"Re: The Roll Out with OWK" by A Space for Spirit - 4.20.17

Entry Submitted by A Space for Spirit at 10:42 PM EDT on April 20, 2017

I have been observing and reading daily since the end of last year. It seems to me that a healthy dose of skepticism is, well...healthy, especially given how long those sharing the intel have been posting that it is happening now or tomorrow or this weekend. That being said, I am so overwhelmed by the prospect of being able to help humanity in this capacity that I stubbornly refuse to believe it won't happen. Even if this is just a dream, I don't want to wake up. My imagination is in a state of such bliss anticipating the healing that will take place; the depth of my service to this planet and the life that exists upon it. However I had a thought tonight while reading a post from OWK. (and bless you for being such a commited messenger)

You wrote: "While you might not have gone yet, and neither have I, when we do go, it will go very fast since so many are already done. We are still "Rolling" in the moment."

My question is...since 'so many are already done', can just ONE of those who are done post something on here to indicate as much? Perhaps anonymously? To confirm and give hope to the rest of us?

Just a few words about their experience?

Continuing to appreciate the life we are currently living with love and gratitude.
It's all good.

A Space for Spirit

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