was indispensable. Thanks to the donations we were able to find a
place for the annex. It is an old warehouse of 70m� that is only 100m from the location of
number 50 of Consolat Street.
It is now necessary to improve your condition. The floor must be completely redone, the
doors must be rearranged, some walls need repairs, shelves must be installed ...
In order to finance these works, we have launched an appeal for solidarity and a financial
subscription: we need at least 6,000 euros.
If you think that CIRA's existence is important to the libertarian movement today, you can
join this subscription. A little too many to make a big sum.
The amounts must be sent to the account "Los Acratas" and sent to CIRA, Consolat Street,
50, 13001, Marseille.
If you wish, we can send you a tax receipt for your donation. For international deposits,
please contact us.
We thank in advance the collaborators.
Team of the CIRA Marseille, June 23, 2017.
Message: 5
The event was attended by about 60 people (some sites reported lower numbers because they
did not count among people and children present for some reason). ---- Serink's oak will
grow as a symbol of our relationship with history, in a place where, according to the
words of the partisan grandson, Mr. Zdenek Serinka, a former refugee from the Czech League
in Lety began to trust people again. Not only do they not dare, but they are just as
determined to fight fascism. ---- Under the burning sun in the impressive landscape of the
Vysocina Mountains, it spoke more people in the afternoon. Mr. Cenek Ru�icka thanked the
historian Jan Tesar on behalf of all Roma for the fact that in his respectable work Gypsy
Rhapsody he arranged the almost forgotten story of a black partisan. In fact, Jan Tesar
was personally speaking and spoke in the way it is customary - clearly and decisively:
"Anti-Semitism and anti-Semitism are not dead at all ... What we have done: in fact, the
entire Roma community is today underprivileged ... The symbol of this can be the pig Place
of a former concentrate]. That pig must disappear, that's the first boulder on the way,
it's not the target. That we report and we will strive for it is a symbol of our
solidarity with the underprivileged Roma community, but also a symbol of social solidarity
at all ... All the governments that were here, They are screaming for us ... "Jan Tesar
called for civil disobedience to a regime that does not respect human dignity and instead
profits and deepens social differences and has expressed the wish that the younger
generation be stronger than we have been able to be. "This is before you, whether you want
it or not, you have to deal with it."
The inter-organizer of the event, Ondrej Li�ka, was the co-organizer of the event, and as
a former professional politician and today's representative of "non-profit and business on
one ship" he was able to empty all the big words he chose to repeat. So the listener
hesitated even with Li�ka's statement that "we are all people" ... Nothing against his
efforts today, but was it not by chance also in one of the governments that consistently
dropped from the table to build a dignified memorial to the Roma Holocaust?
Let us return to Spelkov and to the nearby forest, where the guerrillas of the past are
still well-known, tangible proof that what a regime describes as a crime can simply be a
struggle for a free and dignified life. Let's also remind once again that no modern regime
in this country, whether bourgeois-democratic first Republic, Bolshevik totalitarianism or
today's tunneling democracy, did not behave well or fairly towards Gypsies. And let's keep
in mind the challenge of Jan Tesar.
Message: 6
A tension between political hunger and fruition runs throughout Kevin Van Meter's new book
on building contemporary revolutionary struggle, Guerrillas of Desire: Notes on Everyday
Resistance and Organizing to Make a Revolution Possible, published this month by AK Press
and the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Van Meter's book is a welcome contribution to
build meaningful revolutionary struggle and to revive the sorely needed tradition of
autonomist Marxism. Indeed, in the era of Trump and neoliberalism, the urgency and the
desire for a revolutionary transformation animates many on the left. But we often struggle
to realize these desires. ---- Van Meter's central metaphor in this book, "guerrillas of
desire," seeks to awaken us to the revolutionary potential already found in everyday
popular struggle. Resistance and refusal, sabotage and obfuscation, Van Meter argues, all
bring forward revolutionary potential, the ability to break with the structures of an
exploitative society and begin to construct something new.
These acts of refusal, in particular the "refusal of work," are central features of the
book. Those who fight back against capitalism in this way are guerrillas, fighters against
an ongoing war by capital to impose work and seize commons. These are regular people,
often lost to history, the slaves, peasants and workers who fight to retain some degree of
autonomy of their lives and themselves through acts that include the "theft of time and
materials, feigned illness, sabotage, arson, murder,[and]exodus." Their acts also clear
the space for alternative worlds, and hence Van Meter's use of "desire." Quoting Zapatista
militant Subcomandante Marcos, for guerrillas, "in our dreams we have seen another world,
an honest world, a world decidedly fairer than the one in which we now live." A desire for
a new world, with revolutionary tactics, make the metaphor: guerrillas of desire.
What the book does exceedingly well is engage and update autonomist Marxism, bringing
ideas into 2017. Van Meter's concepts of class struggle are especially refreshing and
deserve wide circulation in both activist and academic circles. Using the autonomist
notion of the "social factory," he shows us that class struggle is greater than wage
conflicts on the shop floor, or coal miner shootouts with Pinkertons. Instead, if the
structure of society supports the process of profit accumulation, and all of society is a
"social factory," then resistance and contestation in schools, in the home, in the bedroom
and in the streets, are part of the struggle against capital. Further, the contestants on
the bottom, the oppressed and marginalized, whether employed or not, are part of the
working class. Therefore, the myriad forms of everyday resistance are both part of
working-class struggles and the building blocks for revolutionary emancipation from capital.
This framework is hindered, however, by some overly general formulations. One frustrating
element of Guerrillas of Desire is that Van Meter tries to convince us that capitalism is
defined by the "imposition of work," rather than wages, profits and commodities, and that
resistance therefore looks like the "refusal to work." But defining "capitalism as the
endless imposition of work" is too narrow; capital is engaged in bigger projects than this
single act. Furthermore, work can, with different social relationships, become a
fundamental and meaningful part of human expression. Resistance, therefore, should be
defined as the refusal to work on the terms of capital, of exploited or unremunerated work
not in our interests and from which we are alienated, and not from work in general; his
rhetorical use of "work" is more confusing than revealing. So, too, with his use of
"everyday" in the forms of resistance he highlights. For slaves, peasants and workers, the
groups that compose the three central chapters of the book, Van Meter is quick to include
arson and murder in the forms of everyday resistance. Including these unusual forms of
resistance with more common forms, like stealing, confuses the meaning of "individual"
with "commonplace."
At stake here is the relationship between individual and collective resistance. Van Meter
is excellent in convincing us that these forms of small, "everyday" methods of resistance
are the beginnings of potentially revolutionary struggle; what is not clear, however, is
how these forms can be "scaled up" to make social revolution possible. Van Meter hints at
this idea but does not fully explore it in the chapter on slavery, in which individual
acts, "exodus" or fleeing, assassination and tool-breaking take center stage. Citing
George Rawick, Van Meter argues that during the American Civil War, enslaved people
refused work on a massive scale, provoking a crisis for Confederate leadership. True
enough, but the progenitor of that idea, W.E.B. Du Bois, called those actions a "general
strike" and placed them at the center of both forcing emancipation and leading to the
ultimate defeat of the confederacy. If ever there was a revolutionary moment in US
history, this was it, formed in collective struggle. Du Bois's argument makes Van Meter's
case for him: The acts of individuals, increasingly moving in concert, can form enough
collective power to topple even the most brutal of systems.
Van Meter and Guerrillas of Desire shows us that revolutionary struggle is already
happening all around us, and for many of us, is already a part of our daily practice. Were
this enough, however, we'd have achieved "fully automated gay space luxury communism," to
paraphrase a favorite meme, long ago. We haven't. And so, the question that confronts us
from the book is where to go for struggle of this type; in the author's phrasing, exactly
how "to make a revolution possible." That Guerrillas of Desire can so thoughtfully provoke
this question means it deserves a wide audience indeed. Our task is to take up the call.
Michael Reagan is an organizer, historian and member of Black Rose/Rosa Negra based in
Seattle. He has a forthcoming book with AK Press and the Institute for Anarchist Studies
on class theory in the left tradition. Follow him on Twitter @reaganrevoltion or his
website www.mbreagan.com. This article was originally published with Truthout.
Message: 7
Text of the Thessaloniki Libertarian Initiative, published on its website, because of the
suicide of a worker in the supermarket chain Karypidis, after fifteen months without
receiving their salaries. A few days ago the Initiative carried out a protest action
outside one of the company's supermarkets in Thessaloniki. We note that this concentration
was the only collective reaction after the suicide-murder of the worker. ---- We will not
become accustomed to death. We will fight for life. ---- On Tuesday, July 11, 2017 , a
42-year-old woman who worked at the "Karypidis" supermarket chain in the city of Giannits�
ended her life. The worker was 15 months without receiving her wages. The work she had not
received for a long time, and the state of indigence in which she was because of it, led
her to suicide.
The company "Karypidis" has a long tradition in fraud, arbitrariness and exploitation of
workers. To begin with, in 2004 the Karypidis brothers bought the supermarket chain
"Arvanitidis" which was in danger of closing because of their huge debts to the Workers'
Social Security Fund. Once the network transaction was completed, the debt of the previous
owners to the Fund, which amounted to 18,250,000 euros, was "presented" to the debtor,
with the direct intervention of the former Secretary of the Social Security Fund, R.
Spyr�pulos. We would like to point out that Spyr�pulos was acquitted by a court of this
"initiative". With the signing of the franchise agreement between Karypidis and
Carrefour-Marinopoulos (expired in February 2016), Karypidis entered the market under the
name of "Carrefour-Marinopoulos",
In early 2017 the company enters into the insolvency law in order to postpone its
impending bankruptcy. Nonetheless, it continues to make a profit, failing to pay workers,
using various excuses to mislead, such as the need for sanitation and the "rationality" of
the company, blaming the previous direction of the company (when it was called
"Arvanitidis") , Even putting the blame for the poor economic situation of the company on
the workers' unions!
At this moment the 1,400 workers of the supermarket chain "Karypidis" are up to 19 months
without receiving their salaries. Your jobs are not assured. They are in a state that
oscillates between captivity and unemployment. They do not receive the retention
allowance, nor are they entitled to receive the unemployment benefit. The Presidential
Order on the transfer of supermarkets to other companies (eg Discount Market, Masoutis,
Market Inn, etc.) were not implemented. Last week, after appealing to the court, the
employer, the supreme court ruled that if a company's employers did not pay the wages of
their workers for a long time, this does not contribute to worsening working conditions,
confirming once More than justice has class character. He takes sides with the powerful,
the oppressors and the exploiters:
The extreme exploitation that the workers are suffering in the supermarkets "Karypidis"
combines with their fraud. The government criticizes the attitude of the Karypidis
brothers, striving to repair their leftist profile, which was intact until the elections
but was spoiled after them, while contributing to the continuing impoverishment of the
majority of society by voting a series of anti- Workers who are in accordance with the
demands of local and international capital. If you cover your ears to the demands of the
company workers who are on strike, or try to prevent their mobilizations, either with
meetings with their union leaders or using the so-called anti-government forces against them.
The imposed average working age is the result of policies that lead to the impoverishment
of the lower, as required by the restructuring of Capital, carried out in a violent
manner. Labor dungeons are occupying more and more space in the modern labor reality.
Exhaustive working hours, unpaid working hours, precarious and intensified work (and most
of them without social security), as well as the absence of security measures, on the one
hand annihilate the workers on a daily basis, at the same time as the bosses continue to
profit , And on the other hand are staggering, reaching extreme levels with the shameful
fact of the murders of workers.
Those who speak of isolated and non-interconnected incidents, and the bad luck of the
workers, do not want to see the essence of the problem. This essence is innate to
capitalism, it is the barbarity of Capital that reproduces itself by taking more advantage
of human labor and degrades our lives. At the same time the bosses talk about labor
accidents, putting the blame on the workers. For us these facts are clearly murders of
which the bosses are responsible. The profit of employers does not take into account human
life, hence the lack or deficiency of safety measures in the workplace.
On Thursday , July 13, 2017 we conducted an intervention, distributing leaflets and
throwing paint at the Discount Market store in the neighborhood of Xirokrini, which
belongs to the Karypidis brothers, trying to express the direct responsibility of the
bosses of the supermarket chain of the suicide of the worker 42 years in the city of
Giannits�. As long as we do not organize ourselves and do not challenge poverty, as we
sink into despair instead of fighting, we will tell the dead of our class.
It is imperative to organize unionism with a combative and hard base to stop being dragged
by bosses, small or large, and unionism of bureaucratic consent, subject to the regime,
which signs peace with our class enemy. Let us put the interests of the workers ahead and
take life in our hands, without hierarchies, mediations and paternalisms. Let us prepare
general, indefinite strikes, connecting them with a revolutionary proposal whose goal is
personal and collective emancipation, the end of the exploitation of man by man, and
social self-management.
We will not become accustomed to death. We will fight for the life and emancipation of all
humans through self-organized social and class formations.
Libertarian Initiative of Thessaloniki, member of the Anarchist Federation