Wed. PM KTFA News Articles 4-5-177


Walkingstick » April 5th, 2017

Of his office: Abadi agreed with the Kurdistan Region delegation to remove the obstacles that have prevented the activation of Article 140

Twilight News / Information Office of the Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi said Thursday that the latter agreed with the Kurdistan Region delegation to remove all the obstacles that prevented the application of Article 140 of the Constitution concerning the disputed between Arbil and Baghdad areas.

According to a statement issued by the office, said al-Abadi on Wednesday received in his office a delegation of the Kurdistan region.

The statement added that it was agreed to stick to dialogue and calm and focus on the participants and commitment to constitutional and legal frameworks to ensure Iraq's unity and coexistence among all components and not be allowed to be drawn into side battles and focus on the fight against terrorism.

The statement noted that it was agreed to remove the obstacles that have prevented the activation of Article 140 and to emphasize the importance of configuration requirements for the population census after the completion of the liberation of all land and eliminate Daesh terrorist gangs.

The statement continued, it was also emphasized the importance of joint action to serve the interests of all citizens of the same country.

He arrived in Baghdad on Wednesday, coming from Arbil, a delegation representing the party and the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan and the Democratic presidency of the province, and held after his meeting with President of the Republic Fuad Masum meetings with Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi, Parliament Speaker Salim al-Jubouri and the Sadrist movement.

The Delegation of the region, both the secretary of the Political Bureau of the Kurdistan Democratic Party Fadhil Mirani and member of the political bureau of the Patriotic Union of Kurdistan, Adnan Mufti and President of the Presidium of the Kurdistan region, Fouad Hussein.

Report .. Is Recovering the Iraqi dinar?


There is no doubt that the main driving force of economic growth in Iraq, is its natural resources, which is reflected in the large Number of oil and gas fields, which have become open to international trade.

And investing companies from all over the world in the development of these resources, which is reflected in the increasing oil exports in the country. It seems that Iraq has fully recovered from the damage suffered in the time of Saddam Hussein's regime.

And on further exploration of Iraq's oil reserves by international companies that are supposed to lead to a major increase in oil wealth, as well as known reserves in Iraq, it seems the country in spite of all these features have to form a geologist could reach the summit of wealth, unlike countries that spend a lot of money drilling, and this leads having to pay exorbitant costs for the extraction of oil.

A good example of this, the advantages of Iraqi production. The country produces oil, despite the ongoing war in which, unlike Saudi Arabia, which it wants to increase spending to avoid bankruptcy of shale oil production. While oil producers have been affected in the United States because of an attack on Saudi Arabia over Yemen, Iraq still continues its production and sale of oil profitably.

The value of the country's economy as well as its currency, directly reflected in its natural resources, oil Valahtaatat large Iraqi, enough to push the young democratic economy to prosperity. Given that there is a need for oil, it is indispensable for gas all over the world. The Iraq can look forward to the continued growth through the growing role of the public oil supplier.

Although Iraq was not previously economically exists, but it has become clear and increasingly present a strong regional role given natural Mahmyate. In fact, Iraq's oil minister said recently that Iraq will produce 5 million barrels per day in the second half of the year 2017.

With the economic boom led by the oil industry in Iraq, the national currency will rise eventually to reflect the true value of the oil indispensability of the country. It is likely to happen up when the central bank raises the value of the dinar.

In addition, the current political events play a key role in predicting the future of the national currency, and the "ban" on the Islamic countries, provoked by the US President, would have significant consequences for the Iraqi economy.

The decision proved Trump by lifting the ban Iraq from the list of travel to the United States, a great benefit to the country's currency for other foreign currencies Iraqis exchanged more advantageous prices.

In any case, it seems the Iraqi dinar waiting for a bright future, in the end it is important to note that Iraq offers a wealth of investment opportunities in many industries with high-based oil and gas reserves of the economy.

These opportunities will become more pronounced in the coming years, as the government will continue to provide new possibilities for international investors


Expert stresses the importance of the role of the banking sector in the state treasury support

BAGHDAD / Farah pumice

praised the financial expert step Trade Bank of Iraq (TBI) for the transfer of 50 percent of its profits over the past year to the public treasury of the state.

The expert praised Thamer al - Azzawi "morning", "the management of the bank to achieve unprecedented profits in the work of Iraqi banks, as the year 2016 Bank has achieved more than 500 billion dinars , and aspires to increase the profits this year."

He said al - Azzawi , " the need that the government pay attention to the importance of the banking sector, especially after this initiative", calling on other banks to take similar steps to what do the (TBI), especially that the government is suffering from the current distress and financial need for serious steps to support the budget. "

The bank Iraqi trade and within the focus of reforms as directed by Dr. Haider Abadi , the Prime Minister, he has transferred 50 percent of its profits for the year 2016 amounting to 268 billion dinars to the treasury, as the Bank achieved a net profit of 536 billion Iraqi dinars for the financial year ended 31/12/2016 to increase the proportion of 265 percent Mahakgah of net profit in the fiscal year It ended 31/2/2015 which was $ 145 billion Iraqi dinars.

The works of the Iraqi Trade Bank to promote banking services through localization of salaries and encouraging electronic payment in addition to the introduction of new products , including a certificate of deposit.

It is worth mentioning the Trade Bank of Iraq on the implementation of the first syndicated loan in Iraq for the benefit of the Ministry of Electricity in cooperation with Standard Chartered, GE.

is currently in collaboration with Doejeh Bank, JPMorgan Bank, Citi Bank managed to issue international documents for Iraq.

In turn , the banking expert Mohamed Ali Jaber , the importance of the development of the banking work tools and development in order to achieve the economic viability of Iraq, pointing out that the development of banking tools helps to lift banking transactions, thereby raising profits to large levels can be employed to serve the national economy through implicated in investment financing routes.

He noted the need to strengthen the Trade Bank of Iraq experience and success across the banking sector as it represents the banking sector , the cornerstone of the economic development process and can achieve a quantum leap in supporting real development paths, noting that it requires sophisticated products in harmony and the desires of the beneficiary on disagreeing company or a citizen, HR also requires a high degree of expertise to be able to banking technology.

He pointed out the importance of the training approach adopted by organizations concerned in the banking and its role in providing the banking expertise of the updated information that helps to attract the largest number of customers.

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