By way of introduction ---- This mini-folder, which does not claim to be exhaustive, is
composed of three recently translated on social struggles boxes over Italy in the most
combative sector currently, the logistics texts. ---- We added two interviews of actors
performed in May 2013 and January 2014 and a little article from January 2013 on the fight
then conducted in the logistics division of Ikea in Piacenza. ---- These texts seem
interesting by their informative aspect of the reality of these struggles, how it happens
and what it says in this sector, an essential ingredient of the current development and
actually existing as regards the sale of goods on an industrial scale in the context of
globalization; purchasing centers, large specialized or general surfaces, mail order sales
like Amazon and other ... Transport, storage hubs ... And in the case of Italy, this
reveal in particular the direct links with what is the economic base the historical left
(PCI and post-PCI), cooperatives as key players in the management of precarious work, and
in particular a work force composed mainly of migrants. The role played by cooperatives,
one of the most important pillars on which is built the Italian left in his great
historical compromise with the capital during the post-war also explains why the official
union confederations either large this item openly against workers in this sector and
particularly advanced in defense of employers they are organically related, specifically
the CGIL.
But also interesting on another level of reading, by the way to see and analyze conflicts,
to make a direct question of political antagonism in terms of balance of power, in terms
of collective ability as texts that crystallization and emergence of subjectivity
struggle, collective (or subjectivity) which, by breaking even, reconfigure the terms and
issues of the conflict itself and produced a new political situation where the crucial
victories torn by strife, even the smallest in the formation of subjectivities of "class
composition" as saying heterodox Marxists of the Italian workers' autonomy. Interview on
Action No-TAV recently placed on the site of the OCL ( No TAV Struggle: a history of
collective subjectivation ) said things in a perspective close enough and we have always
considered fundamental: when a significant portion a given between fighting and movement
and pose, in acts, involvement and words, issues more broadly that the only claim initial
This is part of what we mean by "doing politics today" approach, referred, issues.
April 2014
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» (en) France, Organisation Communiste Libertarie (OCL) - Italy - Class Struggles in logistics: a first look (fr, pt)