"2 Days Start?" - Wed. PM TNT Thoughts



we have heard it said, that the Iraqi people want a full 2 days start prior to rest of world being involved?? could that be the start today of that 2 day period?

And could it not come out at an aggressive $6 to dinar to try and get most peeps off the street and thru the system..... then come down, and slowly build up to $8 or more in months???

I dare say- at $6--- practically ALL of us would be gone..... which may be exactly what they want... a fast processing time

Frank thinks it will be 1 to 1 ...

Who does it make sense to for the Iraq rate to come out lower than what the IMF approved several years ago. $3.20, plus 20% for inflation. And lower than what it was when Sadam was in.

The rate has to be attractive enough so that people will rush in and exchange.

Abadi Statement today: ------The statement pointed out that it was agreed to remove the obstacles that prevented the activation of Article 140 and to emphasize the importance of preparing for the requirements of the census after the completion of the liberation of all lands and the elimination of terrorist gangs.

I personally think that this is BIG. This is the statement that insures agreement toward reconcilliation. WOW.

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