Good Morning beautiful souls,
One of my missions here at this time, is to be acting as a beacon, sending out love and light to all, and to our beautiful Gaia, and anchoring those beautiful energies into us and our experiences as we move forward. I’m sure that it’s the same for many of you.
In fact, I know that it is from reading so many wonderful posts.
My reason today for stopping to talk to you all, is to say Thank You. I’m having some challenges, and it’s dimmed my light a little, which is why I’ve not been speaking to you all here for a little while. I don’t want to be “infecting” this beautiful space with anything other than the most heightened vibrations, it’s not fair to all the wonderful work you’re all doing, nor for our immediate and longer term aims.
And it’s that that I want to thank you for. So many beautiful souls here now with wonderful messages, and wonderful vibrations of peace, love and light, more than ever before. Despite those who are trying to dampen our flame, it feels to me that the love in this space is just growing and growing and growing. It’s all helping me to keep my own vibrations as high as is possible; without you all here, I know I would be struggling. Your love is the most amazing thing.
I’ve often thought, whilst writing in this beautiful space, to thank all the animals, so that’s what I’m going to do now.
I’ve worked with animals for the last ten years, as a pet sitter, animal healer, and rescue volunteer. They have been so generous in their gifts and lessons. Every time I spend time with an animal, they always give love and healing back. It’s how life should be. That’s where the balance is.
There are two aspects in particular that have helped me over the years. The first is the fact that they live in the moment. What a wonderful lesson that is. They don’t worry about what’s gone, that’s in the past, and don’t vex about the future. When I find myself falling into the old 3D habits of worry and anxiety, I just look at whatever animal I happen to be with, and I’m sorted. And they also respond with beautiful healing too.
The second is to do with unconditional love. I am honoured and blessed to receive this every day from the animals I’m with, whether my own, or those I’m visiting. Of course, there’s an element of loving me because I bring food, but it’s about so much more than cupboard love. They are so forgiving – which has to do with being in the moment again.
I remember in particular a dog I was asked to help at an animal sanctuary I volunteered at a few years ago. He’d been discovered, tied up in a field, no food or water. He was very poorly all skin and bone, no fur on him, and lots of sores. He was very smelly, so there was plenty of infection too. But the worst thing was that he’d just given up. He sat in the corner of his pen at the sanctuary, and just wanted to die.
After just a couple of Reiki sessions with him we began to notice a difference. He started to eat and drink, and best of all, began to respond to people. He knew we were all there to help him and bring him love. And he repaid that love many many times over. He began to put on weight, and his fur grew back. And we could see the beautiful Doberman he was (it was pretty impossible to tell before what breed he was). No matter who had caused him so much awful pain and suffering, he was able to forgive, and repaid our love and care with completely unconditional love. Humans had caused him to almost die, but that didn’t matter. Very happy to say that when we he was well enough he went to a lovely forever home, where he had a Doberman girlfriend too. He passed away last year having developed cancer, but in the meantime, he’d had many many years of happiness. And he never forgot, and his love was always unconditional.
This is the way we’ll all be with each other too, if we’re not already. I’ve already forgiven those who have caused my current challenges, and I do feel some peace. And I’ve told them that I love them (they know not what they do – yet). So many who hurt us do so because they don’t know any different. They’ve been subject to the same brainwashing and conditioning that we all have, and they still believe that it’s a hard world, and the only way to overcome is to get ahead of others in some way. It’s so very sad. What a desperate way to live a life. I’m sure deep down, this causes them pain and suffering.
It’s hard being the first one to turn the other cheek, it’s likely to be slapped. But it’s the only way, someone’s got to do it. Otherwise where do we end up? In the same old spiral, impossible to get out of. So, I forgive all those who have caused humanity, the animal kingdoms, and all of Gaia hurt, suffering and pain, and those who continue to do so. And I’m very happy to. I love all beings unconditionally. They are me, I am them. I forgive myself, I love myself unconditionally; how could I not do the same for those other aspects of myself?
So, a big thank you to all of you (Patrick, OWK, Yoself, Cowboy, Heisenberg, Victor, Pat and so many others), and a big thank you to all the wonderful animal teachers I’ve had along the way. And a big thank you too to Sarah, so lovely to see you here again.
Sending loving blessings your way,
Harmony xxx