Today's Topics:
1. Poland, All of us do not burn - Review Luke
Weber [machine translation] (
2. Britain, class war: Zaha Hadid Architects reply to criticism
of Patrik Shumacher's social cleansing comments
3. France, Alternative Libertaire AL - Make a tax-deductible
donation by Redac (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
4. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre - class unity:
Towards an inter-network control (fr, it, pt) [machine
translation] (
5. France, Alternative Libertaire leaflet AL: electoral circus
or social war? Do not let bury the battles of 2016! (fr, it, pt)
[machine translation] (
6. US, pugetso und anarchists: Recent Posters and Handbills
Against Trump, The Police and Authority (
7. France, Alternative Libertaire AL Novembre - Poland:
Abortion a right to reclaim (fr, it, pt) [machine translation]
8. Turkey, sosyalsavas: SAY NO TO RAPE CULTURE AGAINST
Scott Jay (
10. Britain, class war: "Unproductives" demonstration against
the architect of social cleansing fascism, 1pm 30 November EC1R
0BQ (
11. Greece, anarcho-syndicalist Initiative Rosinante: Do not get
used to death! meeting on Saturday 3/12 at 12 noon outside the
Everest Victoria Square (gr) [machine translation]
Message: 1
It should be noted that the greatest misfortune is that such a book had to be written. And
had to be written, because the murdered Jolanta Brzeska, because so many people have been
evicted, deprived of the right to a roof over his head, wyzbytych with dignity, because so
often instead of real help in the face of the housing crisis, people have to listen to
empty platitudes of politicians and steak nothing unworthy promises. ---- The authors
start from what so strongly reflected on themselves and co-written by them lokatorskim
traffic. It is March 1, 2011 the last day on which seen alive Jolanta Brzeska. In the
book, we learn everything that is known about her last hours of life and the nightmare of
death. Her charred body was found the next day in the Bois Kabacki. According to the
adopted by the police hypothesis was that ... suicide. In such an absurd proposition hard
to believe, so it carefully presents to the reader the same form Jolanta. A woman who was
forced by circumstances to fight for your home, for their dignity, the right to be the
subject and not an object in a process called.
reprivatisation. Brest was one of many people who have become victims of people dealing
with the claims used to purchase, and then the "recovery" of houses. The word "recovery"
must be included in quotation marks here because, as very thoroughly explained in the book
authors, re-privatization is the process that does not have much in common transferring
the rightful owner of the nationalized property. "After 1989, in Poland historical
sentimentality even exploded, uncritical glorification of the Second Republic after the
years has given effect in the form of consent by the majority of Polish society on a wild
reprivatisation treated without thinking in terms of balancing the historical" wrongs ".
Return of the former owners and their heirs palaces, houses, land or factories had to
restore justice, the eternal law and order. It's just that if someone has a win, another
must lose. "
Brzeska was not wiecowym speaker, but stood out for persistence and determination among
the organizing tenants involved in the fight against injustice affecting them. He never
leaves the next meetings of the tenants participated in street protests and those that
took place at the session of the City Council. There are many indications that it was her
persistence and determination led someone to come to her life, it is possible that it only
wanted to intimidate, but something went wrong, someone nerves gave way and went to
extremes. The authors try to present all possible clues and traces related to the tragic
death, mainly because of so thorough analysis of different hypotheses forgot the police
and the prosecutor's office. Law enforcement agencies were negligence and have adopted a
version of the suicide, the least probable, but apparently most comfortable. Currently,
there is real hope associated with the decision to resume the investigation into the death
of Jolanta Brzeska, time will tell whether it will bring the expected results.
The tragedy of the Warsaw activists of a tenant for authors also a prelude to the more
detailed discussion of the fate of other victims, the inhabitants of resource premises of
the city. In fact, since the conduct of the authorities of the city, as well as
specialists from the "cleaning of houses," it testifies to the fact that often, longtime
residents of the capital townhouses, only a very significant element of that resource. For
their own misfortune does not represent a "significant value", so you can them together
with that resource to "sell" or rather "give" in the process of re-privatization.
Thoroughly discussed the entire methodology of the process, including the most famous of
its beneficiaries, officials who s dealings easier, and lawyers, who give it a semblance
of legality or "historical justice". In fact, however, we are faced with, which not only
harms the current residents and does not lead to any redress wrongs, and only generates
another. On the basis of often dubious, unverifiable information, or verified in a cursory
manner the city gets rid of entire apartment buildings with tenants.
They condemn them thus at the mercy of speculators-owners who want to get rid of them by
any means, of course, ranging from repeated lifting of rent, and often going so well to
threats and harassment. In the book we get to know in detail the history of at least some
houses and their inhabitants fight. How bitterly admit the authors, this fight is rarely
attracts the attention of the media and the public, when the tenants themselves provide
details of their ordeal, many incredulous that such things can happen in the "rule of
law". A Tenant ordeal lasts for years and is carried out with the participation of
municipal councilors and officials. Not only do they ignore the matter tenants, but also
fruitfully facilitate new kamienicznikom their actions. That consent, as revealed
recently, the scandal of the re-privatization of the plot from Chmielna 70, apparently has
its price, and allows handsomely "earn some extra money themselves" to clerical salaries.
It remains, however, still an open question whether this another example of
"re-privatization" finally will force policy makers to regulate this issue. At this point,
the reader is presented with a carefully that they were already efforts related to the
introduction of these regulations and how little so far been done in this case. A
condition of the existing permits for activities "cleaners townhouses" and subsequent
purchasers townhouses speculators not only in Warsaw but also in other cities. We meet, so
examples of action against tenants Poznan building at Stolarska Street, as well as from
Lodz and Krakow.
The tenants not being able to count on the support of officials and the authorities have
to organize themselves, often learn from their mistakes, carefully studying the law,
learning the mechanisms governing the media to be able to interest the public his fate.
Regardless of any obstacles, this uphill battle teaches tenants mutual assistance and
solidarity, brings a small victory and gives hope. Jolanta Brzeska died fighting ... and
just continue the struggle for justice is the best tribute to the memory of her.
Piotr Ciszewski, Robert Nowak "All of us do not burn" - Third Party Publishing, 2016.
Message: 2
Furious activists protest top architect over call to evict central London council tenants
Furious activists gathered outside the office of leading architect Patrik Schumacher today
to protest his calls for "free-riding" council tenants to be moved out of central London.
Message: 3
Monthly Alternative Libertaire has integrated device Press and Pluralism, which enables
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August Sander, "The brick bearer" (1928)
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Message: 4
On October 15 a meeting was held at the Paris Labour Exchange which helped make a progress
report around the call "It blocks all! ". Trade union CGT, SUD-Solidaires, FSU, CNT-SO ...
were there to share and build together. ---- "There is still fighting." It is under this
title that was convened the meeting on Saturday 15 October. If the crowd was modest with
about fifty participants, the discussions have not been affected so far. The comrades of
SUD-Solidaires were more in number with SUD-education of members and SUD-PTT mainly but
also South-Commerce, SUD-Rail and representatives of local or departmental unions (Nord,
Paris, Saint- Denis). The Inter nature of the meeting was still real thanks to the
presence of activists of the CGT (correctors, energy, students, FERC Info'Com,
territorial), FSU (Emancipation trend) and CNT SO. Finally, if essentially participation
was francilienne, note that the comrades of Dijon, Lille, Grenoble (under local collective
Isère "It all hangs") or Mulhouse Orleans made the trip.
A first turn to speak allowed to return to the fight sequence against the labor law lived
between 9 March and 15 September. Starting from the concrete experiences and pitfalls
encountered, including the difficulty in engaging the strike, to renew ... and more to
generalize, trade has shown that industrial action remained well and truly the backbone of
any movement social.
Do not replace existing union tools
This mobilization without ignoring other frameworks (including standing Nights, the
reality varied from one place to another) or the terms of symbolic actions backed the
strike (type blocks) interesting when they replaced not the latter.
The discussion then focused on the proposal to establish an inter-network fighting to
follow the call "It blocks all! ". If this proposal seems there is unanimous, it raised
many questions about its objectives as in its structuring.
The will not replace existing union tools but rather to complement was recalled. The idea
that this network is an inter-union solidarity horizontal space (against repression, in
support of local strikes ...) returned several times. concrete expression of that concern:
a statement / support leaflet Goodyear came out in the days following the meeting. The
text "It is still fighting" has meanwhile been updated to continue to trade, especially in
our structures, for a next meeting in December.
Théo Rival (AL Orléans)
Texts "Solidarity seamlessly with Goodyear 8" and "There is still fighting" are online .
'Le Bourg and the Workshop, "a book on trade unionism daily
Enter the union work "from below". Such is the project sociologist Julian Mischi in this
book published earlier this year in Agnone. "Why and how do they keep the workers to
campaign despite the strength of the process promoting their political exclusion? "That's
the question the book raises. The answer is based on observation of the field of trade
unionism in its daily, through immersion at the local level and over the long term with
railway and railway workers CGT of a maintenance workshop SNCF in rural eastern France .
The researcher is analyzing the multiple obstacles faced by activists and activists, both
in the advocacy work of their colleagues in the confrontation with the hierarchy and
sometimes strained relations with other unions. The test described with class
consciousness in detail being built, at a time when it is in crisis because, among other
reorganizations of labor at work at the SNCF (individual bonuses, promotion 'choice
"inducing competition between wage earners among themselves and, potentially, their
docility) and beyond. Participation in a strong collective, that is to say, taking
precedence over individual impulses, based on ideals and not on a trade union services,
appears as a powerful foil to the dominant individualism and simultaneously as a crucible,
a training area where militants reflexes are put in place. Certainly, in a railway
workshop, unionization is made easier by the membership of the working men and women to
the category of wage earners in status. And in this rural area, Indigenousness many
railway workers, often a son or daughter of railwaymen, also makes it easier to union
involvement. However, the sociologist mentions cases of accession to the CGT workers from
peasants and Catholic conservatives, who experience awareness during their union.
Syndicalism is also shown as a strong politicization of space and learning in contact with
the militant group. For example, the sentence within the collective deemed sexist
attitudes (as well as racist or homophobic), if certainly not solve all problems
automatically, also has long-term positive effects on the consideration by each of the
type issues. While this is not contradictory with the persistence of some militants in
virilism habitus.
Another exciting point of the work is the precise study of the formation of cultural
capital among militant trade union cadres from the working classes and have a low
educational level * (often type CAP). The knowledge and skills acquired during their
militant trajectory - mastery of writing, reading or legal regulations, public speaking,
self-control and self-control against the boss, etc. - Allow these activists to establish
more equal relationships with their superiors. The author describes how this capital is
sometimes militant reinvested in the accession to master even coaching in the business,
and also in local political games - many railway workers are involved, sometimes as mayors
or councilors municipal, common in this rural area. However, these developments union
officials are balanced with the risk of expulsion from land permanent. Indeed, the latter
become more "competent" by the force of things, tend to accumulate, sometimes against
their will, the union office, and therefore not to be hardly present in the workshop. This
raises both critical of their colleagues on a real or perceived bureaucracy, and a form of
self-criticism on their part vis-à-vis what they feel a damaging remoteness of the terrain
and working conditions of their colleagues. the risk we see that "bureaucracy" often sent
to national frameworks, is already a reality at local level, and can create tensions
between unionists "professionalized-es" and wage earners.
Sociologist finds a consideration of this issue and a desire to build a "members of
unionism" where union members as possible to be able to take some of the tasks.
In short, useful work for both researchers in social sciences for field unionists.
Vincent (AL Paris-Sud)
Julian Mischi, Le Bourg and the Workshop - Sociology of the trade union struggle, Agone,
408 pages, 23 euros.
Message: 5
The year 2016 will be a great year of social struggles. Strikes, demonstrations,
blockades, a determined core of salarié.es remained highly mobilized despite police
repression, despite the 49-3, despite support from the CFDT to government attacks PS. Do
not let our anger get bogged down in the electoral swamp! ---- 2016 stopped Sept. 15 ----
rhythm, or not having attempted an appeal to three consecutive strike days we will of
course blame the National Inter for not having enough drive. We can make the same reproach
to many union structures (federal, local, dishes) played qui'ont not always win. But the
fact is, disturbing and frightening: if there 's been no progressive development of
mobilized fringes, this is indeed due to the demoralization of the majority of salarié.es
and their organizations.
In 2010, leapfrogging days very distant from each other have exhausted in vain a really
massive mobilization leading to a big demoralization of salarié.es. This is what we paid
in 2016: we are a minority resté.es, strong, determined and active minority but
nevertheless still believe in the collective ability to reverse a government.
Leaflet in PDF for download
This year nothing prevented salarié.es to seize the signs given for the generalization of
the strike and enter into a renewed strike dynamic. However note that neither the
brutality of the police and judicial repression, nor the necessary solidarity campaigns
have broken morale, quite the contrary: the pride of standing up in the
storm makes less heavy defeat while keeping the morale. Valuable asset for appointments 2017!
After September 15?
While the quality of mobilization on September 15 showed intact the will to fight again,
the national inter refused to organize later. It was a mistake, a questionable policy
choices. Because even without enlargement of the fight, stop the mobilization was to open
the way to illusions, divisions and electoral impasses. Dare do we still sing us that the
PS is "less worse"? Is the emergency politicians fighting or reconstruction of the union
tools on a class-struggle orientation, preparing the consciousness to great needs:
expropriation of capitalist socialization of the means of production, business and
self-management of society?
Demonstration of May 17, 2016 in Paris.
(C) Daniel Maunoury
The path of struggle
The enactment of the El Khomri law under the simplified procedure: it is time to show that
we are still able to say stop in the strike and in the streets. We must make the first
opening of trading at a large company or a branch of agreements derogating great day of
action to restart the machine. These are today's struggles against the PS government that
will allow us to build those of tomorrow against new attacks we promise 2017 bourgeois
politicians, Macron FN.
Message: 6
We receive via email a series of posters and handbills with the intention of reproducing
and spreading in the coming week. Some of these handbills where recently handed out during
the high school walkouts on Monday and where put up as part of an anti-Trump graffiti and
wheat pasting campaign. ---- "There's a war going on outside..." ---- -Mobb Deep ---- For
us, as anarchists, Trump signifies the platform for a racist and nationalistic agenda. He
is creating a even more stable ecology for long term traditionally racist, homophobic and
nationalist groups like the KKK in North Carolina, National Socialist Movement in
Pennsylvania, the Traditionalist Workers Party and Identity Evorpa in Seattle to come out
of the shadows and begin more openly organizing in the public eye. Though many of the
groups say they do not openly support Trump they find an alignment with both his political
views and positions on immigration and nationalism. For example David Duke one of the lead
figures of the KKK endorsed Donald Trump and an issue of the Crusader by printing an image
of him with the title "Make America Great Again". For us to be against Trump means to be
against racism, fascism and nationalism.
We have no desire to make small concessions with authority like the left, for example
groups like Socialist Alternative and their talking head Kashama Swaint who want to
replace Trump with Bernie Sanders. For us there is no alternative to power and there is no
agreement to be had with power. We are against the right as much as we are against the
left, the spectacular representation of politics needs to go along with the overall
question of authority.
We are not interested in maintaining social passivity by declaring "LOVE TRUMPS HATE". We
feel that creating a space of acceptance or tolerance for Trump followers inadvertently is
creating space for extreme right groups with nationalistic tendencies. That is part of the
same rhetoric that got us here today.
Lastly, neutrality and the concept of going back to normal is not an option for us. To opt
out so to speak or purely denounce the current context as a passing phase is similar to
the thought that voting can change the current political context. That is why we have made
an active and conscious decision to be on the streets at demonstrations, go to meetings
and do public actions.
The police and the entire maintenance of the social order is put into motion by them
enforcing authority over every single individual or group who deviates from the accepted
form of political protest.
To be against Trump is to be against the police. For us any and all authority be it local
politicians, police or the president are the loss of the agency over our own lives.
To be against Trump means we desire the complete destruction of all authority whether
police, judges or presidents, we will not be complacent, we are an ungovernable force!
For anarchy! Against the state and capital!
Trump is not our president. He doesn't represent anything that we care about. In fact,
he's a racist bigot, a piece of shit. But also fuck Hillary, Bernie, whoever - We are the
only people who can make decisions for ourselves. Instead of putting our hopes in another
politician who will surely demonstrate that they can do nothing to curb the genocidal
white supremacy that is at the heart of Amerikkka, why don't we depend on each other? In
this period of revolt many politicians and parties are going to promise to take power and
be 'better.' Fuck anyone who wants to take power.
Instead of trying to elect new politicians with the same old disappointments, let's take
inspiration from the Black Panthers who provided food and medical care for their community
while actively fighting the racist police state. Let's look to the struggle in Rojava,
where people have completely self-organized without a state while at war. We are inspired
by the fight against the Dakota Access Pipeline where people are organizing their own
schools, building structures to live in and burning barricades to keep the police, the
army and the oil companies off of native land. Let's look to anarchists in Greece who are
squatting hotels to give shelter to refugees and smashing down the doors of fascist
parties with sledgehammers.
The politicians want us to believe that nothing but the present hell world is possible. We
know they are wrong. We know that we can organize ourselves, we can represent ourselves,
we are ungovernable.
Message: 7
The women of Poland retained their right to abortion already reduced to almost nothing and
almost impossible to practice despite an attempt by the Church to remove it entirely. This
is not really a victory. ---- Polish women took to the streets in October to protect their
already very thin right to abortion against an attempt to ban it completely. Yet this
fundamental right of women has not always been absent from the country. Thus, from 1955 to
1993, abortion was free and open. From 1989 to 1993, fundamentalists cathos parties and
the Church attempted several times to ban do. And it almost succeeded. After blackmail the
Church threatening not to support the ultra-liberal reforms, the parliament passed the ban
in January 1993. After several attempts to overcome improvements right catho, women suffer
permanently since 1996 one of the most restrictive laws in Europe. Abortion is only
permitted in the case of malformation of the fetus of a threat to the life or health of
the woman or rape, including rape by incest, is the origin of the pregnancy.
Between 100,000 and 150,000 clandestine abortions
There are hundreds of legal abortions each year, access remains difficult because of the
Catholic lobbying. Feminist organizations encrypt the number of clandestine abortions
between 100,000 and 150,000, mostly in neighboring countries with more favorable legislation.
In the spring of this year, some bishops took a stand for a total ban, followed by a
movement of citizens and reactionary citizens who proposed a law prohibiting abortion
except in cases of danger to the life of the mother. The project has collected enough
signatures to be presented to Parliament which agreed to get him into the voting process.
The first manifestations of women had begun in May, a day of strikes and demonstrations
was the highlight the "Black Monday" (because women have shown dressed in black) on 3
October. Parliament rejected the bill on 6 and thus cut short the debate, once opened,
will be closed with the liberalization of abortion rights. The most reactionary little
lost, abortion remains inaccessible in Poland, and they are already preparing other
projects such as the prohibition of medical termination of pregnancy in case of fetal
malformation. The First Minister announced the increase of allocations for selecting
families raising children with disabilities or women choosing to complete a dangerous
Women have gained nothing, the battle remains to be done in a Europe whose leaders have
nothing but contempt for this right is not enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights.
Christine (AL Orne)
Message: 8
The male-dominated mindset does not seek consent from women, it also charges animals,
tortures them, rape them, kills them! ---- 30th of November Wednesday 20:30 - Banner and
Placard Preparation & Workshop Against Rape Culture (infiAl, Turan cd. 36A, Beyoglu) ---- ---- 2nd of December, Friday 19:00 - Film
Screening and Interview ---- Best Speech You'll Ever Hear - Gary Yourofsky ---- ---- 3th of December, Saturday 19:00
Press Release in Kadiköy ---- We want the
rights of animals, which are systematically applied to rape and violence, to find a place
on the stage at least as much as those of people. We believe we can completely overthrow
the construction of the rape culture hand in hand with animals.
Animals are slaughtered every day in slaughterhouses, imprisoned in cells, excoriated and
displaced from their habitats. The affinity between psychological and sexual violence
against animals and humans comes from the tyranny of rape culture all around the world. We
do not tolerate the state that demands good time credit for animal rape and argues that a
12-year-old child might have consent in a sexual and psychological exploitation. We do not
accept or recognize state's attempts to justify sexual abuse. We refuse the assimilation
policies of state towards animals, humans and the earth.
We think that animals are not able to raise their voices against the decisions made on
their bodies and that's why we are calling you to get out on streets and raise their voice!
We invite all our friends to join the solidarity and the press release to curse the
hypocrite, male-dominated, speciecist mindset once again!
Resistance to all rape; Freedom for humans, animals and for earth!
Message: 9
"Blueprint for a New Party" recently published in Jacobin Magazine advocates a model of
building a new left electoral party - but author Scott Jay argues it is strategy that
leads to campaigning for Democrats and expanding the focus on electoralism rather than a
path to strengthening social movements. ---- These are desperate times. The victory of
Donald Trump promises a rightward turn in US policy as well as an emboldened far-right in
the streets. Immigrants will be among the first attacked by Trump's promise to expel them
en masse, but they and others will also continue to see an increase in daily harassment,
racist attacks and organized vigilante violence. ---- In response to these horrors,
Jacobin Magazine, which enthusiastically promoted Bernie Sanders as a route to rebuilding
the Left, has published an article by Seth Ackerman which provides what he calls "A
Blueprint for a New Party." Having put all their eggs in the Sanders basket for the past
year, Jacobin and Ackerman now lay out the possible next steps for what the Sanders
campaign supposedly promised all along-a newly formed independent third party to the left
of the Democrats. Ackerman describes this, at the end of the article, as a "Party of a New
What Ackerman provides is a lengthy history and analysis of attempts to build third
parties, in particular the US Labor Party, and challenges to attaining and keeping access
to the ballot. What he does not provide is much a of a picture of how this Party of a New
Type is going to be built, or by whom, or why anybody would want anything to do with it.
It is not even clear what sort of politics it would have or what-if anything-it would do
besides run candidates, although it may not even run candidates, apparently. How it would
even build the membership and resources to eventually run candidates is left as an
exercise for the reader, as they say in a graduate seminar.
Before we proceed, imagine for a moment that instead of the Left enthusing over Bernie
Sanders for the past year they had focused on organizing among working people and
oppressed people in defending themselves from the daily onslaught of capitalism. Imagine
what a stronger position we would all be in now, as the newly empowered far-right seeks to
assault the lives and dignities of immigrants, women, African-Americans, the LGBTQ
community, and others. Instead of talking abstractly about the possibilities of a New
Party, we would be talking about how to stop deportations, racist attacks and sexual
assaults. There are people around the US who have been doing just that, who do not call
themselves Leftists or read socialist periodicals, who have been working on protecting
their family members and neighbors from being deported or being beaten by the police.
Ackerman's proposal seems less interested in these problems and instead focuses on the
question of whether or not an electoral party should seek its own ballot line, to which he
boldly answers: "Sometimes."
What about the workers?
The problem with these "Parties of a New Type" is they appeal not so much to the working
people who they are supposed to represent but to other Leftists who love talking about
blueprints and grand strategies and united fronts. Nobody needs these parties-in-waiting
more than left-wing intellectuals looking to project their ideas. Nobody needs them less
than people actually fighting the daily grind of capitalism-they are left building their
own communities and organizations. They are building their own blueprints from daily
experience, developing new tactics that could in fact develop eventually into larger
national organizations and networks. If such a thing actually happened, the role of the
working class and social struggles would be central and not an afterthought, as it is with
Ackerman might object to describing his blueprint as one where the working class is an
afterthought, but there is hardly anything in his blueprint to suggest otherwise. The
working-class and class struggle are almost nowhere to be found in this blueprint. Are
local branches and chapters supposed to be rooted in workplaces, or in schools, or
neighborhoods? Are they supposed to represent practical efforts to fight austerity locally
or are they supposed to recruit like-minded, politically engaged people? If the former,
how exactly how is it supposed to do that?
This may seem to belabor the point-of course this is how the party would be built,
Ackerman might say-but it is precisely the inability of the Left to make practical
contributions to local struggles and to build itself primarily among the most affected and
most militant people in those struggles that has challenged the Left for decades. The Left
has not simply failed to put into practice a successful blueprint for a national
organization. Rather, it has typically failed to put in practice a blueprint for an
organization of twenty people in a single workplace or neighborhood who can resist layoffs
or evictions, probably because such a project is not nearly so sexy as grand strategizing
and electoral campaigns. They may not provide much of a basis for building social
movements, but they do allow their participants to feel like that is what they are doing,
which is usually enough.
Along these lines, Ackerman focuses not on building power from below but on the legal
obstacles to electoral campaigns and how to maneuver around them. He sums up the blueprint
as follows:
The following is a proposal for such a model: a national political organization that would
have chapters at the state and local levels, a binding program, a leadership accountable
to its members, and electoral candidates nominated at all levels throughout the country.
As a nationwide organization, it would have a national educational apparatus, recognized
leaders and spokespeople at the national level, and its candidates and other activities
would come under a single, nationally recognized label. And, of course, all candidates
would be required to adhere to the national platform.
But it would avoid the ballot-line trap. Decisions about how individual candidates appear
on the ballot would be made on a case-by-case basis and on pragmatic grounds, depending on
the election laws and partisan coloration of the state or district in question. In any
given race, the organization could choose to run in major- or minor-party primaries, as
nonpartisan independents, or even, theoretically, on the organization's own ballot line.
The ballot line would thus be regarded as a secondary issue. The organization would base
its legal right to exist not on the repressive ballot laws, but on the fundamental rights
of freedom of association.
Essentially what he is describing is the US Green Party, although with a "pragmatic"
approach to how it may or may not appear on the ballot. What is this pragmatic approach?
He describes elsewhere that such a party should avoid a "suicidal frontal assault" on the
existing parties, ie the Democratic Party. He even notes that, "The Labor Party[US]always
assumed that a genuinely independent labor party must have a separate party ballot line.
That assumption was a mistake." He does not say this explicitly, but it sure sounds like
he is advocating his party supporting Democratic Party candidates, at the very least in
the primaries, and we can imagine beyond that as well.
Ackerman takes so little interest in the social base that will carry out his blueprint
that he even argues that such a party could take advantage of Citizen's United, the
notorious Supreme Court ruling that allows unlimited donations from corporations and
billionaires into political campaigns:
In this model, the national organization would incorporate as a 501(c)4 social welfare
organization, permitting it to endorse candidates and engage in explicit campaigning,
while accepting unlimited donations and spending unlimited amounts on political education.
(It would also, of course, be free to adopt rigorous self-imposed disclosure rules, as it
The speed with which we have gone from celebrating Bernie Sanders' campaign funded largely
on $27 donations, to seeing Citizen's United as an opportunity to take advantage of
unrestricted political donations, is truly breathtaking. Who exactly is going to make
these donations of an unlimited size? No need to worry about that, apparently. How such a
party receiving free-flowing political donations will be certain to "adopt rigorous
self-imposed disclosure rules" is once again left as an exercise for the reader. Ackerman
has created a blueprint but with hardly any details.
Electoralism leads to electoralism
We have been told, over and over again, that left-wing electoralism will eventually feed
into social movements and vice versa. And yet, this never really seems to happen.
Electoral strategies always seem to focus on funding and promoting themselves, with just
enough lip service to give them a gloss of social movement relevance, but not much more.
Instead of being a launching point for social struggles, electoralism has been a one-trick
pony whose only concrete strategies feed directly back into itself and not into something
greater. Rather than providing a strategy for propelling social movements, it is almost
exclusively a justification for its own continuance. In the context of a country dominated
by two parties, this often means at some level feeding back into the Democratic Party,
reluctant to harm the only game in town.
For example, high on Ackerman's mind is the problem of "spoiling" elections - by which he
means running candidates against the Democratic Party thus leading to the Democrat losing
and a Republican win. This is primarily a problem because so many people (apparently) are
terrified of destroying the chances of the Democrats to win that they would never build an
alternative unless they had an answer to this problem. This was especially an obstacle, as
Ackerman points out, for the US Labor
Message: 10
1pm on Wednesday 30 November 2016 @ Zaha Hadid Architects, 10 Bowling Green Lane, EC1R 0BQ
London ---- BRING POSTERS, BANNERS! Architect Patrik Schumacher wants to get rid of all
affordable housing and remove the "unproductive" from London. Let's show him on Wednesday
just what us "Unproductives" think about that! ---- This is PATRIK SCHUMACHER, director of
Zaha Hadid Architects, hater of the working class, and social cleansing denier. And here's
what he had to say recently about who ‘deserves' to live in London, in which he uses
photos from an action against social cleansing that some of us did outside a posh
prize-giving at the Royal Institute of British Architects. ---- His message is clear: the
rich want London's council estates and they don't give a shit about what they have to do
to the working class to get them.
(He actually came out of that event to have a go at us before getting chased back inside.)
Here's some of what Patrik had to say:
"You have this backlash against this so-called social cleansing, and we had a
demonstration outside the RIBA during the Sterling Prize. I find it problematic to use a
phrase like social cleansing, which alludes to genocidal ethnic cleansing when socially
renting tenants are asked to move and offered a new place somewhere else.
They were given these houses for free, and now they're given another new[one]for free -
what a tragedy for them! The fact that somebody has enjoyed the privilege of a subsidised
central location for some time in my view does not and should not establish ownership over
this public resource.
Is it not fair that now it's somebody else's turn to enjoy this central location?
Especially if it is those who are better able to produce the support required for those
who are subsidised all along and will continue to be subsidised?
I'm thinking about MY PEOPLE* who are working very hard and generating value having to
commute or having flatshares when these spaces are left to people who[have been]freeriding
for decades and supposedly for decades to come.
Central London locations are a precious productive resource that... should be allocated
according to market principles, that is, to the uses most urgently demanded by the
economically most potent and thus most productive users who serve us most effectively."
* Wealthy middle-class cunts
Schumacher's vision is one in which the rich use the rest of the world as their playground
| 30 NOVEMBER, 2016 BY IAN RITCHIE | Patrick Schumacher's WAF speech revealed him as an
apologist for the politics of disposability, with no respect for the registers of care,
compassion, and democratic vision, says Ian Ritchie...
Architecture needs a spokesperson; don't let it be Patrik Schumacher | 29 NOVEMBER 2016 BY
ELLIS WOODMAN | Zaha Hadid Architects' director may be able to grab headlines, but
looney-tunes ideas would make him a problematic champion for the profession, says Ellis
"It is time to stop listening to Patrik Schumacher" | Phineas Harper | 28 November 2016 |
Patrik Schumacher's vision for a deregulated and privatised city is nothing more than a
rehash of failed establishment ideas, and we shouldn't pay any attention, argues Phineas
Harper in his latest Opinion column....
Poor Doors, Gentrification
Message: 11
Death of 38chronis accounting officer Royal Parastatidis, mother of two underage girls and
over 15 years laboring in Everest, is not the result of an accident, there was just a "bad
moment", there was a "tragic twist of fate," as we heard and read in extensively the hours
that followed the disclosure of shocking news. - Quite the opposite: the Basilica
Parastatidis murdered. - Her name is added to the endless list of the murdered workers
from their bosses, is another victim on the altar of profit. - The crocodile tears which
manages the branch of Everest in Victoria Square where murdered accountant working and
which became the fatal explosion, only serve to further enrage above. ---- eEmployers
'practices of this particular chain of stores also have been known for years: employers'
blackmail with the sack, forced resignations and inconceivably intensified work are the
ingredients of the operation of a particular chain of stores.
In the case of the murder of 38chronis have deliberately breached by the employer at least
five basic rules for all the catering outlets that need to be kept for health and safety
reasons. In principle, prohibited any shop to maintain food production space in his
basement. One wonders how is this daily violation of such a basic rule for the catering
industry from the side of Everest to have gone unnoticed by the competent control
authorities and indeed in such a central position? The question is of course rhetorical.
Besides all employees and workers know that the bigger, the more "heavy" is a name in the
market (such as Everest in this case) the easier it is on the part of employers to breach
at the expense of the workers in any rule.
Secondly, you need to have one some particular specialization in the basic safety rules to
be aware that when in a kitchen made repairs is criminal practice working together and the
kitchen and making use live flames near flammable materials such as was the time the
explosion in Victoria's shop. This is a direct threat to any human life is the point.
Also, the propane which was used during the operations of which caused the explosion
requires more stringent fire safety requirements in relation to natural gas which
obviously was not the case during the fatal work in Victoria Square store.
It is also obvious that any such work can not be accomplished during the store operation
while workers do their shift and customers are within the shop. But this is a footnote to
the employers of Everest which the stores operate 24 hours a day and to close a store to
make the work is beyond reason. Besides, they may lose money that entered the fund and the
risk of loss of human lives seem more painless.
The murder of the Royal Parastatidis is integrated into the general atmosphere of the
working middle ages that has been established in recent years and the conditions and our
working conditions. The devaluation of our work, the devaluation of our own lifetimes
evolving day by day and hour by hour. At the same time sad official trade unions keep
trapped any possibility of resistance and throwing strikes to-air fireworks destined to be
defeated by the time their was declared while in the workplace terrorism and circumvent
any dignity concept have hit the ceiling.
The employer's murder on Everest is just another resounding bell in the ears of the labor
movement. It comes to recall in the most authoritative manner that the organizational
separation of the GSEE and the creation of a new, independent, class and really militant
trade union confederation is one of the most important condition of survival of the
working class.
Every day the people of the State and the Capital, the world of anti-labor laws, the
employer cynicism and racist and antiprosfygikis policy, attacking with murderous fury in
local and foreign workers. Every day this world subtracts lives. The need to organize our
class and to reverse this murderous world is more than immediate.
The anarcho-syndicalist Initiative Rosinante calls in concentration at the employer's
murder Everest on Saturday, December 3 at 12:00, at the junction of September 3 and Heyden
in Victoria Square.
anarcho-syndicalist Initiative Rosinante
http: // rocinante. gr /
And accountant dead for bosses bread
Sat Date, 3 Dec 2016 10:07:28 +0200
We are our deep sorrow and indignation at the tragic and unjust death of colleague and
laboring Royal Parastatidis, declare our full support and our solidarity with the family
and relatives of the victim, the injured workers and bystanders and hope for the treatment
and full restoration of health. - The Royal 38chroni Parastatidis mother of two, an
accountant who worked in the company EVERFOOD SA which belongs to the group of companies
Vgenopoulos, died tragically Thursday 01/12 morning to work in the fast food business
EVEREST situated on Victoria Square in Athens and operated by the employing company.
Besides the dead accountant, injured three other workers and two bystanders.
To avoid misleading the public and workers might try to achieve the employers with
"sympathy" and support communications which will run to raise systemic media known
servants and lackeys of capital and no matter what will invoke the bosses to "lighten"
their position and to avoid or reduce their responsibility for this institution's murder
is that the work carried out by crew dangerous work and is crystal clear that the employer
has the sole responsibility and should have informed the competent technical safety and to
ensure his presence during the work, have foreseen and has cared for the absolute safety
of the workplace, for the safety of workers in the shop, the workshop which was making its
work and any third party even interrupt the operation of the store because of the
dangerous nature of the work, which was not done, because the profit for the bosses is
over and the human life.
Still then and accountant worker, also is known to workers accounting profession
compulsive and extreme working conditions which threaten not only mental but over their
physical health and as evidenced by this tragic and unjust loss of life of the working
Royal Parastatidis, they too are victims of employer like any other worker, who experience
and are misery and slavery in labor, inhumane and exhausting working hours, wages of
hunger and paying with blood and their lives gain of bosses.
We do not know what will be the development and what the outcome of the civil justice to
the responsibility and punishment of the murderers bosses, experience however tells us our
employers are the officials responsible for each employer murder and we wondered whether
to show the policemen which as known particularly preferred for their feeding this Fast
Food Restaurants chain, the same eagerness to prosecute employers criminals as persecuted
respectively competitors employees.
All workers and employees to self-organization and solidarity must participate in class
and social struggle, to fight against those who steal their lives and punish themselves
those who kill their workplaces.
Libertarian unions ATHENS
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» Anarchic update news all over the world - Part 2 - 9 December 2016