"One of the Final Triggers" - Wed. PM WSOMN Thoughts



DOW HITS 20,000: Trump trade points to 21,000

Wow. So now what lol

hi tavia... this was a prophecy from Kim Clement.. to watch for the Dow to hit 20 thousand..and then RV

quicker than a blink of an eye... when it snowballs...it will move very fast...

From Kim Clement: November 22nd, 2013 - Email Update I spoke recently about the Dow at 20,000 points. All of this connects to a massive breakthrough with regard to the DINAR.

Kim Clement also prophesized that Donald Trump would become President...that was 7 years ago I believe

Evenstar. Kim Clement also prophesied in 2007. When Dow Jones reach the 20,000 the release would come.

Sure hope its true!

I like the Dow numbers. Hopefully that will be one of the final triggers.

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