We have just come across yet another bureaucratic roadblock from the Mozambique government as we prepare for the upcoming Medical/Dental clinic next week. Without intense prayer and the power of God directly intervening, we will not be able to conduct the clinic. Scott is enroute to Maputo, the capital of Mozambique, for an unsceduled trip to talk directly with the Minister of Health, Education, and Foreign Affairs. Without their final permission, the doctors will not be able to treat people.
Please pray that God would grant us favor and allow the evangelistic medical/dental clinic to happen. May the Clinic be used by God to bring many to a saving relationship with Christ, heal many from the strongholds of the spirit world, and begin a mighty wave of God's glory as His church multiplies throughout the region.
Please pray to for the team from Houston who will be departing Thursday May 24. The clinic is sceduled to begin on Monday May 28.
Below is a short video with some recent footage from Mozambique.