"Re: Freeing Humanity with Suppressed Tech" by SPA - 5.18.17

Entry Submitted by SPA at 5:57 AM EDT on May 18, 2017

"Freeing Humanity with Suppressed Tech" by Sheldon C. - 5.18.17

Great post Sheldon C. This is exactly where I am at and one of the areas I am most passionate about. Would love to see a "quick access" site specifically focusing on all the new technologies to come. There are open-source networks. In addition I would love a wholesale product site.

We don't necessarily know what they all will be. I suspect I have ready guessed about some. Other revelations will be mind blowing and game changers. 6000+ suppressed patents?......Bring It On!.......The sooner we get started the better. Some will be practically "ready for market" and will provide a stop-gap for the more advanced but longer lead-time products. That is if we don't receive otherworldly assistance.

I suspect many items will quickly become outdated as people turn on their creative juices. Finally free and safe to share inventions and ideas. I am hoping we can even have "Virtual" computers and replicators. All in all, we shall see, experience and dance in this evolutionary technological eruption. I am right there with you, as are many others all over the world are.


P.s. To all those perplexed about educating "seeing is believing" family and friends. No issue!......New tech is where it's at. No one will argue with that. To access safe and harmless support. To look and feel better, have energy to be more active, positive. To be stronger, fitter, more robust?.....Greater enhanced efficiency in our life. Devices that erase the very concept of time? There is no greater testimony of our advancement, other than the gift we already and are.

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