Dog Medical Emergencies Survey: Is an Unresponsive Dog an Emergency?

87.88% survey participants checked an unresponsive dog as an emergency.

I suppose I should leave some room for people interpreting unresponsive as disobedient? Otherwise, I cannot understand how this one didn't get 100% people agreeing on it being an emergency.

If a dog so unwell that they are not responding isn't an emergency, what is?

If a dog is ill enough to be unresponsive, it is absolutely a huge emergency. I still remember our neighbor's dog like it was yesterday. I went to do something in the kitchen when I noticed neighbor's dog laying on the front lawn, being hosed down. He was unaware of his surroundings. his erratic breathing resembling some kind of spasms.

I came out to see what happened to be told that he collapsed on a walk. They believed he was suffering from the heat; that's why they were hosing him down. I wouldn't dare to make an assessment what was wrong with him, but I knew he needed a vet immediately whatever it was.

At my insistence, they wrapped him in wet towels and drove off to an emergency hospital where he died shortly after arrival from a heart failure.

You can read Rufus' story here.

If your dog is unresponsive, their body is in big trouble.

Some of the potential causes include:

  • severe advanced infection
  • heart failure
  • liver or kidney failure
  • severe neurological problem
  • trauma
  • poisoning
  • diabetes
  • hypoglycemia
  • shock
  • coma

Even on the day of her worst horror, Jasmine was still responsive. Even though she couldn't stand up or walk, was feeling terribly miserable, her spirit and mind were fully there. The only time Roxy was unresponsive was during her seizures.

Do you think that an unresponsive dog is not an emergency?

Further reading:
Overview of Coma, Stupor & Decreased Consciousness in Dogs

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Symptoms to Watch for in Your Dog now available in paperback and Kindle. Each chapter includes notes on when it is an emergency.

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