Conservative provocateur James O'Keefe said Tuesday that he plans to release "hundreds of hours of tape" he said would expose CNN.
Speaking with Fox News host Sean Hannity in a radio interview on Tuesday, O'Keefe said he had accrued the unaired footage inside CNN's newsrooms from employees, according to reports from the network itself and The Huffington Post.
He also alluded to releasing the obtained footage "WikiLeaks-style," or in systematic batches. Some of the footage is scheduled to be released on Thursday afternoon, O'Keefe said. He said it centers on "one corporation, multiple newsrooms."
O'Keefe's planned exposé follows a tenuous month during which President Donald Trump, his staff, and allies have devoted much airtime in criticizing and labeling CNN as "fake news."
"My audience, the American people, are deeply upset at the media," O'Keefe told CNN in a telephone interview. "We think our media needs to be held to account, and CNN is kind of the leader of that. CNN has a very important role as an arbiter of news."
"This is all legally recorded information," he said.
The purported leaks also come after O'Keefe's statements from last month's pre-inauguration party dubbed the "DeploraBall." At the event, he said he planned on "going after the media next" and even called his footage "CNN Leaks."
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» James O'Keefe Promises "WikiLeaks Style" Hit On CNN