A collection of texts presented at the Thessaloniki NO BORDER Camp (July 15-24, 2016)


A collection of texts presented at the Thessaloniki No Border Camp. Most of the texts were afterwards updated by their authors. The Thessaloniki No Border Organizing Assembly was dissolved in October 2016. All of its members continue to fight for migrants’ rights, the way each of them consider most appropriate. Publishing the papers presented during the No Border Camp was one of the tasks of the Thessaloniki No Border Camp Press Team and this collection is its final activity. The Thessaloniki No Border Camp facebook page is still being updated: 

In the summer of 2016, the Refugee to Refugee Call Center (R2R) was established in Thessaloniki:

100 people were arrested in Thessaloniki after the No Border Camp. 
* The nine people arrested at Nikis squat had their first trial, 
were convicted and are now waiting for the revision trial. 

* The five people arrested at the Orfanotrofeio squat received heavier sentences in their first trial, but were found not guilty in the revision trial (May 2017). 

* The 26 people arrested during a protest at the Thessaloniki’s archbishop church (Metropolis) were found not guilty 
both in their first trial and the revision (January 2017). 

* The 60 people arrested in the Hurriya squat will have their first trial in November 2017 (it has been postponed three 

All cases were handled by the Thessaloniki No Border legal team. So far, the costs of all legal procedures have been covered by the movement. 
You can read more about these and other cases in the webpage “You can’t evict solidarity” that was created in the autumn of 2016:

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