Daily Reflections
Monday, 5thJune 2017.
Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Memorial of St. Boniface, Bishop and Martyr

Tob 1:3, 2:1-8;
Ps 111: 1-2,3-6;
Mk 12: 1-12.


The Parable in the Gospel points to the justice of God! The evil tenants kill one servant after another, and then when the owner of the vineyard sends his only son, the evil tenants kill him thinking they will inherit the vineyard. This points to the Father sending His Son Jesus into the world. The religious leaders of the time, envious and jealous, wanted to remain in power. They put their evil plot into motion, killing Jesus in hopes that they would eliminate Him as the Messiah and new King of Israel, thus retaining their religious power. But God’s justice always prevails. God will sort all things out and will distribute His justice and mercy in accord with the heart of each person. 

We also see the goodness and generosity of God. God’s doing and man’s thinking are totally unequal and are so much at odds. God’s sending of his Son was nothing but his giving everything, and at the right time. Jesus, spoke and acted in such a way that people who looked at what he did and listened to what he said, discovered who God really was. In other words, Jesus did not simply talk about God or point to him; he made God present and he made God real. Without him, God would have been, at best, only the object of our hope and longing. But because of him, God is present today with us in person.

Jesus wants nothing for himself, but everything he has and he does is for others. Everyone is for him, the object of God’s love and the recipient of God’s generosity. Today, we have to ask ourselves if we have been open to this generous love and generous God.

Sometimes our generous God allows times when we doubt His divine justice. However we need to trust God and remain faithful and hopeful in God. If you find yourself discouraged by some injustice or hardship, try to turn your eyes to the final victory in Christ. Know that God will ultimately bring forth perfect justice. At that time, you will be grateful that you held on to hope in that promise.

Prayer: Lord, when I am down and discouraged and witness oppression and injustice in my life, help me to turn my eyes to You and retain hope. May I always have hope in You and faith in Your perfect fidelity. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

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