Press Release:
Allegany County is pleased to announce plans to construct a Park-and-Ride facility at the Crossroads Commerce & Conference Center (Crossroads Center) located at 6087 NYS Route 19N in the Town of Angelica, New York. The Crossroads Center is owned by the Allegany Industrial Development Agency (IDA). The Allegany IDA has also generously provided the land to be used for the P&R facility via long- term lease to Allegany County.
On August 15, 2017 at 1 p.m. we held the groundbreaking ceremony and construction will commence within the week.
The Park and Ride is designed around the major corridors of NYS Rt. 19 and Interstate I-86 to allow travelers a safe, convenient location to park at a common site and maximize the use of public transit, vanpools and carpools. The re-construction of the existing parking lot will improve access to the current services available at the Crossroads Commerce & Conference Center; including those seeking services at Allegany County Office for the Aging, Allegany County Development and Planning, Allegany County Tourism Center, Allegany County Industrial Development Agency, Allegany County NY Connects, Veterans Services Agency, Greater Allegany County Chamber of Commerce, ACCORDS’ Small Business Development Program, Allegany County Area Foundation, Allegany County Office of Emergency Service and EMT Training, Audio Care Hearing Services, Venture Forthe, Allegany County Land Bank, Genesee River Wilds and Faith Community Nursing Services.
This project involves paving the existing stone parking lot and driveway, as well as construction of an additional parking lot area and exit driveway. The current Crossroads Center provides 49 parking spaces. The proposed project will provide 67,000 ft. of parking with 39 designated parking spaces for employees / visitors to the Crossroads Center and approximately 81 spaces for Park-and-Ride users, which will also include 7 accessible parking spaces and two that are van accessible.
The layout of the new parking areas and driveways will improve the ability of transit buses to safely enter and exit the Crossroads Center. This project proposes to construct a dedicated ADA compliant bus loading/unloading area with three bus bays. The proposed site plan will improve the current operation of the facility and enhance safety by providing an additional separate driveway to enter and exit the site.
This project will provide new outdoor lighting at the facility. The lighting will include a mix of solar- powered lights and hard- wired lights. Minimal lighting will be on 24 hours per day to provide safety but minimize light pollution. The project will include minor landscape improvements to enhance the visual character of the project area and increase the feeling of security for lot users. These improvements will also include tree plantings, shrubs or landscaping boulders.
Special recognition is also merited to the Federal Transit Administration and the New York State Department of Transportation for the grant funding provided in support to the planning and development of this project. KHEOPS Architecture, Engineering & Survey, DPC is contracted for project engineering, construction will be performed by NOVA Site Company, LLC, and the inspection of the construction will be provided by Hunt Engineers, Architects, and Land Surveyors PC. Construction is anticipated to be completed by the end of 2017.
Because of the many businesses and services located at the Crossroads Center, this project requires provisions for continued traffic operation during the entire construction period. Careful consideration will be given to providing access for emergency vehicles, deliveries, bus services, local traffic, bicyclists, and pedestrians. The construction will be completed in phases with time requirements so that the entire project site is not adversely affected by the construction activities at one time, or for an extended period of time.
Installations of other amenities such as electric car charging stations & bike racks to accommodate bicyclists who wish to utilize the Park-and-Ride facility will be planned for the site in the near future.
The Crossroads Center remains as the central hub to the Access Allegany Public Transportation system and this site is currently serviced with 32 buses per day. Annual ridership is maintained at 60,000 to 70,000 passengers per year.
We are very proud of this initiative as this project not only serves to improve and enhance existing infrastructure, but will also be an asset and catalyst to encourage future community development activities and ultimately facilitate long-term economic growth.