Part 1 - Featuring BGG
(6:00 AM)Check out THE BLOG - - for the latest Dinar News, Documents and Call banners
Doug_W says(6:00 AM):
GM Room
Doug_W says(6:14 AM):
GM Digi
digiman1 says(6:14 AM):
gm doug
Doug_W says(6:14 AM):
BGG says(6:16 AM):
Doug_W says(6:16 AM):
BGG says(6:17 AM):
loop says(6:19 AM):
The new Arab" published lists of the victims of the Iraqis accuse Maliki exterminating
Baghdad Arab New
February 13, 2017
" The new Arab" got lists of names of hundreds of Iraqi personalities prominent filtered during the governments of former Prime Minister Nuri al - Maliki , between 2006 and 2014, mostly former generals of the Iraqi army, doctors, university professors, as well as journalists and activists civilians and dissidents, clerics and tribal leaders , accusing Maliki of being behind liquidated.
Show lists that were leaked by a colonel in the 56th Brigade , known as the "Baghdad Brigade", and which was formed by Maliki after he took power a few weeks in 2006, the names of the victims murdered and place and date of being liquidated, they are from the provinces and from several different affiliations and denominations.
According to the source, who requested anonymity, the special unit belonging to the owners of assassinations holds the filter against him or personalities of Iran , or characters who thinks it will be a hard number in the political process in the near future.
And oversee the unit assassinations own director of military intelligence in the governments of al - Maliki , the first and second, the team Hatem Almksusi, according to the same source, and the involvement of the other officers , including Maj . Gen. Qassim Atta, Major General Nasser Al Ghannam (fled Iraq finally resides in Egypt), as well as officers others, someone else named Bassam al - Hassani, serves as adviser to Maliki still exists so far away from the media.
He revealed the same source that an assassination was documented with the "Division of assassinations", which is part of an intelligence 56th Brigade of the owners personally so far, were taking place at different times and in many ways, including the kidnapping and subsequent murder, or the arrest and execution, both in the streets or inside the homes of the victims.
He explained that those lists was a sporadic names of the victims, and were collected by acquiring CDs exist in the brigade headquarters in the Green Zone in Baghdad.
The same source confirmed that he handed over those lists joint team of local and international lawyers started the process of achieving wide, and they succeeded in taking statements from the victims ' families, their wives or their children, to prepare a file integrated with a view to his extradition to the International Court of Justice , noting that "some of the characters filtered request Iranian ".
And contribute to a political bloc in the " National Alliance ", which belongs to al - Maliki, the leaking other information She owns confirms him that those names just a small part of a campaign of executions and assassinations carried out by order of the process of the former Prime Minister , and caused the sectarian strife in Iraq coincided with the receipt of the country, according to Iraqi political sources.
Includes lists of hundreds of names of prominent Iraqis , known in the local surroundings, including generals , senior former Iraqi army (mostly Iraqi Air Intelligence Corps), doctors and media activists and civilians, clerics and tribal leaders and opponents of the policy of al - Maliki, distributors , according to the provinces of the victims and their careers.
Revealed earlier documents leaked to the site "WikiLeaks" al - Maliki was involved in the killings directly to various Iraqi figures during his rule of the country.
" The new Arab" will be published later on other lists if they come from the same source.
loop says(6:19 AM):
The following documents:
lists of the victims of the Iraqis accuse Maliki exterminating (1)
lists of the victims of the Iraqis accuse Maliki exterminating (2)
lists the victims of Iraqis accuse Maliki exterminating (3)
ol lar says(6:22 AM):
Whoa does Nuri know about these lists? He'snot going to be happy.
Doug_W says(6:22 AM):
he's snot alright Ollar
loop says(6:25 AM):
The Washington Post: There is a rebellion among Daesh foreign fighters (Details)
13-02-2017 02:14 PM Hits: 212
East News -
The Washington Post revealed for insurgency between al Daesh fighters from foreigners, as noted by the documents found after the restoration of the left side of Mosul in northern Iraq.
According to those documents, the Belgian in the ranks of the terrorist organization claimed suffering pains in the back; and so to avoid participating in the battle, and claimed a terrorist from France that he wants to leave Iraq to carry out a suicide attack in the head, France, Muscat while recorded several instances in which terrorists refused to foreigners in Syria fighting ranks of the organization.
According to the American newspaper that documents found at an organization's headquarters on the left coast of Mosul, and the 14-sheet handwritten, showed that there is a 'problem' with the terrorists battalion Tariq ibn Ziyad, a battalion comprising of foreign fighters in the ranks of the organization.
The newspaper, 'one of the documents and return a French terrorist of Algerian origin, which he said he wants to return to France; because he wanted to carry out a martyrdom operation in his country, according to a document, which indicated that the fighter claims to the disease, but it does not have a medical report supports that'.
Among the cases reported to reject foreign fighters to participate in the fighting, the two men refused to Kosovo fighting, rescinded its claims transport both to Syria, where one of them said he had pain in the head.
The Washington Post quoted for Duane Packer, a researcher at the International Centre for the fight against terrorism, saying that the Western European fighters who joined the organization known to the intelligence agencies, but there is less information on the fighters countries such as Bosnia and Kosovo.
(6:26 AM)seadreamer was kicked out by seadreamer!
loop says(6:32 AM):
Secretary of the United Nations: the results of the Iraq war against terrorism is very impressive
History of edits:: 02/13/2017 12:45
{Baghdad} Euphrates News
Said the representative of the Secretary General of the United Nations in Iraq, Jan Kubis, the Secretary - General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres "The results of the war against terrorism in Iraq is very impressive."
A statement by the Iraqi Foreign Ministry and the agency {Euphrates News} received a copy of it, that " the Foreign Minister Ibrahim al - Jaafari, discussed with Kubi the political process and security developments and the war effort against terrorist Daesh gangs, and support the UN report of Iraq."
He praised al - Jaafari , according to the statement " the efforts made by the United Nations in support of Iraq and providing humanitarian aid to the displaced families, calling on the United Nations and humanitarian organizations and friendly countries to exert more support for Iraq and providing various assistance to the Iraqi people and the reconstruction of the infrastructure of the liberated areas."
He stressed that " the Iraqis have achieved great victories resulted from the liberalization of the left side of the city of Mosul and heroism will continue until the liberation of all Iraqi territory."
For his part, the representative of the Secretary - General of the United Nations in Iraq , "continued United Nations support for Iraq in its war against terrorist Daesh gangs," he said , adding , "he stressed in the United Nations meetings and the Security Council in New York that the Iraqis bleeding to liberate their land from the grip of terrorism and with the help of the international coalition, and that the war against terrorists Daesh require more support by the countries of the world to Iraq. "
Kubis said that "Iraq is on the right path through the Iraqi government 's efforts in the fight against terrorism and the protection of civilian lives and the development of the economic sector and development."
He added, " The Secretary - General of the United Nations Antonio Guterres stressed the need to exert more efforts to support Iraq and the rebuilding of the infrastructure and achieve sustainable development and to ensure the security and stability of Iraq , " explaining that " the Secretary - General of the United Nations is the outcome of the war against terrorism in Iraq is very impressive and hopes to lead to free all Iraqi territory, and the United Nations has the political and humanitarian obligations towards Iraq, working alongside the Iraqi government and local governments in the Iraqi provinces to provide assistance in various fields. "
loop says(6:37 AM):
Urgent session of parliament to postpone until next week
History of edits:: 02/13/2017 12:05 • 101 visits readable
Postponement of the parliamentary session until next week
BAGHDAD {Euphrates News}
postponed the board of the Presidency of the Council of Representatives, the session on Monday, the next week for lack of a quorum is complete Aleghanona..itba
BGG says(6:42 AM):
Pretty bubbly from Guterres lately... he's blowing about Iraq a lot these days.
BGG says(6:46 AM):
That article about the Maliki era - is WOW!!... "Somebody's gonna' be in trouble"!!
(7:00 AM)THE OBSERVER - - Save as a favorite... for Daily Dinar Commentary, Notices and Call banners!!
magnetlady says(7:01 AM):
Good morning everyone
Doug_W says(7:01 AM):
clay says to magnetlady(7:01 AM):
GM Mags :)
clay says to Doug_W(7:01 AM):
GM :)
Doug_W says(7:01 AM):
(7:02 AM)clay changed nickname to .VIP.clay!
jtank says(7:03 AM):
VIP duude hey
magnetlady says(7:03 AM):
morning clay, jtank
clay says to jtank(7:04 AM):
hey there buddy
clay says to jtank(7:04 AM):
hows TN treatin ya
jtank says(7:06 AM):
good thx, am now in central america for a month but will be in to see u soon
jtank says(7:07 AM):
Tn is a great place
jtank says(7:08 AM):
round trip ticket 400 spirit air
jtank says(7:09 AM):
maggs hey
clay says to jtank(7:12 AM):
sounds great
magnetlady says(7:13 AM):
morning jtank.
jtank says(7:13 AM):
Bgg aka taserman hey
jtank says(7:17 AM):
have a great day people
larrykn says(7:24 AM):
gm everyone :)
futuremoney says to larrykn(7:24 AM):
gm Larry!!
clay says to larrykn(7:26 AM):
future GM guys
larrykn says to clay(7:29 AM):
gm buddy hows it going :)
Doug_W says(7:29 AM):
hey Larry
larrykn says to Doug_W(7:29 AM):
gm Doug :)
clay says to larrykn(7:30 AM):
clay says to larrykn(7:30 AM):
clay says to larrykn(7:30 AM):
same thing (lol)
larrykn says to clay(7:30 AM):
whats that :D
clay says to larrykn(7:30 AM):
that was funny
larrykn says to clay(7:31 AM):
its nice to be retired but it also shows your age :(
clay says to larrykn(7:31 AM):
wouldn't know yet still waiting
larrykn says to clay(7:31 AM):
soon,, ooops did I say that lol
clay says to larrykn(7:32 AM):
larrykn says to clay(7:34 AM):
I saw some guru saying this could come out at .05 :D, I had a hard time getting off the floor, if it did noone would cash out their dollars in Iraq, it has to come out over a buck to get the dollars off the street
Doug_W says(7:35 AM):
I agree Larry.............but what do I know?
clay says to larrykn(7:44 AM):
he must be confused with the Dong
clay says to larrykn(7:47 AM):
exactly no one would give up their dollars
george says(7:47 AM):
Can someone explain why this CANNOT revalue at .05? and I mean CANNOT, not why ou THINK it won't. In addition, if it does increase to that number, uit's still considered an RV and increase in purchasing power, much more than they have now. DO they HAVE TO RV? Do they HAVE TO increase to a logial rate? Or one we WANT them to? Just wanted to share some different perspective rather than the dogmatic approach often seen about what MUST happen.
clay says to george(7:48 AM):
has to at least go back to what it originally was
clay says to george(7:49 AM):
must be competetive with kuwait who they share oil fields with on their borders and shipping docks
clay says to george(7:49 AM):
clay says to george(7:49 AM):
if 20% allowed for inflation 3.86 close to kuwaits
Mudder says to clay(7:49 AM):
GM Clay.... This of course is your opiinion????
clay says to Mudder(7:50 AM):
of course...butnever in history has a devalued currency not gone back to what it was example Germany and Japan after the war
clay says to Mudder(7:50 AM):
GM :)
larrykn says to george(7:51 AM):
today Iraq is under sactions, they have an artifical rate, if they want to trade with other countries they need to have an international rate, could they do .05 an increase from there , maybe but they also want the dollar off the streets an have a one currency country which means no dollars to do that I believe they have to have a rate on the dinar higher then what the dollar is IMO
dinarmassa says(7:51 AM):
anybody with VIP ahead of their name has to be right
clay says to dinarmassa(7:51 AM):
hey there (lol)
Mudder says to dinarmassa(7:51 AM):
clay says to larrykn(7:52 AM):
that too :D
dinarmassa says(7:52 AM):
what's happening, just waiting, calm before the storm
clay says to dinarmassa(7:52 AM):
hoping as soon as they liberate Mosul
larrykn says to clay(7:52 AM):
thats what I'm thinking :)
dinarmassa says(7:52 AM):
appears that it could be a quick battle
clay says to dinarmassa(7:52 AM):
it sure does
dinarmassa says(7:53 AM):
the locals are knocking off the leaders
dinarmassa says(7:53 AM):
cut the head off the snake, the snake dies
clay says to dinarmassa(7:53 AM):
from skype
clay says to dinarmassa(7:53 AM):
Al-Hashd al-Sha’bi during operations in Tal Afar.
Nineveh (Islamic State) Eighty corpses of Islamic State militants packed the central hospital in western Mosul’s town of Tal Afar after intense clashes with pro-government militias, a local source in Nineveh said Monday.
The dead bodies included those of senior foreign leaders who died in clashes Sunday with al-Hashd al-Shaabi (Popular Mobilization Units), the source told Alsumaria News.
clay says to dinarmassa(7:54 AM):
“Forensic authorities at Tal Afar hospital in Nineveh received today 80 dead bodies belonging to Daesh (IS) members of Arab and foreign nationalities, most notably a French national in charge of recruiting suicide bombers, and another commander of attackers battalion nicknamed Abu Omar al-Shami,” said the source.
The group put the corpses into refrigerators and labelled them with number tags, according to the source, who added that dead local fighters were handed over to their families, while others were buried in special cemeteries.
clay says to dinarmassa(7:54 AM):
The group is still withholding the bodies of foreign fighters and bars any Iraqi medical worker from approaching them, the source said.
Al-Hashd media service said Monday the forces had killed 50 IS fighters out of 200 who attacked PMUs in a bid to open an escaping channel to Syria. It was the first time IS fighters were seen using tanks in their attacks, the media service added.
clay says to dinarmassa(7:55 AM):
clay says to dinarmassa(7:55 AM):
PMUs, a conglomerate of Shia volunteer militias, have been actively fighting Islamic State militants on the Iraqi government’s side since the group emerged in 2014 to proclaim an “Islamic Caliphate” in Iraq.
Iraqi government forces, backed by PMUs and a U.S.-led international military coalition, have been fighting Islamic State since mid October to retake the city of Mosul, the group’s largest bastion in Iraq which fell in its grip in 2014. Operations have so far managed to recapture the whole eastern section of the city, and preparations are underway to invade the west, where military commanders predict a tougher battle.
clay says to dinarmassa(7:55 AM):
PMUs, which gained state recognition as a national armed force in November, have been active in western Mosul around Islamic State’s supply lines coming from Syria, and had achieved a remarkable victory in November when they recaptured the Tal Afar military airport.
clay says to dinarmassa(7:55 AM):
dinarmassa says(7:56 AM):
I read that as well, that will help immensely , not only the executions, but knowledge of prime targets for our guys to hit
george says(8:00 AM):
I agree, logically to pull large dinar off the streets one would logically believe they HAVE TO increase more than $1.00. But one thing I've learned by observing all of these years is when someone, who is intelligent by the way, decipher the news, then give a dogmatic point of view of what MUST happen, or the FACTS based upon what Iraq SAID they will do and then have an excuse about why it didn't happen is odd. How about taking responsibility for the lack of perspective you didn't consider before berating someone for a difference of opinion? Recently someone in here, remain namely, berated another person who didn't understand an article and said a child could understand it. Then the next day BGG realized this person was wrong and said it was a perspective they didn't consider.
The MOD work tirelessly, how they do it while working and tending to family, I'll never know. But one thing I do know, is that we DON"T KNOW and cannot believe Iraq will DO what they say they will DO, hence all of the talk about what they said would happen last year. Not dismissing all of the incredible progress by any means.
I believe all effort to keep people grounded and off of the roller coaster go in vain when we put others down for not understanding or having a difference of opinion. Hence the issues with the Left and Right.
Off to work, thanks for the rant. I never do it but have observed for a while and its been bugging me. Enjoy your day
(8:00 AM)Be sure to join the Dinar Updates “private” FaceBook Group… (go here and ask to join… then add some Dinar Friends!!)
(8:02 AM)patti was kicked out by patti!
clay says to dinarmassa(8:02 AM):
(8:03 AM)jack3 was kicked out by jack3!
clay says to george(8:04 AM):
I just tried explaining
clay says to george(8:04 AM):
not putting you down in any way
larrykn says to george(8:07 AM):
if you don't want people options don't ask for them , why come in here? just do your own research an do your own thing, that way you won't get upset when someone says something you don't like
Mudder says(8:08 AM):
larrykn says(8:09 AM):
you all have a great day , cya
futuremoney says(8:13 AM):
well...if you cant believe what Iraq says (CBI) then give away your dinar cause what the point...
dinarmassa says(8:16 AM):
Hopefully George gets the point
clay says(8:16 AM):
dinarmassa says(8:17 AM):
If he's that stressed out he needs to get out of this, jump into the stock market, I'm sure he'll do better there(@)
clay says(8:18 AM):
Doug_W says(8:21 AM):
play nice now kids :P
dinarmassa says(8:23 AM):
We are nice, just giving out some advise to relieve his stress level,
futuremoney says to dinarmassa(8:23 AM):
these guys just come in here to try and light fires..
clay says(8:24 AM):
dinarmassa says(8:24 AM):
I assumed that as well, so, spray a little water on em, and see how they respond
subgirl says(8:24 AM):
Good morning...
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:25 AM):
THERESSSSSSSSSSSSS SUBBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:25 AM):
BGG says(8:25 AM):
So George just bombed us with questions and then left... nice??
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:25 AM):
Heeeeyyyyyy!!! there is future moneeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyy lol
dinarmassa says to BGG(8:26 AM):
George is having a bad day
futuremoney says to BGG(8:26 AM):
lobed a fire ball then left..
BGG says(8:26 AM):
1) It can easily "revalue" to .05 - fact... will it? I doubt - but what do I know (or any other GURU IDIOT IN THE WORLD - that's the flaw partner)??
BGG says(8:27 AM):
2) It would be considered some kind of "upping" of purchasing power - but won't change my calculus ONE LITTLE BIT. NOT ONE...
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:28 AM):
BGG says(8:28 AM):
3) Do they have to?? Maybe not - but it is clear they WANT TO - IN THE WORST WAY... bad enough the are taking their Q's from the UN, IMF and WB - BANK ON IT.
futuremoney says to BGG(8:29 AM):
no reason for all the articles..if they wasnt going to do this...none
Mudder says to BGG(8:29 AM):
And your Doc's posted I don't know how many times of $1.13 is out the door too. Tha Tag is $3.86.... Nothing
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:29 AM):
clay says to subgirl(8:29 AM):
GM :) :-*
futuremoney says to BGG(8:30 AM):
article of reconstruction, sealed it for me..
subgirl says to clay(8:30 AM):
:-*GM :)
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:31 AM):
and that was a great article too Reconstruction...
dinarmassa says to Mudder(8:31 AM):
If i was a business man in the CBI, I would start it at $1.15, in and out of IRAQ, can you imagine how much they would draw in, then change to the $3.86 a couple of weeks later
clay says to dinarmassa(8:31 AM):
thats y I would cash in some and wait
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:32 AM):
dinarmassa says(8:32 AM):
I think everyone would, great way to retrieve the 25000 notes
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:32 AM):
so many things we will all be doing after it rv's :) just cant wait... :)
clay says to dinarmassa(8:32 AM):
clay says to subgirl(8:32 AM):
no kidding
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:33 AM):
like sitting in a lounge chair..
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:33 AM):
for days...
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:33 AM):
yes on a beach lol
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:33 AM):
toes in the sand...
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:33 AM):
near the ocean. lol
BGG says(8:33 AM):
4) If you are so tired of the DOGMA - stay off the IDIOT sites. We don't do that here. We research - bring FACTS - real news. I could not disagree with your dogma characterization of DU more. You are confused - that's the other guys. Hope you have a better day.
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:33 AM):
Mudder says(8:34 AM):
I guess the researcher here wastetheir time trying to educate the cheer leeders in here... Such a shame... I don't recall any of them saying anything like that....
clay says to futuremoney(8:35 AM):
its gonna take some time for sure to get over all these years sitting at the computer
futuremoney says to clay(8:35 AM):
got callouses on my butt
clay says to futuremoney(8:35 AM):
no kidding me too (lol)
BGG says to Mudder(8:35 AM):
I guess I'm missing your point??
clay says to BGG(8:36 AM):
GM :)
futuremoney says to clay(8:36 AM):
BGG says to clay(8:36 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:37 AM):
subgirl says to clay(8:37 AM):
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:37 AM):
clay says to subgirl(8:38 AM):
sad but true (lol)
clay says to subgirl(8:38 AM):
wore out the cushion on myergonomic chair
futuremoney says to clay(8:39 AM):
my ergonamic chair s now a fossil...
clay says to futuremoney(8:39 AM):
subgirl says to clay(8:39 AM):
it is lol
futuremoney says to clay(8:39 AM):
imgoing to donate it to the Smithsinian when this is over..
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:39 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:40 AM):
futuremoney says to clay(8:40 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:40 AM):
you are going to donate it lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:40 AM):
lol lol lol
futuremoney says to clay(8:40 AM):
it will be the review of many studies...
futuremoney says to clay(8:40 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:41 AM):
:D(lol)8-):D you are hilarious lol
futuremoney says to clay(8:42 AM):
part of the neo-classic period...
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:43 AM):
:D(lol) oh my goodness lol lol
clay says to futuremoney(8:43 AM):
too funny
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:43 AM):
you must have sat on it for generations lol
clay says to futuremoney(8:44 AM):
your butt checks forever sealed and put on display
futuremoney says to subgirl(8:44 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:44 AM):
futuremoney says to clay(8:44 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:44 AM):
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:44 AM):
you are tooo much lol
clay says to futuremoney(8:44 AM):
I needed a good laugh thanks
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:44 AM):
no work 2 day?
subgirl says to clay(8:44 AM):
he is one to make you laugh too lol
futuremoney says to clay(8:44 AM):
they will wonder why the seat is flat....hmmmmm
clay says to futuremoney(8:45 AM):
subgirl says to Doug_W(8:45 AM):
no work all week!!!!!!!!!!!! lol so watch out lol lol
subgirl says to futuremoney(8:45 AM):
clay says to subgirl(8:45 AM):
wow have fun
futuremoney says to clay(8:45 AM):
hide the children!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:45 AM):
do U wanna take it then? I want to go to town
subgirl says to clay(8:45 AM):
I am planning on a few things so lol
subgirl says to Doug_W(8:45 AM):
sure can you copy one more time?
clay says to subgirl(8:45 AM):
good for you :)
Doug_W says to subgirl(8:46 AM):
stand by
clay says to Doug_W(8:46 AM):
thanks Doug enjoy
subgirl says to clay(8:46 AM):
power walking is one of them too lol
clay says to subgirl(8:46 AM):
always good
subgirl says to clay(8:46 AM):
suppose to be in the 50 and 60 by the end of the week!
Continue to Part 2