What Would Happen If The U.S. Withdraws From Syria And Iraq?:

Instructors from the American-led coalition worked with Iraqi soldiers during a live ammunition exercise last week at the Besmaya military base south of Baghdad. The emergence of Islamic State affiliates in various countries has prompted a new American approach. Credit Thaier Al-Sudani/Reuters

Anders Corr, Forbes: If U.S. Withdraws From Syria And Iraq, What Will Rebels and Regimes Do?

What would total U.S. withdrawal from Syria and Iraq look like? We would, first of all, stop funding the Baghdad government, which is oppressing Sunni civilians. We would stop funding Sunni rebels, who are allied with ISIS and al-Nusra, al-Qaeda’s franchise in Syria. We would stop arming Kurdish fighters, who are allied with Kurdish rebels in Turkey on the U.S. State Department’s terrorism list.

We would stop bombing ISIS and Al Qaeda in Iraq and Syria, because as bad as they are, it is firstly a fight we cannot win given our willingness to commit troops and treasure. Secondly, most of our allies in that fight are religious sectarians or ethnic nationalists battling each other, not long-term adherents to our democratic values. And thirdly, we have more important national security challenges, like protecting East Europe from Russia, policing Europe’s borders through NATO support, and protecting our Asian allies from China and North Korea.

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WNU Editor: Nothing would change .... the fighting would just continue.

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