"Belle Before Amistad" by Voice of Kwan Yin - 5.19.17

Entry Submitted by Voice of Kwan Yin of at 2:18 AM EDT on May 19, 2017


Dearest Dinarland Family!

I invite you to watch BELLE clip--- behind the Painting! (2014) actress Gugu Mbatha-rah Oscar nomination. Beautiful True Story, Beautiful Actress with Ethics and strength.

We are all coming out of Slavery because of NESARA! This movie is our own History!

I invite you to view a 2nd Movie in addition to AMISTAD mentioned in yesterdays post to understand the miracle and Grace in coming out of Slavery.

Did you know that slavery was abandoned by English law, BEFORE the United States Civil War? This is the story.

Did you know that British Insurance Companies INSURED the kidnapped African slaves as "chattel" property. ?
Follow the money...

This movie is about the British Chief Judge who broke the chains of slavery when he ruled FOR the Insurance Company and AGAINST The Ships Captain, who committed insurance FRAUD By dumping the slaves, who were still alive, into the ocean when they were sick or diseased, because he could collect More money than their live sale price in Cuba, By dumping them overboard!
Follow the money....

SHIPPING TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES would collect MORE From Insurance for loss of "chattel" property.!
Follow the money...

Do you know that NESARA law reverses "chattel" property of each of our lives, with each of our Birth Certificates?

Follow this money to the Federal Reserve..... connected to British City of London and Rothchild banking and insurance.....slavery of you and me!

DO YOU KNOW that the Secretary of TRANSPORTATION, Elaine Chow, will free us with the sword of her PEN, as she is stopping interstate illegal child traffiking?? WHICH ARE CHATTEL PROPERTY based on their Birth Certificate?

History is being made, and we are part of this Epic Story! ......there is still slavery today, because we are still asleep!!

So why is the movie called BELLE?

For the same reason I am encouraging us to STAY The Course and BELIEVE !
that our RV economical blessing & ministry is guided by Heaven's Hand!
We work in MultiDimentional realms!
As above, so below...

We KNOW that each if us has been guided and protected and magical synchronicity is a part of this journey, and therefore, we are assured heaven is with us.!

And here is "the rest of the story ".
So take heart and Be Believing!

This High British Magistrate destined to be the Judge on the highest court in the land, had a son who was a young Sea Captain and died with fever, and so the judges granddaughter, as a tiny girl (whose mother had died in childbirth), being now orphaned, came into her grandfather's large estate home, to be raised as his own daughter with all privilege and education. He grew to truly love this child named Dido Belle, recognizing her bright mind and truly strong moral compass even as a child.

His own final decision in this legal matter, with political wolves on all sides trying to discredit him, was to challenge his own mind and soul, when BELLE asked him to listen to the stillness of truth coming from heaven, when she asked him eye to eye: Father, Do you consider ME CHATTEL? Will you throw me into the Ocean if I am sick? Is it right and morally ethical that I or any person of any color EVER be insured as property/ CHATTEL??

Yes Dinar family, her mother was a black woman, dearly loved by her Father.! And that is the Rest of the story.!

Hundreds of years ago, heaven places a tiny girl of mixed interracial parentage to affect the world Maritime Law that broke the Insurance and BANKING system.!

Is our Story any more miraculous?

I declare that my heart knows that Heaven is with us, and if you are reading these words, you KNOW it too. So declare it out loud and testify to heaven your gratitude today.

Love is always the answer, it rises to all the heights of heartbreak to test our souls, which MUST NEEDS BE, to DEFY GRAVITY as it rises with the Alchemy of Forgiveness within us..... and change history.

And so it is...
Voice of Kwan Yin

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