American Studies in Papyrology
The ASP publishes The Bulletin of the American Society of Papyrologists (BASP), the only North American journal in the field of papyrology. The Society maintains an extensive back list for BASP. The University of Michigan Library now maintains an electronic archive of BASP from Vol. 1 (1963/4).
The Society also publishes a monograph series, American Studies in Papyrology, a new series of reprinted "Classics" in papyrology and occasional Supplements to BASP.American Society of Papyrologists monographs and supplements are distributed by Oxbow/Casemate Academic. Outside of North America, contact Oxbow Books, 10 Hythe Bridge Street, Oxford, OX1 2EW, United Kingdom, Tel: +44 1865 241249, Fax: +44 1865 794449, Email: In North America, contact Casemate Academic, PO Box 511 (20 Main St.), Oakville, CT 06779, Tel. 860/945-9329, Fax: 860/945-9468. [See here]
Columbia Papyri VII
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Missoula, MontDate of Publication: c1979Subject: Papyrology Greek manuscripts (Papyri) -- Egypt -- Karanis (Extinct city) Karanis (Extinct city)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Columbia papyri X
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Atlanta, GaDate of Publication: c1996Subject: Papyrology Columbia University -- Rare Book and Manuscript Library Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) -- New York (State) -- New York Egypt -- History -- SourcesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Monastic estates in late antique and early Islamic Egypt
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: Cincinnati, OhioDate of Publication: c2009Subject: Papyrology Early Christianity Coptic philology Ostraka -- Egypt Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) Coptic language -- Papyri Coptic monasteries -- EgyptProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
The town councils of Roman Egypt
Publisher: A. M. HakkertPlace of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1971Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Documentary papyri from the Michigan collection
Publisher: A. M. Hakkert [for the American Society of Papyrologists]Place of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1970Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Michigan papyri (P. Mich. XII)
Publisher: HakkertPlace of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1975Subject: Papyrology Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Greek documentary papyri from Egypt in the Berlin Aegyptisches Museum
Publisher: American Studies in PapyrologyPlace of Publication: New Haven, ConnDate of Publication: 2007Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Le Nome Hermopolite
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Missoula, MontDate of Publication: ©1979Subject: Egyptology Papyrology Geographical names -- Egypt -- Hermopolite Nome Hermopolite Nome (Egypt) -- AntiquitiesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
The Herakleopolite Nome
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Atlanta, GaDate of Publication: c1998Subject: Egyptology Papyrology Geographical names -- Egypt -- Heracleopolite Nome Greek manuscripts (Papyri) -- Egypt -- Heracleopolite Nome Heracleopolite Nome (Egypt) -- Historical geography Heracleopolite Nome (Egypt) -- GazetteersProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Essays and texts in honor of J. David Thomas
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: Oakville, Conn.Date of Publication: ©2001Subject: Classical antiquity Papyrology Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) Classical literature -- Textual criticism Classical languages -- Texts Coptic language -- Texts Egypt -- AntiquitiesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
On government and law in Roman Egypt
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Atlanta, GaDate of Publication: c1995Subject: Papyrology Egyptology Law -- Egypt -- History Egypt -- Politics and government -- 30 B.C.-640 A.D.Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
P. Michigan XVI
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Atlanta, GaDate of Publication: c1991Subject: Papyrology University of Michigan -- Library -- P. Mich. 757 Greek Magic Charms -- Egypt Love -- Miscellanea Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Greek terms for Roman institutions
Publisher: HakkertPlace of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1974Subject: Classical antiquity Latin language -- Foreign words and phrases -- Greek Rome -- Politics and government -- TerminologyProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Michigan papyri XIV
Publisher:Place of Publication:Date of Publication:Subject: Papyrology University of Michigan -- Papyri Collection Greek manuscripts (Papyri) -- Michigan -- Ann ArborProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Annotations in Greek and Latin texts from Egypt
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: New Haven, Conn.Date of Publication: c2007Subject: Papyrology Classical antiquity Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) Latin manuscripts (Papyri) Greek literature -- Textual criticism Latin literature -- Textual criticism Marginalia Egypt -- AntiquitiesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Yale papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library v.1
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: New HavenDate of Publication: 1967-Subject: Papyrology Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library -- Catalogs Greek Manuscripts(Papyri) -- Connecticut -- New Haven -- CatalogsProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
The taxes in grain in Ptolemaic Egypt
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: New HavenDate of Publication: 1968Subject: Papyrology Taxation -- Egypt -- Thebes (Extinct city) Greek manuscripts (Papyri) -- Egypt -- Thebes (Extinct city)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Chester Beatty Biblical papyri IV and V
Publisher: Published for the American Society of Papyrlogists by S. S. HakkertPlace of Publication: Toronto and Sarasota, FlaDate of Publication: 1977Subject: Papyrology Early Christianity Bible -- Manuscripts (Papyri) Bible -- O.T. Genesis -- Textual criticism Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Grundlagen des koptischen Satzbaus v. 2
Publisher: Scholars PressPlace of Publication: Decatur, GaDate of Publication: c1987-1990Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Death and taxes
Publisher: A. M. Hakkert Ltd.Place of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1971-1976Subject: Papyrology Taxation -- Egypt -- History -- Sources Life expectancy -- Egypt -- History -- Sources OstrakaProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Ostraka in the Royal Ontario Museum II
Publisher: A. M. Hakkert Ltd.Place of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1976Subject: Papyrology Ostraka -- Ontario -- Toronto -- Catalogs Ostraka -- Egypt -- Thebes (Extinct city) -- Catalogs Thebes (Egypt : Extinct city) Egypt -- Antiquities Taxation -- Egypt -- History -- SourcesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Proceedings of the twelfth international congress of papyrology
Publisher: Hakkert, Adolf M.Place of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1970Subject: Papyrology Egyptology Manuscripts (Papyri) -- Congresses Egypt -- Civilization -- To 332 B.C -- Congresses Egypt -- Civilization -- 332 B.C.-638 A.D -- CongressesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Το μεγα βιβλιον [To mega biblion]
Publisher:Place of Publication:Date of Publication:Subject: Papyrology Classical antiquity Homer -- Manuscripts Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) Manuscript design Titles of books Greek epic poetry -- ManuscriptsProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
A Yale papyrus (P Yale III 137) in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library III
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: Oakville, ConnDate of Publication: c2001Subject: Papyrology Land tenure -- Egypt -- Philadelphia (Extinct city) -- History -- Sources Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Washington University papyri I
Publisher: Published by Scholars Press for the American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: Missoula, MTDate of Publication: c1980Subject: Papyrology Greek manuscripts (Papyri) -- Missouri -- Saint Louis Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) -- Egypt -- Bahnasā Bahnasā (Egypt) -- Economic conditions -- SourcesProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Papyri in memory of P.J. Sijpesteijn (P. Sijp.)
Publisher: The American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: Oakville, CTDate of Publication: c2007Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Yale papyri in the Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library v.2
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: New HavenDate of Publication: 1967-Subject: Papyrology Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library -- Catalogs Greek Manuscripts (Papyri) -- Connecticut -- New Haven -- CatalogsProvider: The American Society of Papyrologists
The Ptolemaic and Roman idios logos
Publisher: A. M. HakkertPlace of Publication: TorontoDate of Publication: 1970Subject: Papyrology Revenue -- Egypt Land titles -- Registration and transfer -- Egypt Public lands -- Egypt Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
Essays in honor of C. Bradford Welles
Publisher: American Society of PapyrologistsPlace of Publication: New HavenDate of Publication: 1966Subject: Papyrology Greek Manuscripts (Papyri)Provider: The American Society of Papyrologists
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