"Perpetual Miracle" - GCR/RV Existential Op Ed - Friday - January 20, 2017

Received via email at 11:11 AM EST for publication. ~ Dinar Chronicles

January 20, 2017 is just another day as it relates to cosmic significance. One day, no more or less than another. Existence is but a perpetual miracle, marked by energy swings that are deemed higher or lower than a homeostatic movement (or non movement / neutral).

in·au·gu·ra·tion (noun)

✔️ the beginning or introduction of a system, policy, or period.

✔️ the formal admission of someone to office or public level of responsibility.

✔️ a ceremony to mark the beginning of something memorable.

There is nothing grand or earth changing happening on this "Inauguration day" versus another; and it's but one day in a series of days that we understand as part of a week, month, year, decade, century and era.

Regardless of title, we all serve the Great Creator equally, including Donald Trump.

We are all but one of One--a piece in a heavenly puzzle or just one part in relation to the whole. All cogs in the machine are always spinning in harmonious symphony with what is written in the golden book of fate.

There are no exceptions.

Your soul is thus necessary and sovereign because you exist. Meaning you have no owner and are a unique physical experience while also simultaneously being the same value as all souls.

Thus to ask for a sovereign rate at the time of redemption is to announce your understanding of existence as a universally sacred and divine truth with no quantifiable value, There is no end number that explains your own benevolence, regardless where that redemption decimal ultimately falls, as no revalued rate has any more or less significance than another. As numbers also serve the greater good in terms of expressing equally not division.

Sovereignty therefore is in of itself just sovereignty. As freedom is therefore just freedom. And God but God. Whole. Complete. Perfect. By design. No struggle. Always. Eternally.

Together, we are engaged on this blessed journey towards ascension, and we win little victories of enlightenment every moment along the way, with a select few marked by public and /or private inaugurations of accomplishment.

So when you see Trump be acknowledged today--accept you to are being acknowledged for your effort--your soul redeeming again in the truth and love of God... unconditionally.

And today is but one day demonstrating your miracle as a manifested lightening bolt of God the Father Creator. Sobeit.

God is with us.

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