Citation. The publications on environmental science, ecology were mentioned, cited at leading world universities, in publications and on their web sites; photo of who cited

The publications on environmental science, ecology were mentioned, cited at leading world universities, in publications and on their web sites; selected examples only;

Citation of book: Biological effects of surfactants. Cited in U.S.A., U.K., Germany, Italy, Austria, Netherlands, Denmark, other countries. Also, availability in libraries in America, Europe, Asia, Australia.

The book is in libraries of M.I.T., Harvard University, Caltech, and other universities of ... ...

Harvard, web site of the top university - ranked 1... top university (ranked 24th globally) ...

 Enviro.Top publications.Indexed.Environmental ... - 5bio5

Sep 15, 2013 - in Libraries of Harvard University, M.I.T., Caltech, Oxford, Cambridge ...
Which publications on water quality improvement could be ...

Jan 24, 2014 - Sergei Ostroumov · Lomonosov Moscow State University ....

Biological Effects of Surfactants - ResearchGate ...New citation by19 institutions, e.g.: Medical University of Vienna, Austria;

Medical University of Vienna, Austria;

Federal Environment Agency Austria,

University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna,

University of Veterinary Medicine, Laboratory of Ecotoxicology, Vienna,

German Environmental Protection Agency, Germany;

Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands,

Ghent University, Belgium;

University of Bologna, Italy; University of Coimbra ,

Polytechnical Institute of Coimbra , Portugal;

University of Washington, U.S.A.;

Asia cited Moscow University ecologist: Japan, China, Hong ...

Dec 1, 2012 - The main achievement of the work and publications that was cited:


...Ph.D. Thesis (UNIVERSITY OF BOLOGNA, 2014) cited the monograph

The University of British Columbia (UBC) | The ... -

Bibliography, citation, explanation of innovations, awards (environmental science, water, ecology, biology): citation of these publications: http://5bio5.blogspot.....

University of Cambridge Library.... - Sergei Ostroumov ...
    by .... Doklady Biological Sciences, ISSN 0012-4966, 07/2002, Volume 385, Issue 1-6, p. 377. Environmental Monitoring - methods, Hazardous  ...
    Mar 10, 2011 - citing of the publications authored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov. World-wide and ...  · Lomonosov Moscow State University. More info on  ...
  •; Harvard University: Books authored and coauthored by Dr. S.A. Ostroumov in the library of Harvard University:  ...

  • **
    Scientists who cited  publications of the author of this series of ecology publications, Dr. Sergei Ostroumov:

    Prof. David Castner:

    citation in:

    Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate Adsorption onto Positively Charged Surfaces: Monolayer Formation With Opposing Headgroup Orientations


    Italy. These scientists cited the book and other related publications of Dr. Sergei Ostroumov:


    More information on the Citation of these ecology publications, some examples:

    in French: Citation en EUROPE de publications de l'Université de Moscou (Fulbright primé chercheur), écologie, sciences de l'environnement, de la biologie, Royaume-Uni, France, Allemagne, Suisse, Belgique, Autriche, Angleterre, Danemark, Pologne, Italie, Ukraine, République tchèque, Suède, Finlande , Espagne, Bulgarie, Hongrie, Roumanie. Moldavie. Slovaquie, Biélorussie,

    Citation in South America and the world; publications on environment, ecology, water science, biology, selected:

    ASIA: citation of Moscow University research results in ecology, water science, environmental science, biology.  Selected examples. 

    updated, new condensed draft:
    Citation: publications on environment, ecology, biology: Europe, N.America, S.America, Asia, Australia, Africa. Articles, books, selected, top papers.
    Citation of research results of Moscow University, 

    Citation. Part 2. Environment, biology. Researchgate. Some examples of citation of publications on environmental science, environmental toxicology, aquatic ecology, water quality, freshwater, marine, surfactants, detergents, biochemical ecology. 05.03.14,

    Citation in EUROPE of publications (Fulbright award winning researcher), ecology, environmental science,

    Who cited. ResearchGate. Citation of publications of  Fulbright Award winner. In: Italy, Spain, Finland, United Kingdom, Mexico, Portugal, U.S.A., China, France, Australia, Greece, Poland, Philippines, Uruguay,
    Key words: ecology, environmental, science, protection, toxicity, water, safety, sustainability, water self-purification, ecotoxicology, hazard assessment, bioassay, detergents, surfactants, filter-feeders, bivalves, mollusca, plant seedlings, phytoremediation, conservation, biology,biomembranes, membranes, bioenergetics:

    Who cited. Citation of publications of Dr. Sergei ...:

    Citation World-wide 600 papers, instituti...:

    Citation, environmental science, biology papers, e...:
