With the warm summer months now upon us it is time for everyone to head outside and hit the trail, go camping, climbing, cycling, or take part in whatever your favorite outdoor activity might happen to be. Of course, it is also a good time to inspect our gear and check for new options that can help us to be more comfortable and efficient during our adventurous pursuits. To help us navigate through the sometimes overwhelming and confusing gear options, Outside magazine has posted their selection of the very best gear for summer 2016.
Amongst the items that earn a spot on Outside's list are the new Kelty TN2 tent, which is lauded for its no-nonsense design and ease of use, and The North Face Fovero 70 backpack, which was a favorite with editors thanks to its comfort and ability to carry heavy loads with ease. Klymit's KSB 20 Down sleeping bag gets the nod as the best sleeping bag on the market currently, while Under Armour's unusual Verge Mid GTX shoes take home the honors of top hiking shoe.
Other items on the list include Outside's picks for the best road and mountain bikes, as well as the editors choice for favorite jacket, trail running shoes, fitness tracker, kayak, and much more. In short, it is a list of the very best equipment available today for just about any type of outdoor activity. Whether you like to hike, camp, paddle, cycle, run, or combination of all of the above, you'll find some great gear to help you through the summer on this list.
To get full geared up, and see what other items make the list, check out the full Gear of the Year article here.
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» Outside Presents Gear of the Year for Summer 2016