"Here Is The Big Tricky Lie" - One Who Knows - 1.24.17

Entry Submitted by One Who Knows at 11:43 PM EST on January 24, 2017

Here Is The Big TRICKY LIE

Here we go again with the BIG LIE. Over and Out is using tricky wording to mislead you and I'm not having it! I know, I "Asked For It" by accepting Over and Out back with us, but this is Free Speech and the honorable way to be. I still stand by that. However, I am going to have to call out the BS in his last post.

First Here is what Over and Out said: (The BIG LIE)

If you are merely online debating your thoughts and hold currency and not part of a legitimate group you will be exchanging as a sole unit in the public window. Higher rates will not be given to the general public, such wealth will not be put in the hands on your day to day person. I know this is hard to believe if you have been led to think otherwise but this is one of the things we talk about all the time and is a well known fact in the inner surroundings. I know large T2 and T3 groups and their payments are into the billions, the thoughts of your day to day person exchanging ZIM for trillions will not happen, this you can be completely sure of regardless of whatever humanitarian business plan you may have.

Now Below is the same post with the rest of the information added: There is so much deception in the TRICKY WORDING, that really upsets me. It is so easy to tell that it was worded just right, so that the facts were right, but the inference was a LIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!  See for yourself.

_______Big Tricky Lie _______________

If you are merely online debating your thoughts and hold currency and not part of a legitimate group you will be exchanging as a sole unit  
in the public window.

This is true, we are in the "Public window" in that we exchange after the rates are on the screen and the CGR is fully going. We, the ones who are paying attention, will be given, access to 800#s which will lead to private INDIVIDUAL EXCHANGES at the very high rates, based on our project ideas.  So says: Bruce, Yosef, Tank, Zorra, VERITAS, and Fisher

________Big Tricky Lie______________

Higher rates will not be given to the general public, such wealth will not be put in the hands on your day to day person.

This is also true, but it MEANS THE (Key Word) GENERAL PUBLIC.  That is the tricky lie part. We are NOT considered the General Public. The General Public, who have no idea what is going on, who will NOT be calling the 800#s, will NOT get special high rates. We are the Informed who will be calling the 800#, GETTING the HIGH RATES, if you ask for them and have projects in mind. So says: Bruce, Yosef, Tank, Zorra, VERITAS, and Fisher

________Big Tricky Lie______________

I know this is hard to believe if you have been led to think otherwise but this is one of the things we talk about all the time and is a well known fact in the inner surroundings. I know large T2 and T3 groups and their payments are into the billions, the thoughts of your day to day person exchanging ZIM for trillions will not happen, this you can be completely sure of regardless of whatever humanitarian business plan you may have.

This part is true as well, BUT IT HAS THE TRICKY LIE AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The T2 & T3 groups are getting the Lower rates. They pre agreed to very low rates and will NOT get the higher rates we will be getting. That is why many people quit their groups so they could get the better, higher rates, as INDIVIDUAL EXCHANGERS. 

The Other tricky LIE PART, is he says "your day to day person exchanging ZIM for trillions will not happen" That is true, BUT HAS A TRICKY LIE PART. The tricky lie is that the day to day person is the General public and of course they will not be getting the high rates.  They will not be calling the 800#s, and will not be going to the exchange locations either. 

This whole post pisses me off because it is written to deceive people and I'm not have it.  Not on my watch. 

I only read that one part and when I saw it was so deceitful, and so well crafted to trick people out of their money, I want him investigated by the New Powers That Be. An attorney would tear this apart in court under "Common Law" which looks for such things as "Intent To Deceive." You can't get away with this type of deception anymore in the new laws coming out.  AND, this involves so much money, so much possible theft, that it would carry not only a HUGE fine wiping out everything they have, but they should forget Exchanging anything for themselves, and expect to be wearing orange for a very long time. Ask all the bankers being arrested if financial crimes work any more.

Also, I remember TNT Tony and DC, back in the day, saying that if just one person in a group, filed a law suit or filed a complaint, it would freeze EVERYBODY'S MONEY FOR YEARS. This whole scam is is going to be full of pissed off people when they find out the truth.... and they are going to find out.


Signed: One Who Knows

Here is the BIG LIE:

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