Entry Submitted by HAWG at 9:43 PM EDT on April 5, 2017
In response to GK: "Head West Young Man" by GK - 4.5.17
You say the good guys allowed wicked satanists?
What may one do when one is honorable and follows the law of the day? Are you suggesting vigilantism? WELL, that's a nice thought, however, those that possess or only know honor cannot act in such a way.
So, DISHONOR, let's see what else you have to say...
So you are one of those types..."Now that I have all this money, I have to spend the rest of my life protecting it". DO you not see that there is more money available than you could ever spend in your lifetime? If you are not careful with your money then maybe you should not have it.
You mention Barbara Bush's stance on "casualties of war". You misinterpreted that I'm afraid...
The take home there is that Barbara Bush was slightly more human than GHWB in that she did not get off on such things from such a close distance.
Nuff said, yes?
Love the last line GK...
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» "In Response to Head West Young Man" by HAWG - 4.5.17