"Re: Mama Shae/A Call to Light Workers" by (Anonymous) - 5.10.17

Entry Submitted Anonymously at 10:39 AM EDT on May 10, 2017

"Re: A Call to Light Workers" by Mama Shae - 5.10.17

Yes!!! Thank you!!! Thank you OWK's and Patrick for putting out the call!! I'm surprised it took this long as well!! It's very hard to stay focused and grounded when seeing these type posts...even though I don't read them...they still bring down vibrations of those who do!

I totally agree with Mama Shae!!! We all must stop the negative posts and rants!! We've been lied to and manipulated for far, far too long and it's time for US to take CONTROL and to take back our POWER!!! We far outweigh the dark ones now so we must exert our power to take back what has been stolen from us and restore our planet (Gaia) back to where we should be....PEACEFUL...LOVING UNCONDITIONALLY...JOYFUL...FORGIVING....GRATEFUL...HEALING ALL BEINGS....ABUNDANCE FLOWING TO EVERYONE.....NO MORE WARS, NO MORE SICKNESS....SHARING AND CARING FOR ONE ANOTHER...AND SHOWING THE UNIVERSE WHO WE REALLY ARE...AND THAT WE ARE ALL ONE!!!!

I must thank Yosef, Tank, Fisher, John (Smarty, for all his holograms of healing energies for our well-being with Galactic help from Fisher and others), Dr. WC and the RTC callers, Bruce, Richard (OWK's) and Sephora for their knowledge and Intel reports, Cowboy Down Under, Heisenberg, Sierra and all the others who post uplifting and wonderful messages!!! And, of course, Patrick for all he's been doing to allow us to voice our thoughts and prayers.

Meet Super Blue Hologram.....feast your eyes on this and feel the energies....we will heal our world by spreading this around the world!!! Thank you Smarty!!!

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