IQD RV Update with BGG: "Bank on it"

[Can someone explain why this CANNOT revalue at .05? and I mean CANNOT, not why you THINK it won't. In addition, if it does increase to that number, it's still considered an RV and increase in purchasing power, much more than they have now. DO they HAVE TO RV? Do they HAVE TO increase to a logial rate?...]

1) It can easily "revalue" to .05 - fact... will it?... 2) It would be considered some kind of "upping" of purchasing power - but won't change my calculus ONE LITTLE BIT. NOT ONE... 3) Do they have to? Maybe not - but it is clear they WANT TO - IN THE WORST WAY... bad enough the are taking their Q's from the UN, IMF and WB - BANK ON IT.

BGG (Dinar Updates)

Iraqi Dinar Revaluation and Global Currency Reset News | Dinar Chronicles

Courtesy of Dinar Guru

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