Too Embarrassed of Compromise
Wow, interesting concept I guess...bogus Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor? I guess the millions that lost their lives in that conflict with Japan both Allied and Japanese just did it for kicks and grins then right.
The only problem is that there are many people alive today that either lived it, or paid attention to their lessons in school as well of outside research done by inquiring minds for knowledge that would indicate otherwise. I would guess you have never gone to Japan to the Peace Parks and so forth either. Not just the Hiroshima Atomic Peace site but the ones in Okinawa and other parts of Japan. I guess companies starting to apologize for the wrongful treatment of POW's is all propaganda but a bankrupt and corrupt Corporate government that has forced them to do this apologizing. Though that cannot be true, because that entity went bankrupt in 2012 and all agreements would be off the table and there would be no need for Japan to up hold the lie any further.
Then let us look at the cabal, small letter because I do not give it any power. the cabal organized operation in the middle of NYC-Manhattan that shoots a missile at the twin towers, say What! I pray for you, I truly do because there is something wrong with you. You dig for the bodies and search for survivors? Did you see the second plane or the first plane for that matter crash into the buildings? Did you lose a love one? I confess, I watched on television, I confess that no family member or loved one was lost and I confess I did not dig in the rubble but I know people that did.
I readily admit I have concerns about the incident and other incidents, but I do not call them false, I do not berate them for what they were to make a pitiful attempt at pulling people's heart strings and gaining support for myself.
I say this to all the so called Guru's accepted this mantle that people like me and others have awarded you. If you do not want it that is fine and we thank you for your service to us and the community in general. If you accept the role then please bring real intel and information that is important and not something that is irrelevant and just false. What happens is when you bring just a little falsehood, then people like myself that use discernment start to read and just hit that part and close down, they have to force themselves to continue the story and then they hot a second falsehood or misinformation and they stop reading. Get your facts right. It is interesting that a motto or creed of the Wiccan falls true in this case; do what you will but harm none! Misinformation is a disservice and it is harmful. Every weekend it is going to happen, then the next week we hear this needed to happen or that needed to happen. So does anyone know the next thing that is going to be happening? I will help you out a bit. The next issue that the Guru's will use for an issue or cause will be the election in South Korea. That sounds like the next viable reason for stability of the regional peace process. There it is standby, to standby.
To the Powers to Be, the Elders, we respect you, trust you and have faith in you. Wee have trusted these Gurus because most of them have either outright stated or hinted heavily that they each have contact with you. Now, we are starting to realize that either we have been led astray, in which I apologize, or the hurt and pain that we are suffering and the world is suffering is something that you want to happen. That is OK, as long as you explain why, but use messengers that will bring your words to us without belittling our ancestors and loved ones. History is important to all people, if our history is wrong then I implore you to teach us the truth, but not with messengers that are doing what they are doing by insulting and degrading people that willingly offered their lives, and many paid that price, so that your messengers can win the I told you so prize. Or was the one that won the I told yo so prize because they got lucky and picked the winning day.
I apologize if people find this offensive. I usually find articles other than geo-political to be up lifting. In this case, I know some of this article to be very much false and could not stand to let it slide by without having a voice. Patrick, great work as always, thank you for your service.
In the service of Love and Light,
Gaius Valerius