Hairy help & stocking up.

It's been on again off again rain all weekend.
That gave me time to clean cupboards, with much help, I might add.

"Hey, you missed a spot."

                   "What am I thinking; I could be napping."

I so appreciate their help.

All dusted up and ready for company :)

I found this recipe and was more attracted to the photo than the recipe itself.
It does look like a good cookie, though.
Notice they are referred to as 'little cakes'.

I've been watching the numbers of Mourning Dove increase at the mouse-house over the last few days. I guess they remember that this is where they were safe and fed all last fall and winter. Perhaps some from last year are bringing their young here. It is so good to see them again and welcome the new ones as they rank right up with the chickadee as a favorite of mine.
I just bought one hundred pounds of seed this week. We were given a heads-up where there is very good and reasonably-priced seed grown right on the owner's farm in the North Gower area. It is a feed and seed business and the mix is fabulous. I hope my birds really love it. To attract even more birds the seed is sprayed with peanut oil. It sells for .50 a pound. And to add to the positives, the drive up there is so nice; all well-kept farms, barns and farm land.

Audrey's thinkin'... "More birds...more chance for a bird burger."

"What do ya say, Deb?"
She loves helping me fill the feeders in the garage, too. 
"That'll have to do, Missy."

hugs, Deb

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