Easter Reflections
Tuesday, 16th May 2017,
Fifth Week of Easter

Acts 14: 19-28;
Ps 145: 10-13, 21 (R. 12);
Jn 14: 27-31.


When Jesus began his ministry, the disciples believed him to be special, and risked everything for that belief including their family, livelihood, and hometown. They believed that Jesus would overthrow the Roman rule and re-establish the glorious kingdom of David. This belief was shattered with Jesus telling them of his impending persecution and death.

Jesus understood their struggle and suffering, and it is to these troubled hearts that the words of the Master resound: “Let not your hearts be troubled…Peace I leave with you.” It’s a command of love from our Lord. He wants to be clear and wants us to know that a fearful and troubled heart is not of Him. To be troubled and fearful is a great burden and weighs us down. Jesus desperately wants us to be free of these burdens. He wants us to be free so that we can experience the joy of life. 

The first step to freedom is to see the burden for what it is. Identify it and seek to identify the underlying cause. If the cause of your burden is your own sin, repent of it and seek Confession. This is the best way to experience immediate freedom. If, however, your burden is the result of another’s actions or some situation in life that is out of your control, then you are in a unique position to surrender to our Lord, giving Him complete control of this situation. Freedom is found in total surrender, trust and abandonment to His will. Jesus wants us free so that you can experience the joy that He has to offer you in life. Let the peace of Christ reign in our hearts and through us, radiate to all those whom we encounter.

Prayer: Lord, I want to be free. I want to experience the joy You have in store for me. When the burdens of life weigh me down, help me to turn to You in my need. Jesus, I trust in You. Amen.

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